Examples of the the word, shiver , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shiver ), is the 12492 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Conquer difficulties;;;;;;;; By daring to attempt them. Sloth and Folly;;;;;;;;, shiver ,and shrink at the sight of toil and danger, ;;;;;;;; And make the
  2. Of my ego will survive. I am not young and I love life. But I should scorn to, shiver ,with terror at the thought of annihilation. Happiness is nonetheless true
  3. On behalf of himself and his people. Yggdrasil, the cosmological tree, will, shiver , and all beings will be fearful. The gods and the anterior will don their war
  4. Franchise over to the league. News of his financial troubles sent a collective, shiver ,through the league in the middle of the 1984 season. With Chicago already gone
  5. History According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the expression ", shiver ,my timbers" probably first appeared in a published work by Frederick Marry at
  6. Eggs, except to occasionally bask in the sun or drink water. She will even “, shiver ,” to generate heat to incubate the eggs. Recently, it has been confirmed that
  7. provost's friendly speech. He has worked out a view of life that makes Brand, shiver , Whereas Brand mourns the loss of his wife, Einar in the end thinks her death
  8. Glamorous Martina, and Lionel Hut is supremely inept ". Shiver my timbers (or, shiver ,me timbers using the possessive me) is an exclamation in the form of a mock
  9. Will come from an explosive device sent to destroy an entire planet without a, shiver ,", a possible allusion to the Death Star. V-Tan describes seeing" masked
  10. Amounts of insulation, limited metabolic reserves, and a decreased ability to, shiver , Physiologic mechanisms for preserving core temperature include
  11. Pee shiver s, piss shiver s, or piss quiver, is a phenomenon in which one feels a, shiver ,running down the spine following urination. The shiver can produce a brief
  12. Ship. In heavy seas, ships would be lifted and pounded down so hard as to ", shiver ," the timbers, startling the sailors. Such an exclamation was meant to convey a
  13. Refers to those who shiver ed during circumcision. Guiana to shake or to, shiver , There was a very important ceremony known as India in which the old guard
  14. Inviting people to sit on them. As the temperature drops the bins start to, shiver ,and when the sun shines the bins and benches break into song, singing in tight
  15. Execution,30 January 1649,Charles dressed in two shirts so that he would not, shiver ,from the cold, in case it was said that he was shiver ing from fear. His
  16. Complain about how full he was; during a baking hot heat wave a Hakka would, shiver ,with cold and put on gloves and cover himself with a thick blanket. Similarly
  17. Fuck Canada // Fuck America (1999,LFST, split with Stunt Rock) * print (", shiver ,in eternal darkness/n" ); (2000,Isolate Records) * Making Orange Things (
  18. Examples: Danish gimme (keep, hide ),kær (dear),skint (although),NYSE (, shiver ,), kilde (source, spring ) vs Norwegian gimme,kjær, skjønt, gyse, kilde.
  19. Quotes 'Ricky' as one of the alternative slang terms for an ass. ) *rudder (, shiver ,or tremble. It is not unique to Norfolk. Appears in the OED as 'dodder '. )
  20. Production) * The low amount of musculature and the inability or reluctance to, shiver ,* A lack of thermal insulation, e. g., subcutaneous fat and fine body hair (
  21. Poor Jack, a song from 1789 by Charles Dublin. The opening phrase, shiver ,my ... also predates Jacob Faithful with the following lines from John O'Keefe
  22. Sane and Plan made an exception by acting in them. Pran's legs had begun to, shiver ,in 1997 so his character in Mrityudaata was modified accordingly to justify his
  23. Even designer Saul Bass, whose opening-credits sequence still manages to send a, shiver ,down the spine. North By Northwest currently holds a 100 %" certified fresh "
  24. Living 10 to 30 days) (Pitt away,1993). Prior to flight, most species, shiver ,their flight muscles to warm them up, and,during flight, body temperatures may
  25. Offrir (offer),over (open),suffer (suffer),tressaillir (, shiver ,), and in the imperative only, avoir (have),savior (know),and boudoir (
  26. The eager chopping to the lit pile He watched death without fear and without a, shiver , In vain, his confessor preached to him in the flame, crucifix in hand, of
  27. Experienced as a relief. Post-micturition convulsion syndrome, the feeling of a, shiver ,running down the spine following urination, occurs in most males and many
  28. The phrase seven times, as well as variations such as" shiver my sides ",", shiver ,my soul" and" shake up your timbers ". Marry at and Stevenson both wrote
  29. 1883). Silver used the phrase seven times, as well as variations such as ", shiver ,my sides "," shiver my soul" and" shake up your timbers ". Marry at and
  30. Castaneda makes the reader experience the pressure of mysterious winds and the, shiver ,of leaves at twilight, the hunter's peculiar alertness to sound and smell, the
  31. Test. All the while a recording was blaring," 'Watch the chicken! Watch him, shiver ,in Coward's Corner '! " As the audience howled, you had to go through one
  32. Cold, who then require this thermogenesis to keep warm as they are unable to, shiver , or take other actions to keep themselves warm. Attempts to simulate this
  33. So great. After a shower, feeling cold or shiver ing indicates it is enough,the, shiver ,is a sign of the autonomic responses, trying to warm the body. This is
  34. But when it came to a principle Orwell was the sort of man who would rather, shiver ,in solitude than hold his tongue. ") Apart from the betrayal of the Tourists
  35. To Pre-Code historian Thomas Doherty. " At the psychic core of the genre is the, shiver ,of sexual attraction, the threat and promise of miscegenation. " As portrayals
  36. Of artifacts being built (i.e., he is Terran). I was surprised, and felt a, shiver ,go up my spine. That moment reminded me of a biography of Lenin that I had read
  37. Incubate them until they hatch. This is achieved by causing the muscles to ", shiver ,", which raises the temperature of the body to a certain degree, and thus that
  38. man's place in the world. Even if the open windows of science at first make us, shiver ,after the cozy indoor warmth of traditional humanizing myths, in the end the
  39. For centuries in Western Europe. Cattle, goats,and horses now huddle and, shiver ,in the storm under many of the ruins of old walls where once men lived and
  40. An intensive cold air – and had the idea not to be able to do anything but to, shiver ,and to wait for the sun arising. " Holbein named the Holbein Color, a
  41. Striker writes," can tear at the heart with its claws, make the neural nets, shiver , flood us with hope, despair,longing, ecstasy,love, anger,terror. ” Steam
  42. Of our summer cottage hunting for arrowheads in the grass. Finding one made me, shiver ,with excitement. Mostly, I longed to be in the pasture, running around where
  43. Primary function is to generate body heat in animals or newborns that do not, shiver , In contrast to white adipocytes (fat cells),which contain a single lipid
  44. Children experience a greater (net) heat loss than adults because they cannot, shiver ,to maintain body heat. They rely on non- shiver ing thermogenesis. Children have
  45. Competed with imported European books. He asked," Shall real American genius, shiver ,with neglect while the public runs after this foreign trash? " Regarding the
  46. Test. All the while a recording was blaring," 'Watch the chicken! Watch him, shiver ,in Coward's Corner '! " As the audience howled, you had to go through one
  47. Act like a fool/If I swallow anything evil/Put your finger down my throat/If I, shiver , please give me a blanket/Keep me warm, let me wear your coat ". Chart
  48. Band arrived in Nyasa land on 6 July 1958 and proceeded to cause a storm and a, shiver ,among the local British settlers with his powerful speeches and demand that the
  49. Notably, although rare, it can cause hypothermia because it inhibits ability to, shiver , Sedative, allergic-toxic and anticholinergic/sympathetic side effects are
  50. One another. True, we now have fewer failures, but when they occur .... I, shiver ,at the thought. The government-sponsored institution Fannie Mae, when I look at

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