Examples of the the word, relegate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( relegate ), is the 12486 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Unskilled workers. Not only did many AFL unions exclude Black workers or, relegate ,them into separate organizations, different groups of Asian immigrants had been
- Economic imperialism, or else the League and its enforced arms reductions would, relegate ,Japan to permanent inferiority.:" Should their policy prevail, Japan,which is
- Civic religion" that would" displace preceding structures of belief and, relegate ,supernatural religion to a secondary role, or to none at all ", and that "
- Members had crossed the Polish-Romanian border on 17 September, forcing them to, relegate ,their authority to what became the Polish government-in-exile. After the
- Aircraft. In addition, countries without dedicated air defense forces often, relegate ,these duties to the air force. For example, the United States' strategic air
- Through to the legislation, with many Māori being concerned that this would, relegate ,the Treaty to a lesser position, and enable the electorate (who under the
- First four from it. *Spanish La Liga, French Ligue 1,Greek Super League: All, relegate ,the bottom three teams, with the top three teams from the second
- Action against the League being considered. It was alleged that the decision to, relegate ,four clubs was taken during the season and that this was therefore illegal.
- Fourth from bottom. But, there was still a ray of hope that the decision to, relegate ,Port to the Cyprus Alliance could be overturned, with legal action against the
- Perpetuation of the human species as being the primary function of marriage and, relegate ,this to a first stage. This first stage is followed by a second one where the
- Laymen. They sought to ban evolution as a topic for study or, at least, relegate ,it to the status of unproven theory perhaps taught alongside the biblical
- Adds that:" the connection of St. George with a dragon-slaying legend does not, relegate ,him to the region of the myth ". In 1856 Ralph Waldo Emerson published a book
- To forming one and Icelandic services perform the operations fellow NATO allies, relegate ,to their standing armies. The Coast Guard consists of three ships and four
- Promotion and Console Sapporo became the first club in J. League history to, relegate ,to J2. These two clubs and other eight clubs from JFL (former) were brought
- Part of a political polemic of the time to denigrate Israelites' opponent and, relegate ,the Mobiles to a lesser status. The kinship between the Mobiles and the
- Developed countries. Alternative fuels (like wind and solar) will eventually, relegate ,the use of fossil fuels to the Middle East and to developing countries. In
- A deep depression, worsened by conflict with other officers in the Rifles, who, relegate , him to the role of Quartermaster, and leave him in barracks when the regiment
- Movement. Seeing all issues of injustice as inevitably linked, they refused to, relegate ,themselves to elder rights, but focused also on peace, presidential elections
- 1974,1979 and 2006) and promoted to the Redivide various times, usually to, relegate ,not long afterwards. Excelsior once reached the KNVB Cup final in the season
- LTCM’s infamy was a big story in 1998,but the events of 2008 might finally, relegate ,LTCM and 1998 to footnote status. ” JM Advisors Meriwether opened his third
- The final day of the season saw Peter overcome the promotion chasers 2–1 and, relegate ,Dillingham in the process. The club suffered a tragedy on 10 August 2010,days
- Work is far less copious than in the later books. 3- Books vii through xiii, relegate ,ecclesiastical affairs to the background. In this section, after sketching the
- For the health of the biotic community of the land. And second, it tends to, relegate ,conservation necessary for healthy ecosystems to the Government and these tasks
- Recruits. Stewart was concerned that his expertise and celebrity status would, relegate ,him to instructor duties" behind the lines. " His fears were confirmed when he
- As human beings firmly established in their own rights, men continue to, relegate ,to them a status of a lower, inferior " other ". It is in this context that
- But with eight minutes to go, the Addicts' Jonathan Fortune equalized to, relegate ,the Eagles back to The Championship. Thus, West From stayed up, and changed
- Any sinister motivation, may have decided toward the end of his life, to, relegate , Hatshepsut to her expected place as the regent—which was the traditional role
- In use at Bletchley. Preference for original code poems While attempting to, relegate ,poem codes to emergency use only, he enhanced their security by promoting the
- In the miner's strike and the Liverpool council battle ... Above all they, relegate ,our successful leadership of the anti-poll tax movement which defeated Thatcher
- Not be stocked at all in a pharmacy's inventory, and that" It may be time to, relegate ,opium tincture and paregoric to the museum of outmoded opioid therapy. "
- And St. Andrew. The red satire of St Patrick is offset such that it doesn't, relegate ,the white satire of St. Andrew to a mere border for it. St. Andrew's satire
- Highest football level in the Netherlands, NAC were in a heavy struggle not to, relegate , May 31, 1973 is another highlight in NAC’s history. In the KNVB Cup’s final
- Should share certain responsibilities on a revolving-door basis rather than, relegate ,them to any particular individual. This way, no one would get stuck doing labor
- Edition. In addition to the content of the apparatus, Bowers led a movement to, relegate ,editorial matter to appendices, leaving the critically established text" in
- And party atmosphere—as through losing 2–0 to West From, they had 'helped ', relegate ,arch-rivals Southampton. Also, the defeat itself mattered little to Portsmouth
- Egyptian critics of Arab nationalism contend that it has worked to erode and/or, relegate ,native Egyptian identity by superimposing only one aspect of Egypt's culture.
- Apparatus. Modernizers such as Liu Shari and Deng Xiaoping sought to, relegate ,him to the status of figurehead. Mao wasn't ready to be a figurehead. In the
- Egyptian critics of Arab nationalism contend that it has worked to erode and/or, relegate ,native Egyptian identity by superimposing only one aspect of Egypt's culture.
- In certain colonies such as Korea, the Honorary and other symbols were used to, relegate ,the Koreans to second-class status in the empire. To the Japanese, the Honorary
- Were saved by administrators. However, the Scottish Football League decided to, relegate ,the club back to the Scottish Third Division on the 5th of August 2009 due to
- Of Bayern Munich's Oliver Khan. On 7 April 2006,Kinsman finally decided to, relegate ,Khan to the bench and designated Arsenal's Jens Lehmann as his first choice
- To ban evolution as a topic for study in the schools or, failing that, to, relegate , it to the status of unproven hypothesis perhaps taught alongside the biblical
- That remove latent moisture locked within the structure of brown coal will, relegate ,the risk of spontaneous combustion to the same level as black coal, will
- Education and of experimental methodologies suggested by Claude Bernard, relegate ,the value of the practitioners' everyday experience who was previously seen as
- And having them replaced by the Indian Division – which would invariably, relegate ,the division to defensive duties and a significant loss of prestige to the
- Levels 3 and 4,and so on. Sometimes, qualifying rounds are used to promote and, relegate , The number of teams exchanged between the divisions is normally identical.
- Pope John Paul II and the Patriarch explicitly stated their mutual" desire to, relegate ,the excommunications of the past to oblivion and to set out on the way to
- A three-year deal with the club. For the 2008/09 season, the club decided to, relegate ,the Black and Red halved kit to being their 3rd kit, and had an all Black (
- A principal who would rather classify Rocky with mental retardation and, relegate ,him to a special education school to fulfill his special needs. Rusty asks the
- Is often the exclusive right of an appeal judge. For example, a system may, relegate ,a claim of a certain amount to a judge but preserve the right to a new trial
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