Examples of the the word, rubin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rubin ), is the 12488 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. More than two-thirds of all nuclear submarines in the Russian Navy. The word ", rubin ," () means ruby in the Russian language. History Early history On January 4
  2. The book was later adapted into the feature film Sanger on den ride, rubin , ( 1970),directed by Annalise Manchu and starring Ole Soft and Whitey
  3. PSL). While the losing team of the championship final, will face a round, rubin , playoff stage, against the second-lowest ranked team of PSL and the two second
  4. As PA Liv och DOD (Rescue 911),Taken PA den road ruined (Hunt for the red, rubin , ) and OEM will BLI Milton? (Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? ). Alfred
  5. Published in English as Lasso Around The Moon) (1954) and Sanger on den ride, rubin , ( The Song of the Red Ruby) (1956) have strong autobiographical tendencies
  6. Published in English as“ Lasso Around The Moon” ) and Sanger on den ride, rubin , ( The Song of the Red Ruby). But as a result of legal intervention against the
  7. In the on-disk format. * Compression. Three algorithms are available: lib, rubin , and time. * Better performance. JFFS treated the disk as a purely circular log
  8. UWE1-1. JPG|lighthouse of station The Song of the Red Ruby (Sanger on den ride, rubin , 1956) is a Norwegian novel written by Agar Make. It's a story of the young
  9. End of May 2011,between the nine divisional winners -divided into two round, rubin , groups. The two group winners of the playoff stage, will both gain promotion
  10. Court case in 1957 where Agar Make was tried for his novel Sanger on den ride, rubin , He died in April 1996. Lee Curtis and the All-Stars were a British beat group

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