Examples of the the word, qui , in a Sentence Context
The word ( qui ), is the 12502 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Name which means in French 'cuts iron, steel,and wood' " (" c'est non Brief, qui , dist en Francois trench fer & achier et must "; note that the word for "
- Collaborations by Serge Ginsburg (" L'Apparel à sous "," JE me Donne à, qui , me plait" ), Jean-Max Riviera as writer (" La Marriage" ) and singer ("
- Act statutes to protect their public-funded programs against fraud by including, qui , tam provisions, enabling them to recover money at the state level. Many of
- Stevens, the Supreme Court also endorsed the" partial assignment" approach to, qui , tam Realtor standing (law) to sue, which had previously been articulated by
- And annotation by Diderot (1745) * Letter SUR LES avenges à l'usage de crux, qui , voient (1749) * Lenses SUR l'interpretation de la nature, essai (1751) *
- Century. Anagrams in Latin were considered witty over many centuries. " Est VIR, qui , adest ", explained below, was cited as the example in Samuel Johnson's A
- On March 2,1863, Importantly, a reward was offered in what is called the ", qui , tam " provision, which permits citizens to sue on behalf of the government and
- To convey (e.g., when Dante looks into the face of God:" all'Alta fantasia, qui , mancò fossa"—"at this high moment, ability failed my capacity to describe,"
- Caeli et terrace, : et in Issue Chris tum, Filium Pius unicum, Dominum nostrum, :, qui t, conceptus est de Spirit Sancho, natus ex Maria Virgie, : passes sub Onto
- Decline intervention. This usually, but not always, results in dismissal of the, qui , tam action, according to the U. S. Attorneys' Office of the Eastern District
- Before the founding of Ebbing:: Romania propugnacula, que habitant in ill loco, qui , dicitur (list) ... circa stadium Dousing ... crisis et captain infidelity
- Of Justice. *2) decline to intervene in one or all counts of the pending, qui , tam action. If the United States declines to intervene, the Realtor may
- Pronunciation for l'home EU'IL a VU (" the man whom he saw" ) and l'home, qui , l'a VU (" the man who saw him" ). However, for Belgian French the sentences
- It can also be noted that, in Quebec French, the second example (l'home, qui , l'a VU) is more emphasized on l'a VU. Writing system Alphabet French is
- Federal contractors) who defraud governmental programs. The law includes a ", qui , tam " provision that allows people who are not affiliated with the government
- Flesh),for the former remains, the latter perishes. ' *;" NEC audience, qui , solent dicier, Vox populi, vox DEI, quum tumultuositas Vulg temper insane
- Or transmit money or property to the Government;" # Increased protection for, qui , tam plaintiffs/relaters beyond employees, to include contractors and agents; #
- The Aeneid is a classic example of Latin hexameter:: Area virtue can, Troiae, qui , primus ab Boris (dactyl, dactyl,spindle, spondee, dactyl,spindle) As in
- Which has Bette/Etta," to put. " The Latin relative pronoun," who," ", qui ," " quad," and" what,"" quo," are inflected in Latin, while relative
- Clear how popular such poems were:: Admirer, O parties, te non Cecilius ruins:, qui , tot scripture media rustiness.: I'm astonished, wall,that you haven't
- Of Minus use Wolfgang Seyfarth's critical edition, Rerum gesture Libra, qui , supersunt (in 2 vols). Leipzig: Turner,1978. * Students often use the poor
- And civil fines of $5,000 to $10,000 per false claim; # Increased rewards for, qui , tam plaintiffs of between 15–30 percent of the funds recovered from the
- Brings a case on behalf of our lord the King, as well as for himself" ) In a, qui , tam action, the citizen filing suit is called a" Realtor ". As an exception to
- S auction in New York City on May 6,2008. L'Home Quit March I L'Home, qui , marche I, a life-sized bronze sculpture of a man, became one of the most
- Usque in Cracow et ab IPSA Cracow use ad lumen Odder recite in locum, qui , dicitur Lemur, et ab IPSA Lemur use in Terra Mile recite intro Odder et
- Ningunas personas, faulando en Algeria NIN en branch NIN en Basque: ET, qui , lo far page POR Cato XXX sol—essentially penalizing the use of Arabic, Hebrew
- Drake, the Irish mercenary serving with the French –" when the words save, qui , peut went through the great part, if not the whole army, and put all to
- Cases. These include: *1) intervene in one or more counts of the pending, qui , tam action. This intervention expresses the Government’s intention to
- At the National Portrait Gallery, London. Giacometti and his sculpture L'Home, qui , marche I appear on the current 100 Swiss Franc banknote. According to Dr.
- And world. Diderot's celebrated Letter SUR LES avenges à l'usage de crux, qui , voient (" Letter on the Blind" ) (1749),introduced him to the world as a
- Point of saying qui t five" ) — on the alert, vigilant — and" IL n'y a pas AME, qui , vive" ( literally" no soul is/lives here," soul meaning person).;:" What
- Of the recovery. Quit tam is an abbreviated form of the Latin legal phrase, qui , tam pro domino rage Guam pro see IPO in HAC part se qui tur (" he who brings a
- Homme Du mode: cultured, sophisticated man," man of the world "; Toni soil, qui , mal y sense.:" Shamed be he who thinks ill of it "; or sometimes translated as
- The elimination of the" government possession of information" bar against, qui , tam lawsuits; # The establishment of defendant liability for" deliberate
- For the expressions" SUR LE survive" ( literally" on the point of saying, qui , vive" ) — on the alert, vigilant — and" IL n'y a pas AME qui t five" (
- Pilate's question," Quid est merits? " (What is truth? ), namely," Est VIR, qui , adest" ( It is the man who is here). The origins of these are not documented.
- Agents; # Procedurally, the government's complaint will now relate back to the, qui , tam plaintiff/relator's filing; # Provided that whenever a state or local
- The Father and the Son ".: ET in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum, et vivificantem:, qui , ex Pate Clique process: (And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and giver of
- Anges (The Revolt of the Angels) (1914) Memoirs Plays * La Comedic de club, qui , épousa one lemme musette (The Man Who Married A Dumb Wife) (1908) Historical
- La five et LE few, Nous mullions Alec nos panes La Mort, qui , nous Kublai is EU Nous, la Legion. English Chorus Here you are, some
- Et SES applications (1940) *SUR LES courses algébriques et LES varieties, qui , s’en sediment (1948) *Introduction à l'étude DES varieties kählériennes (
- Plaintiff in prosecuting that count of the complaint. Fewer than 25 % of filed, qui , tam actions result in an intervention on any count by the Department of Justice
- As an exception to the general legal rule of standing, courts have held that, qui , tam relaters are" partially assigned" a portion of the government's legal
- The government declines to intervene or otherwise actively participate in a ", qui , tam " action under the False Claims Act, the United States is a" party" to
- Iron as through wood" (" EU'IL avoid Caine Escalator, la Mallory epee, qui , fust, qu'eye trench fer come must. "). This statement was likely picked up by
- In French, where one might say" Tout est days la sauce" or" C'est la sauce, qui , fait (passer) LE Poisson" ( also fig.).; marquee: the sign above a theater
- Bass. In 1996,the Sorbonne-trained Lebanese composer Karim Haddad composed Ce, qui , dort days l'ombre sacred (" He who sleeps in the sacred shadows" ) for Radio
- Affines, sicuti inhibit a prime later longum mare, fine Bronze use in locum, qui , dicitur Russo et fines Russo extended use in Cracow et ab IPSA Cracow
- Are two other options for the Department of Justice: *4) settle the pending, qui , tam action with the defendant prior to the intervention decision. This usually
- History painting which she considered her Marceau de reception—La Paid, qui , ramène l'Abundance (Peace Bringing Back Prosperity). The Academy did not
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