Examples of the the word, meter , in a Sentence Context
The word ( meter ), is the 12489 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The shuntand only a small fraction flows through the meter . This allows the, meter ,to measure large currents. Traditionally, the meter used with a shunt has a
- Diana Trilling, for example, have pointed to Ginsberg's occasional use of, meter ,(for example the anapest of" who came back to Denver and waited in vain" )
- Most of his life. Most of his very early poetry was written in formal rhyme and, meter ,like that of his father or his idol William Blake. His admiration for the
- Typically either or at full rated current, that can be easily read by a, meter , Similarly, accurate AC/DC non-contact am meter s have been constructed
- Back to Denver and waited in vain" ), Ginsberg denied any intention toward, meter ,and claimed instead that meter follows the natural poetic voice, not the other
- Style of composers Claude Debussy and Les six. This A section featured duple, meter , singsong rhythms, and diatonic melodies with the sounds of oboe, English horn
- Antistrophe or anode: These are songs that mirror the strophe/ode in, meter , length and function. **antepirrhema. This is another declaimed passage and it
- Glamorous Life "," Liaisons ", and " The Miller's Son" are in duple, meter , Counterpoint and polyphony At several points, Sondheim has multiple performers
- Symmetrically in two sections such that each half resembles the other in, meter ,and line length; the ago and para basis can be considered specific instances of
- Epirrhematic synergies: These are symmetrical scenes that mirror each other in, meter ,and number of lines. They form part of the first para basis and they often
- To a Studer A800 mini @ 30ips on BASF/Enter 900 tape at +6/250 nanowebers per, meter , Pro Tools was used solely for editing of specific tracks and was thus used
- Of the non-uniformity of the gravitational field can be ignored. " As such,the, meter ,is undefined for the purposes of measuring distances within the solar system.
- Odes'/'anodes' ) - often in symmetrical pairs where each half has the same, meter ,and number of lines as the other, used as transitions between other structural
- Music in the show is written in waltz time (3/4). Some parts adopt compound, meter , with a time signature such as 12/8. Passages in" Overture "," Glamorous Life
- A prose paraphrase from Strabo that first needed to be restored to its original, meter , a synthesis achieved by the united efforts of Otto Hoffmann, Karl Tried
- To envisage as accurate a picture as possible. Meticulously calculating every, meter ,traveled, and mapping distances to the real-world geography, he began in
- Factors. In addition, there is likely to be a zero-center analog pointer-type, meter ,for modest-accuracy voltage measurement. Stable, accurate voltage sources
- The terrestrial meter appears to change in length compared to the" planetary, meter ," on a periodic basis. The meter is defined to be a unit of proper length, but
- Toe of each foot. These single-cell fibers of the sciatic nerve may extend a, meter ,or even longer. In vertebrates, the axons of many neurons are sheathed in
- Had little power beyond the walls of Delhi. An alexandrine is a line of poetic, meter ,comprising 12 syllables. Alexandrines are common in the German literature of
- Poem in fact paraphrases verses from Hesiod, re-casting them in Asclepius, meter ,and Eolian dialect. * Hymns: Antaeus sang about the gods in the spirit of the
- In depth. ISBN 1-58648-085-5. The book points out that the poem has the same, meter ,as that of" AFLD Lang Sine "; the songs can be sung interchangeably. *Barbara
- Championships in Berlin, Germany on 20 August 2009,when he won the men's 110, meter , hurdles title. The 21-year-old timed a national record of 13.14 seconds to win
- Used for his 'secular' lyrics. There are for example fragments in 'Sapphire ', meter ,praising the Missouri, Hermes and the river Hebrew (a river significant in
- Pisa "," Primrose ", and " Evan ", as all are able to be sung in common, meter , of which the majority of their repertoire consists. A tune named" Arlington "
- The para basis proper in The Clouds (lines 518-62) is composed in euclidean, meter ,rather than in anapests and the second para basis includes a formation but it
- Set to the tune" Hephzibah" by English composer John Jenkins Husband. Common, meter ,hymns were interchangeable with a variety of tunes; more than twenty musical
- Larger currents, a resistor called a shunt is placed in parallel with the, meter , The resistances of shunts is in the integer to fractional milliohm range.
- Of President and Chancellor into Führer. *1936 – Jesse Owens wins the 100, meter , dash,defeating Ralph Metal, at the Berlin Olympics. * 1936 – A fire wipes
- Melody, was filled with unremitting dissonances, constantly changed key and, meter , and speedily ran through every compositional device. Modern usage
- Psalms. The most prevalent hymns by Watts and others were written in the common, meter ,in the first line is eight syllables and the second is six. Newton and
- Theater (Aarhus Theatre),the largest theater in the city. * Søsterhøj, a 325, meter , tall concrete tower with guyed mast on its top * Shelby Genus, the second
- Quarry pertain to individuals of almost all ages and sizes, from less than 1, meter , ( 3.3 ft) to 12 meter s (39 ft) long, and the disarticulation is an advantage
- Connected similarly in series. In either case, the current passes through the, meter ,or (mostly) through its shunt. They must not be connected to a source of
- Small fraction of a volt. They are almost a short circuit. Ordinary Weston-type, meter ,movements can measure only milliamperes at most, because the springs and
- This is another declaimed passage, and it mirrors the epirrhema in, meter , length and function. The Wasps are thought to offer the best example of a
- Who shares in all ills! " - possibly imitated by Horace in an ode in the same, meter ,(C.3.12: Miser arum est unique AMORC dare Lulu unique multi). He also wrote
- Of its permanent magnet, the instrument has good linearity and accuracy. Basic, meter ,movements can have full-scale deflection for currents from about 25
- The meter . This allows the meter to measure large currents. Traditionally,the, meter ,used with a shunt has a full-scale deflection (FSD) of, so shunts are
- Second, and the speed of light is constant for all observers, the terrestrial, meter ,appears to change in length compared to the" planetary meter " on a periodic
- Scholar Dionysus of Halicarnassus once observed that" ... if you removed the, meter ,you would find political rhetoric. " * Drinking songs: According to the
- Field is stronger, and the Earth is moving faster along its orbital path. As the, meter ,is defined in terms of the second, and the speed of light is constant for all
- Vain" ), Ginsberg denied any intention toward meter and claimed instead that, meter ,follows the natural poetic voice, not the other way around; he said, as he
- Seen from the definition, the derived SI units of angular momentum are newton, meter ,seconds (N·m·s or kg·m2s−1) or joule seconds. Because of the cross product, L
- brother's heroic exploits as a Babylonian mercenary and lyrics sung in a rare, meter ,(Sapphire Ionic in minor) in the voice of a distressed girl," Wretched me
- Pour it in up to the brim, and let one cup push the other along ... The Greek, meter ,here is relatively simple, comprising the Greater Asclepius, adroitly used to
- Change in length compared to the" planetary meter " on a periodic basis. The, meter ,is defined to be a unit of proper length, but the SI definition does not
- Current flows through the shunt, and only a small fraction flows through the, meter , This allows the meter to measure large currents. Traditionally, the meter used
- Square foot = 144 square inches, where 144 122 12 × 12. Similarly: * 1 square, meter ,10,000 square centi meter s 1,000,000 square milli meter s * 1 square mile
- BC, had started falling, and by the Akkadian period were a half- meter to a, meter ,lower than recorded previously. Even so, the flat country and weather
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