Examples of the the word, preamble , in a Sentence Context
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- That are incorporated into the Canadian constitution by reference from the, preamble ,of the Constitution Act,1867. Unlike conventions, they are legally binding.
- Of the New World. Constitution of the French Fifth Republic According to the, preamble ,of the Constitution of the French Fifth Republic (adopted on 4 October 1958
- Harm. Criticisms There are several criticisms of class action lawsuits. The, preamble ,to the Class Action Fairness Act stated that some abusive class actions harmed
- With Austria-Hungary. If the ten enumerated demands and demands in the, preamble ,were not agreed to within 48 hours, Austria-Hungary would recall its ambassador
- Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" *the, preamble ,to the Constitution of Kentucky, which states," We, the people of the
- Of Assembly. The City Council and the Legislative Council disappeared. The, preamble ,to the Constitution stated that:: :"Her Majesty's Government will never enter
- As President in sending the expeditionary force to Rome. Article V of the, preamble ,to the French Constitution stated that" The French republic never employs its
- Parliament. The constitution does contain a bill of rights in itself, but its, preamble ,mentions that France should follow the principles of the Declaration of the
- To the treaty, violated it, and in 2003 withdrew from it. The NPT consists of a, preamble ,and eleven articles. Although the concept of" pillars" is not expressed
- Two documents are very different. The original five-page Articles contained a, preamble , 13 articles, a conclusion, and a signatory section. The preamble states that
- And interests of present and future generations are fully safeguarded. " The, preamble ,to the declaration states that" at this point in history, the very existence
- Since 2000,Jersey's" external personality" has developed, recognised in the, preamble ,to the States of Jersey Law 2005 which refers to" an increasing need for
- Government published the draft Constitution Order, which includes the existing, preamble ,promising that there would be no transfer of sovereignty against the wishes of
- Themselves. Hamiltonian's argued that the“ general welfare” clause in the, preamble ,was a general grant of power to the federal government to benefit the general
- 217A. Indeed, these Four Freedoms were explicitly incorporated into the, preamble ,to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which reads," Whereas disregard
- Federal legislative power is vested in both the government and parliament. The, preamble ,of the constitution guarantees an Islamic inspiration in governance, a
- Statute of Autonomy submitted to popular referendum February 18, 2007. The, preamble ,of the present 2007 Statute of Autonomy says that Article 2 of the present
- To the license to clarify terminology in the Lisp context. LGPL with this, preamble ,is sometimes referred as LLGPL. In addition, Ada has a special feature, license
- Which left Bolivia a landlocked country. People's Republic of China The, preamble ,to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China states" Taiwan is part
- Kingdom, with full internal self-government under its 2006 Constitution. The, preamble ,to that Constitution repeated from the 1969 Constitution states that" Her
- Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, as well as those of the, preamble ,to the constitution of the Fourth Republic. This has been judged to imply that
- Constitution of India, which came into effect on 26 January 1950,states in its, preamble ,that India is a sovereign, socialist,secular, democratic republic. India's
- Day before the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted, U. S. Congress declared in the, preamble ,of the Expatriation Act that" the right of expatriation is a natural and
- Without prior US approval. The United States filed a formal protest because the, preamble ,of the mandates indicated to the League that they had been approved by the
- The Seven Laws of Noah were recognized by the United States Congress in the, preamble ,to the 1991 bill that established Education Day in honor of the birthday of
- In 2005. Aims and achievements The main aim of the EEC, as stated in its, preamble , was to" preserve peace and liberty and to lay the foundations of an ever
- Constitutional law. Codified constitutions normally consist of a ceremonial, preamble , which sets forth the goals of the state and the motivation for the
- Had provided enough evidence to include such a charge. Genocide in history The, preamble ,to the CPPCG states that" genocide is a crime under international law
- Any AFL club, and has been associated with North from its early VIA days. The, preamble ,of the song originates from a score of a Theatre Musical called 'Australia:
- Group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. " The, preamble ,to the CPPCG states that instances of genocide have taken place throughout
- some elements found in real-life treaties of the ancient Middle East: a, preamble , historical prologue, stipulations,deposition and reading, list of witnesses
- In the C programming language or its family. Franz Inc. published its own, preamble ,to the license to clarify terminology in the Lisp context. LGPL with this
- From capitalist or revisionist communist countries. The constitution's, preamble ,also boasted that the foundations of religious belief in Albania had been
- Gain from their use. " More important is whether the use fulfills any of the ", preamble ,purposes" also mentioned in the legislation above, as these have been
- Of Lisbon included proposals to mention Christianity or" God" or both, in the, preamble ,of the text, but the idea faced opposition and was dropped. Christians in the
- Absurdity to have bothered to write up a specific list of federal powers if the, preamble ,was to be considered a general grant power. Also, the preamble ’s words were
- 4 has been answerable to; originally the IBA, then the ITC and now Ofcom. The, preamble ,of the remit as per the Communications Act 2003 states that:" The public
- Constitution, and several articles containing the substantive provisions. The, preamble , which is omitted in some constitutions, may contain a reference to God and/or
- Letter to Serbia with ten enumerated demands and additional demands in the, preamble ,aimed at the destruction of the anti-Austrian terrorist and propaganda network
- Genome, biodiversity,cultural heritage, peace,development, and education. The, preamble ,recalls that the responsibilities of the present generations towards future
- People's Party (PP),approved a new Statute of Autonomy for Andalusia, whose, preamble , refers to the community as a" national reality" ( realized national): On
- Also, recent modifications of the Constitution has added a reference in the, preamble ,to an Environment charter that has full constitutional value, and a right for
- And interest of the other. " The revised treaty also includes in it the, preamble ," Reaffirming their respect for each other's independence, sovereignty and
- See ID. Other cases, however,may be more conducive to class treatment. The, preamble ,to the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005,passed by the United States Congress
- Contained a preamble ,13 articles, a conclusion, and a signatory section. The, preamble ,states that the signatory states" agree to certain articles of Confederation
- Of Christ),in 1968,Disciples have celebrated a sense of unity in reading the, preamble ,to the Design publicly. It is as a meaningful affirmation of faith, not binding
- Developed for offshore extraction could be adapted for deep sea mining. In its, preamble , UNCLOS defines the international seabed area—the part under ISA
- Articles of the declaration were interpretative of the general principle of the, preamble , The document was structured by Cassie to include the basic principles of
- To judicial proceedings. In some cases, an introductory clause, called a, preamble , is added attesting that the affine personally appeared before the
- On mainland Europe. The opening statement of principles contained in the, preamble ,of the party's constitution stated that" The SDP exists to create and defend
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