Examples of the the word, testosterone , in a Sentence Context
The word ( testosterone ), is the 12483 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Have a higher incidence of speech delay and dyslexia. During puberty, without, testosterone , treatment,some of them may develop gynecomastia. * Pa tau Syndrome, also called
- Androstenedione, which can undergo further conversion to produce the androgen, testosterone ,and the estrogens, including strong, estradiol,and vitriol. DHEA is also a
- Orgasm. Although the last days of the menstrual cycle are marked by a constant, testosterone ,level,women's libido may boost as a result of the thickening of the uterine
- Inhibitors, CNS stimulants and dopamine agonists, and is due to increases in, testosterone ,production (due to inhibition of prolactin) and nitric oxide synthesis.
- In women. Short-term use of opioids will usually result in a decrease in, testosterone ,with a subsequent rebound post-cessation. However, chronic use is much more
- Of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG binds to sex hormones, including, testosterone , rendering them unavailable. Research is showing that even after ending a
- Day with the highest testosterone levels. In the week following ovulation,the, testosterone ,level is the lowest and as a result women will experience less interest in
- Levels have a direct impact on a woman's interested in sex. According to her, testosterone ,levels rise gradually from about the 24th day of a woman's menstrual cycle
- Is associated with an increased risk of the development of alcoholism, A high, testosterone ,concentration during pregnancy may be a risk factor for later development of
- D and prednisolone. This results in major hormone depletion, including DHEA and, testosterone , that can result in death and also lowers the body's resistance to viral
- Psychological, and social components. Biologically, levels of hormones such as, testosterone ,are believed to affect sex drive; social factors, such as work and family, also
- With physical and psychological effects similar to menopause. Lowered, testosterone ,levels result in mood swings and a decline in sperm count and speed of
- And aldosterone, as well as the sex hormones progesterone, estrogens,and, testosterone , and their derivatives. Some research indicates cholesterol may act as an
- 65 years of age, and found that the men experienced significant increases in, testosterone ,and camp (Cyclic guano sine monophosphate),and significant decreases in
- Sex increase consistently. The 13th day is generally the day with the highest, testosterone ,levels. In the week following ovulation, the testosterone level is the lowest
- Of the masculinization of the brain is fairly well understood. Estradiol and, testosterone , which is catalyzed by the enzyme 5α-reductase into dihydro testosterone , act
- Of penis),and subsequently penile erection. Additionally, adequate levels of, testosterone ,(produced by the testes) and an intact pituitary gland are required for the
- Hair),(see types of hair and vellum hair),as well as a much larger role of, testosterone ,in men. Sexual selection is the only theory thus far that explains the sexual
- To his lymph nodes. Milken started hormone therapy to shut down production of, testosterone , Hormone therapy cut his PSA over the course of several months to zero. He also
- Home run record provoked a backlash over steroids, which increase a person's, testosterone ,level and subsequently enable that person to body build with much more ease.
- Size, increase the rate of fat loss, improve joint health, increase natural, testosterone ,production, enhance training performance and prevent potential nutrient
- Levels during the menstrual cycle. According to Gabrielle Fisherman, testosterone ,levels have a direct impact on a woman's interested in sex. According to her
- Had no (statistically significant) effect on lean body mass, strength,or, testosterone ,levels. Infertility and reproduction Since 2000,DHEA supplementation has been
- To aromatize into estrogen - strong from androstenedione, and estradiol from, testosterone , As such, it is possible that supplementation with DHEA could increase estrogen
- Hydrocodone, along with most other opioids, may also severely decrease, testosterone ,levels in men and may cause menstrual irregularities in women. Short-term use
- Gynecomastia, acne,male pattern baldness and a decline in the body's own, testosterone ,production, which can cause testicular atrophy. Other performance enhancing
- Treatment should first consist of opioid rotation. If that does not work, then, testosterone , replacement should commence. Recreational use Hydrocodone presents much of the
- In women in the first decade after the menopause. In hypogonadal men, testosterone ,has been shown to give improvement in bone quantity and quality, but,as of
- The level of immunological response. Similarly, some male androgens, like, testosterone , seem to suppress the stress response to infection; but other androgens like
- Particular hormones including cortisol, corticosterone, androgens such as, testosterone , and aldosterone. Under normal unstressed conditions, the human adrenal glands
- Science. " Because DHEA must first be converted to androstenedione and then to, testosterone ,in men, it has two chances to aromatize into estrogen - strong from
- Are started and mediated by different hormones. Depending on the sex either, testosterone ,or 17-β-oestradiol,act on male and female bodies accordingly, start acting at
- People, because it is thought to contain aldosterone, a metabolic product of, testosterone , However, this is a misunderstanding of aldosterone. Beaten in the seeds
- In sex and vaginal dryness which makes intercourse painful. Also, the levels of, testosterone ,increase at menopause and this is why some women may experience a contrary
- Of testes could replace their function in castrated animals. Pure, crystalline, testosterone , was isolated in 1938. Although most of the relevant tissues and endocrine
- In women in the first decade after the menopause.: In hypogonadal men, testosterone ,has been shown to give improvement in bone quantity and quality, but,as of
- 2008,there are no studies of the effects on fractures or in men with a normal, testosterone ,level. Tamoxifen has the added advantage of reducing the risk of invasive
- Opioids for chronic pain relief,90 % of the subjects had hypogonadal levels of, testosterone , This may occur due to both negative feedback at both the
- The estrogen family whereas the C19 steroids comprise the androgens such as, testosterone ,and aldosterone. The C21 subclass includes the progestins as well as the
- Before ovulation. This cycle has been associated with changes in a woman's, testosterone ,levels during the menstrual cycle. According to Gabrielle Fisherman
- Was made illegal in Italy in 1870. As the castrato's body grew, his lack of, testosterone ,meant that his epiphyses (bone-joints) did not harden in the normal manner.
- Libido include: endocrine issues such as hypothyroidism, levels of available, testosterone ,in the bloodstream of both women and men, the effect of certain prescription
- That supplementation with DHEA could increase estrogen levels more than, testosterone ,levels in men. Adverse effects As a hormone precursor, there has been a
- Involved in inflammation and immunity; the steroid hormones such as estrogen, testosterone ,and cortisol, which modulate a host of functions such as reproduction
- Breast development which does not occur in men due to the higher level of, testosterone , As a result,women's breasts become far more prominent than those of men.
- Derive from cholesterol and the eicosanoids. Examples of steroid hormones are, testosterone ,and cortisol. Sterol hormones such as calcitriol are a homologous system. The
- 2008,there are no studies of the effects on fractures or in men with a normal, testosterone ,level. Antiresorptive agents: Bisphosphonates are the main pharmacological
- With a rapid reduction in bone mineral density, while in men a decrease in, testosterone ,levels has a comparable (but less pronounced) effect. While osteoporosis
- Onset often coincides with puberty. By contrast, male sex hormones such as, testosterone ,seem to be immunosuppressive. Other hormones appear to regulate the immune
- Naturally occurring or deliberate exposure to higher than average levels of, testosterone ,is clitoromegaly. Recognition of existence The clitoris has been thought of as
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