Examples of the the word, rhythmical , in a Sentence Context
The word ( rhythmical ), is the 12482 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- William Butler Yeats, who called it" insincere and vulgar ... its execution a, rhythmical ,trick ". A critic for the Southern Quarterly Review wrote in July 1848 that the
- Warm color of the figures against the cool blue-green background and the, rhythmical ,succession of the dancing nudes convey the feelings of emotional liberation and
- To Szabolcsi, these 'Hungarian transpositions ', along with" some melodic, rhythmical ,and ornamental peculiarities, clearly show on the map of Eurasia the movements
- The raga is established, the ornamentation around the mode begins to become, rhythmical , gradually speeding up; this section is called the drug in vocal performances
- Its pathos and simplicity, and for the alliance of a truly Greek instinct for, rhythmical ,design and composition with the spirit of domestic tenderness and innocence
- Poem, The Sea-Bell, subtitled Frodo Creme. It is a piece of great metrical and, rhythmical ,complexity that recounts a journey to a strange land beyond the sea. Drawing on
- And specifically the poem" June" in his essay" The Poetic Principle ": The, rhythmical ,flow, here,is even voluptuous—nothing could be more melodious. The intense
- On Good Friday. So far as the difference of language allows, he reproduced the, rhythmical ,cadences of his model, but this should be qualified, as the medieval tradition
- But frequently tripped these counts with variations, in order to obtain a, rhythmical , musical effect. Several of his poems were used as lyrics in songs, so this
- Sufism; Dhikr: A devotional practice whereby the name of God is repeated in a, rhythmical ,manner; Dhikr (ذكر) or Zika (in Persian/Urdu): remembrance of God;
- The early Medieval period there was no method to notate rhythm, and thus the, rhythmical ,practice of this early music is subject to heated debate among scholars. In his
- Accompany themselves on anything from which they can extract a musical sound or, rhythmical ,effect ..." He would later reflect that," In this way, and from these
- Journeys to an ever-growing crescendo of music consisting of multi-layered, rhythmical ,passages. This is particularly evident in the Transfers first track" A Few
- The monophonic Byzantine chant; a melodic treasury of inestimable value for its, rhythmical ,variety and expressive power. Along with the Byzantine chant, the Greek people
- Rhythm; and" scelovací" ( summing) – a long value comprising the length of a, rhythmical ,unit. Janacek used the combination of their mutual action widely in his own
- French and their slaves fleeing to Oriented. The cigarillo, an important, rhythmical ,pattern, made its first appearance at this time. The dance style of the
- Short e in adjectival endings, which is derived from long é shortened by the ", rhythmical ,rule" ( see below),does not" soften" preceding n, d,t, l (for example
- By him. * The composer William Allyn wrote a symphony in 1973 based upon the, rhythmical ,cadences of Browne's literary work Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial. * The American
- The ground on huge pilot and is accessible via a freestanding staircase. The, rhythmical ,facade comprises vertical elements that repeat outwards from the center. Like
- Secret of the Universe in 1946. Elliott stated that" because man is subject to, rhythmical ,procedure, calculations having to do with his activities can be projected far
- So that a metronome is in this respect a very limited tool. Even such highly, rhythmical ,musical forms as Samba, if performed in correct cultural style, cannot be
- In rhetoric or prosody especially a part or section of a sentence or a, rhythmical ,period of an utterance. In paleography, a colon is a clause or group of
- Progression. " I Bleed" is melodically simple, and is formed around a single, rhythmical ,repetition. Some songs are influenced by other genres of music; while "
- And if so, at what proportion. This Ar's Nova style remained the primary, rhythmical ,system until the highly syncopated works of the Ar's subtilize at the end of the
- Robertson's view:" The distinguishing feature of the Hebrew poetry ... is the, rhythmical ,balancing of parts, or parallelism of thought. " Various rhetorical forms are
- Vertigo, and not of Ménière's. Vertigo may induce nystagmus, or uncontrollable, rhythmical ,and jerky eye movements, usually in the horizontal plane, reflecting the
- Which these impulses fire controls the heart rate. The cells that create these, rhythmical ,impulses are called pacemaker cells, and they directly control the heart rate.
- Copenhagen Jazz Festival (see yearly events). The most important venue for, rhythmical ,music in Copenhagen is Vega in Vertebra district which has been chosen as "
- Lead away from the poem itself. " When describing specifics, he argued," The, rhythmical ,development of the stanza, too,though technically brilliant, evokes admiration
- Viac Jason (more strawberries). The voiced counterpart of" ch" is. # The, rhythmical ,rule: A long syllable (that is, a syllable containing á, é,í, ý,ó, ú,ŕ, ĺ
- Testing the limits of what we can do ... A lot of the songs are really, rhythmical ,- thrash, almost — but they're all also really catchy. " A flurry of
- Imitate the graceful leaping of deer; paraiyāṭṭam, a dance to the sound of, rhythmical ,drumbeats, and thīppandāṭṭam, a dance involving playing with burning wooden
- With stylistic similarities to the original Negro spirituals. Although numerous, rhythmical ,and sonic elements of Negro spirituals can be traced to African sources, Negro
- Provides the underlying beat, or shitabyoushi, while the other builds on this, rhythmical ,foundation with a unique and typically improvised musical composition (
- Production company in the UK Nonsense verse is a form of light, often, rhythmical , verse,usually for children, depicting peculiar characters in amusing and
- Exclamations, tropes and metaphors, and other mannerisms of the Silver Age. The, rhythmical ,and artistic form of the sentence is sacrificed to a passion for emphasis that
- Function of filling up, or in causing it to sound two or three commonplace, rhythmical ,formulae. The attempt to give the trumpet more chromatic freedom in its range
- Are a form of dynamic exercise consisting of a variety of simple, often, rhythmical , movements, generally using minimal equipment or apparatus. They are intended
- Known in two versions, the so-called Linz Version which is based mainly on, rhythmical ,revisions made in 1877,and the completely revised Vienna Version of 1891
- Or shaking the jingles to striking it sharply with hand. It is used for, rhythmical ,accompaniment during dances, soloist or choral singing. Ruben is often used by
- As" Anima" feature a very simple theme repeated with an array of musical and, rhythmical ,interjections. Patti releases under different names have conceptually varied
- For melody, harmony,and rhythm, of which the analysis by Lee (1985) of, rhythmical ,structure is an instance. See also Chord progression#Rewrite rules. In
- Is performed on the floor with the recipient fully clothed. It consists of, rhythmical ,and gentle leans and stretches. Champissage massage Champissage is a massage
- Art: the intense warm colors against the cool blue-green background and the, rhythmical ,succession of dancing nudes convey the feelings of emotional liberation and
- Use of verbs, expressive discontinuity of his syntax, complicated, rhythmical , patterns of his sentences, and many other secrets of his craft. Based on this
- Although fully admitting the importance of Ardennes' melodic revisions,the, rhythmical ,solution suggested in the Graduate Legal was actually found by Van Kampen (see
- Generally, the swarms are sung to end on the Samar (the first beat of the, rhythmical ,cycle),and can be sung at the same speed or double the speed of the melody
- Which were distributed everywhere through cosmos. And he kept these moving in, rhythmical ,tides so that they should remain fresh when the time came for their use in the
- Of the Absurd distinctive. Language frequently gains a certain phonetic, rhythmical , almost musical quality, opening up a wide range of often comedic playfulness.
- Sugar is not a vegetable. " These stream-of-consciousness experiments, rhythmical ,essays or" portraits ", were designed to evoke" the excitingness of pure
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