Examples of the the word, cgi , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cgi ), is the 12496 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The status of their SM by entering this URL in a web browser:, cgi , except if the network operator has changed the IP address of the unit or has
  2. Announced the release of PHP on the comp. Infosystems. Www. Authoring., cgi , Usenet discussion group on June 8,1995. ZEE Pulaski and And Gutman, two
  3. Site Marketing - Orange Table * http:// cgi -host.uni-marburg.de/~hlgl/lgr/st., cgi ,? Table outlines 10&ex dilemma Died, +Stadt&suchlemma died, +stadt&wl 0&ba
  4. Www. Tsm. Toyama. Toyama. Jp/ * http://seds.org/~spider/ngc/ngcdss., cgi ,? Obj IC! 4850&r 19:20.4&d -00:08&e J2000&h 15&w 15&f Gift none IC 4850 *
  5. Encryption algorithms * network address altering notification by email and, cgi , * watching at the desktop remotely by streaming video * a chat, allowing
  6. To handle databases on the web. It connects to the web server using the standard, cgi , interface. The engine is about 400 KB and is designed to be quick and easy
  7. External links * http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/ cgi -bin/wwwjdic., cgi ,? 1C WWDC – Main site (Monash University) = Joanne Louise (Jo) Silvan (
  8. Of Russia: photos, guide,maps * http://www.nwi.ru/id 1/city_id 3/Lang=1/city., cgi , Golden Ring travel overview * Jeffrey Taylor
  9. The imbecile citizens of Earth. * Good or Bad?: A list of dissimilar items in a, cgi , web form that allowed readers to rate them as good or bad. Votes were tabulated
  10. Better indexing by search engines. For example, a URL that ends with" /page., cgi , Cat science&topic physics" could be changed to simply" /page/science/physics
  11. Links * http://www3.isrl.uiuc.edu/~unsworth/courses/bestsellers/search., cgi ,? Title=The+Runaway+Jury Publication history and critical reactions The Vietnam
  12. HTML page as follows: action" cabin/test., cgi ," method "/IN"> get"> type" text" name "/JJ"> first"> type" text" name
  13. In Magyar Életrajzi Lexicon * http://ling.kfunigraz.ac.at/~rombase/ cgi -bin/art., cgi ,? Src=data/peers/China. En. xml Biography in Rom base The marginal revenue
  14. Development (PDF file) * http:// cgi -host.uni-marburg.de/~hlgl/atlas/id., cgi ,? Ex inhalt&page 2&current 29&id 29 Historical atlantes of Hesse (graphic display
  15. Cgi, Languagebutton pt-BR&metadatarepository SID. Inpe.
  16. Undesirable object. External links * http:// cgi .peak.org/~jeremy/retort., cgi ,? British=quit,%20ego Hoosegow in British-American slang dictionary *
  17. Despite a losing record on ice. http://www.mib.org/~lennier/hockey/leagueatt., cgi , Attendance decreased in the next three seasons, even with two consecutive
  18. Of Hessen-Marburg *http:// cgi -host.uni-marburg.de/~hlgl/atlas/magnify., cgi ,? Nr 13b&magstep 0&breite0 2753&hoehe0 2137&breite2 150&hoehe2 116&x 0&y 0 Map
  19. Text Center. *http://www3.isrl.uiuc.edu/~unsworth/courses/bestsellers/search., cgi ,? Title=Pollyanna+Grows+Up Critical reception and bibliographic information for
  20. SN Jan25 0:30 php5. Cgi donors 23810 0.0 0.2 22740 10996? SN Jan27 0:30 PHP., cgi ,43/pdf The watch command is useful for viewing changes over time, like
  21. Name" NSO" /> External links * http://www.seds.org/~spider/ngc/ngc., cgi ,? NGC+288 NGC 288 @ SEES The Loki, a mountain horse bred in Tajikistan, is used
  22. Hub of quite a few mass spamming utilities. One of the most prominent is dm., cgi , a script which bombards predefined e-mail addresses using the CGI capabilities
  23. Most of these runs are available from the http://www.doom2.net/~compet-n/index., cgi ,COMPET-N website. Online co-op and deathwatch play still continues on servers
  24. Newsflash/get_story. Ssf? /carefree/get story_SSF., cgi , F0001_BC_GirlsGoneWild&&news&newsflash-financial (AP) *U. S. officials tell
  25. Analytic Combinatorics * http://grove.ufl.edu/ cgi -bin/ cgi wrap/~fgarvan/ram_csh., cgi ,The Ramanujan Journal Armand Du faux (1883 - 1941) was a Swiss aviation
  26. Is present. **SCRIPT_NAME — relative path to the program, like /cabin/script., cgi , **QUERY_STRING — the part of URL after style" background-color: #FFFFCC
  27. 30uv1441. External links and references * http://www.doom2.net/~compet-n/index., cgi ,The COMPETE database * http://www.doomworld.com/publicdang/ Public D. A. N. G
  28. Various IP and Server info notification options (e.g. email, icq, cgi , etc.) * Other miscellaneous options (e.g. automatic server file deletion
  29. Vulnerability scanners: *CGI Scanner (usually restricted to banner checking;, cgi , scanners can find vulnerable scripts but usually don't exploit them) Network
  30. Winner in Mensa Mind Games 2006 http://www.ofb.net/~whuang/gp/mmg2006/index., cgi ,? Game ENSIAME size= Review So far Pentagon has won 8 major awards, lastly
  31. Major too. External links *http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~kiltie/index., cgi ,Official Homepage Chaudhary Charon Singh (Chaudhary Carey Sing; 23 December
  32. HTML * http://plants.usda.gov/ cgi _bin/topics. cgi ? Earl=noxious., cgi , * Invasive Plants of Asia Origin Established in the US and their Natural
  33. Story_id 33097/ WWW. Nanotech-now. Com/news., cgi , Story_id 33097 Tab anus bovines, sometimes called the pale giant horse-fly, is
  34. External links *http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~sanders/graphtheory/people/random., cgi ,? Neumann+Lara, +Victor Graph Theory white pages
  35. Early adjunct to the Palace virtual worlds' system, and one of the earliest web, cgi , apps. The" Bottom" enabled Palace users to customize the automated backends
  36. And references External links *http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/~jnuger/ cgi -bin/exclaim., cgi ,EXCLAIM Website *http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Semantic.html Semantic Web
  37. External links *http://www3.isrl.uiuc.edu/~unsworth/courses/bestsellers/search., cgi ,? Title=The+Deep+End+of+the+Ocean Publication history and summary of critical
  38. At Austin *http://www3.isrl.uiuc.edu/~unsworth/courses/bestsellers/search., cgi ,? Title=Gravatar Page in a bestsellers' database about Gravatar, including a
  39. Totals to 94,903 tickets sold. http://www.mib.org/~lennier/hockey/leagueatt., cgi ,In the playoffs that year, Lewiston went 16-1 to cruise to their first
  40. R core/html_API. PHP coronet 28009 0.0 0.2 20708 11064? SN Jan25 0:30 php5., cgi , donoiz 23810 0.0 0.2 22740 10996? SN Jan27 0:30 PHP. Cgi 43/pdf The watch
  41. A web server may have a security rule stating" only execute files under the, cgi , directory (C: \input\root\cabin) ". The rule is enforced by checking
  42. In the two text fields and presses the submit button, the program test., cgi , will receive the following query string: first this+is+a+field&second
  43. Implementation, usable in both http://www.masonhq.com HTML: :Mason and, cgi , script contexts) Initial development of MCO took place between 2000 and 2003
  44. Htm * http://www.ursa.fi/~sirius/ cgi -bin/rade., cgi ,? NGC1156 Mead is an impact crater on Venus named in honor of the cultural
  45. Select paintings (c) * Q cache: EmzUjrauP70J:, cgi , Ebay.
  46. Links * http://www3.isrl.uiuc.edu/~unsworth/courses/bestsellers/search., cgi ,? Title=Cause+of+Death Publication history and critical reaction. Robert" Bob "
  47. Free web hosts are based on Linux based servers with support to PHP, mysql and, cgi , based scripts. The most commonly used control panel for these type of hosting
  48. Extensions; for instance, if CGI scripts are consistently given the extension., cgi , the web server can be configured to interpret all such files as CGI scripts.
  49. Sfgate. Com%2F%7Er%2Fsfgate%2Frss%2Ffeeds%2F49ers%2F%7E3%2F364587331%2Farticle., cgi , On August 30, 2008,Kelsey was named starting fullback over veteran Moran
  50. Program and AppleScript. This works by Smile opening a server port. A specific, cgi , included, makes a HTTP request into a p-list (Apple's associative array XML

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