Examples of the the word, tendon , in a Sentence Context
The word ( tendon ), is the 12494 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Use of corticosteroids is present in almost one-third of quinolone-associated, tendon ,rupture. The risk of adverse events is further increased if the dosage is not
- Schilling pitching on a bad ankle. Three sutures being used to stabilize the, tendon ,in Schilling's right ankle bled throughout the game, making his sock appear
- Of the body by which she held him, his heel (see Achilles heel, Achilles ', tendon ,). It is not clear if this version of events was known earlier. In another
- A very important animal for Australian Aborigines, for its meat, hide,bone and, tendon , Kangaroo hides were also sometimes used for recreation, in particular there
- Anaheim Angels in the AIDS. However, Curt Schilling suffered a torn ankle, tendon ,in Game 1 after fielding a ground ball on the subsequent throw to first. In the
- Ciprofloxacin therapy include irreversible peripheral neuropathy, spontaneous, tendon , rupture and tendon itis, acute liver failure or serious liver injury (hepatitis
- In the form of elongated fibrils, is mostly found in fibrous tissues such as, tendon , ligament and skin, and is also abundant in cornea, cartilage,bone, blood
- Boxed warnings U. S. Boxed Warning: Increased risk of developing tendon itis and, tendon ,rupture in patients of all ages taking fluoroquinolones for systemic use. This
- In the aftermath of the anthrax attacks in 2001. The adverse effects included;, tendon ,rupture, seizures,intestinal problems, tendon itis,anxiety, insomnia,muscle
- Imaged by electron microscopy. In 2006,the microfibrillar structure of adult, tendon , as described by Fraser, Miller,and Less (amongst others),was confirmed as
- Of these muscles merge to be inserted onto the calcaneus as the Achilles, tendon , Plantar is originates on the femur proximal to the lateral head of the
- Is familiar with the skeleton structure, joint location, muscle placement, tendon ,movement, and how the different parts work together during movement. This
- Appear hyperechoic (bright) when the transducer is perpendicular to the, tendon , but can appear hypoechoic (darker) when the transducer is angled obliquely.
- Fasciculations, spasticity or stiffness in the arms and legs, and overactive, tendon ,reflexes. Patients may present with symptoms as diverse as a dragging foot
- Seeking Black Box Warnings and" Dear Doctor" letters emphasizing the risk of, tendon ,rupture; the FDA responded that it had not yet been able to reach a decision on
- And others published a study examining evidence for stress fractures and, tendon ,avulsions in theropod dinosaurs and the implications for their behavior. They
- Force. In order to identify sensory loss the neurologist will test for deep, tendon ,reflexes, such as the knee-jerk, which are reduced or absent in CMT. The doctor
- Out of a possible 20 for England under Capella until his ruptured Achilles, tendon ,of March 2010 ruled him out of selection for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South
- For the next five months. Doctor Safari Drama performed surgery on Beckham's, tendon ,in Turks, Finland,on 15 March 2010. After the operation, Orava affirmed that "
- To weakness of those muscles formerly innervated by the now dead neurons. Deep, tendon ,reflexes are also affected, and are usually absent or diminished; (the ability
- Along the border of the sole, from the calcaneus to the first digit. Below its, tendon , the tendon s of the long flexors pass through the tarsal canal. It is an
- Hips, wrists,elbows, shoulders,toes, ankles,knees, jaws,and the Achilles, tendon ,area. Causes To deliberately produce the clicking sounds, many people bend
- Return to Galaxy On 11 September 2010,after recovering from his Achilles, tendon ,injury, Beckham returned to the game as a substitute in the 70th minute in the
- Safety profiles similar to those of other antimicrobial classes. Convulsions, tendon ,rupture, torsade de points and hypoglycemia. These adverse reactions are a
- Of the calcaneus and inserts into the lateral margin of the flexor digitorum, tendon , It is also known as flexor accessories. Flexor digitorum breves arise
- Milan's next game, against ChievoVerona, Beckham suffered a torn left Achilles, tendon , causing him to miss the World Cup as well as the MLS season due to the injury
- Seeking black box warnings and" Dear Doctor" letters emphasizing the risk of, tendon ,rupture; the FDA responded it had not yet been able to reach a decision on the
- Spore — sporangium ***skeleton — bone — cartilage — joint — muscle —, tendon ,— action — myosin — reflex ***circulatory system — respiration — lung — heart —
- Of the gastrocnemius and its long tendon is embedded medially into the Achilles, tendon , The triceps sure is the primary plantar flexor and its strength becomes most
- Of systemic-use fluoroquinolones add a boxed warning regarding spontaneous, tendon ,ruptures, and to develop a Medication Guide for patients. The package inserts
- For all marketed fluoroquinolones to include a warning about the possibility of, tendon ,rupture. " By August 1996,the FDA had not taken action, and the consumer
- Is unknown. Following the addition of the Black Box Warning in 2008,regarding, tendon ,damage, a significant number of product liability law firms began soliciting
- On the femur proximal to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and its long, tendon ,is embedded medially into the Achilles tendon . The triceps sure is the primary
- Material—often wood, horn and sinew—glued together and bound with animal, tendon , These composite bows, made of several layers, are much stronger and more
- Of systemic-use fluoroquinolones add a boxed warning regarding spontaneous, tendon ,ruptures, and to develop a Medication Guide for patients. The package inserts
- Liability law firms began soliciting clients who have suffered a spontaneous, tendon ,rupture following fluoroquinolone therapy. Consubstantiation is a theological
- 2009 Coaching career Due to an injury suffered to his torn left Achilles, tendon , Beckham was forced to miss the 2010 FIFA World Cup as a player. On 14 May 2010
- With fluoroquinolones than with other antibiotic drug classes include CNS and, tendon ,toxicity. The currently marketed quinolones have safety profiles similar to
- Sesamoid bones are bones embedded in tendon s. Since they act to hold the, tendon ,further away from the joint, the angle of the tendon is increased and thus the
- The spaces between the organs, including fat, muscle,bone, cartilage,and, tendon ,cells *Blood cells: the red and white blood cells, including those found in
- Or microfibrillar. The microfibrillar structure of collagen fibrils in, tendon , cornea and cartilage has been directly imaged by electron microscopy. In 2006
- For all marketed fluoroquinolones to include a warning about the possibility of, tendon ,rupture. " By August 1996,the FDA had not taken action, and the consumer
- The front feet. A related procedure is bunionectomy, which involves cutting a, tendon ,needed for cats to extend their claws. Declawing is a major surgical procedure
- As synovitis is inflammation of the synovial membrane that lines joints and, tendon ,sheaths. Joints become swollen, tender and warm, and stiffness limits their
- Legs into their feathers, especially in cold weather. Perching birds have a, tendon ,locking mechanism that helps them hold on to the perch when they are asleep.
- FDA has added two black box warnings for this drug in reference to spontaneous, tendon ,ruptures and the fact that ciprofloxacin may cause worsening of myasthenia
- Identified and described. The five most common types are: *Collagen I: skin, tendon , vascular ligature, organs,bone (main component of bone) *Collagen II:
- Ciprofloxacin, regarding peripheral neuropathy (irreversible nerve damage), tendon , damage,heart problems (prolonged QT Interval / tor sades de points)
- Material—often wood, horn and sinew—glued together and bound with animal, tendon , These composite bows could be much more powerful than wooden bows, and were
- Since they act to hold the tendon further away from the joint, the angle of the, tendon ,is increased and thus the leverage of the muscle is increased. Examples of
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