Examples of the the word, authoritarian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( authoritarian ), is the 9455 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On the circumstances, objectives and methods employed. History Disparate, authoritarian ,political leaders in various official positions assumed, formally or not
  2. That Sun Yet-sen and other left-wing members of the KMT embraced in favor of an, authoritarian ,nationalist government. Although Chiang's predecessor, Sun Yat-sen, was
  3. Ministers from the government in a coup d'état and installed a pro-Soviet, authoritarian ,state. Beginning in 1949,Bohemia ceased to be an administrative unit of
  4. Came into common use has almost invariably been firing squad. Moreover, various, authoritarian , states—for example those with fascist or communist governments—employed the
  5. Government has been variously described as communist and socialist, but also as, authoritarian , with heavy restrictions remaining in many areas, most notably on the Internet
  6. Despite these measures, Austria-Hungary remained resolutely monarchist and, authoritarian , Liberals in Austria, most of them ethnic Germans, saw their influence weaken
  7. Caused a famine in North Korea in the mid-1990s. Both countries were run by, authoritarian ,regimes that denied ordinary people the food to which they were entitled when
  8. Has led to democratization in the past, it may not do so in the future, as, authoritarian , regimes have been able to manage economic growth without making concessions to
  9. The concept of collectivism. Some anti-collectivists often argue that all, authoritarian ,and totalitarian societies are collectivist in nature. Socialists argue that
  10. Has grown exponentially and thrived since its inception, despite having an, authoritarian ,government. Augusto Pinochet's rule in Chile led to economic growth by using
  11. S last, was ended by a U. S. -led intervention, and was followed by the, authoritarian ,rule of Joaquín Beleaguer,1966–1978. Since then, the Dominican Republic has
  12. Merely an effort to normalize a Taiwanese identity repressed during years of, authoritarian ,Kuomintang rule. Democratic Progressive Party also differs from KMT on foreign
  13. And T. V. Suing, exiled themselves to the United States. Though politically, authoritarian ,and, to some extent, dominated by government-owned industries,Chiang's new
  14. Could possibly exist in reality, as,he argues, any other form presupposes an, authoritarian ,enforcement of political ideology (redistribution of private property, etc.).
  15. Unrest resulting from these losses led to the establishment of a royal, authoritarian ,dictatorship by Tsar Boris III (1918–1943). Bulgaria entered World War II in
  16. Under Ben Bella, the government had already become increasingly socialist and, authoritarian , and this trend continued throughout Boumédienne's government. However
  17. And morality, and the like. Many anarchists view capitalism as an inherently, authoritarian ,and hierarchical system and therefore reject anarcho-capitalism as a form of
  18. History The DPP has its roots in liberal opposition to Kuomintang one-party, authoritarian ,rule. It was initially known as the Gangway – or" outside-the-party" –
  19. Economic crisis. Human rights Lukashenko has described himself as having an ", authoritarian ,ruling style. " Western countries have described Belarus under Lukashenko as a
  20. Unable to get along with future Texas Governor W. Lee" Pappy" O'Daniel,the, authoritarian ,host of the Light Crust Dough boy radio show. O'Daniel had parlayed the show's
  21. Not a form of anarchism due to their understanding of capitalism as inherently, authoritarian , In particular, they argue that certain capitalist transactions are not
  22. Its dominance in the wake of the failed August 1991 coup d'état attempt led by, authoritarian ,hardliners. It emerged from the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social
  23. Military dictatorship based on the constitution of 1967/69,or several, authoritarian ,regimes in contemporary Africa. Military The Angolan Armed Forces (AAF) is
  24. States that have highly capitalistic economic systems have thrived under, authoritarian ,or oppressive political systems. Singapore, which maintains a highly open
  25. In Rio de Janeiro controlled major decisions of the army. Throughout the, authoritarian ,period, tensions often existed between the High Command and the five generals
  26. The United Republic of Cameroon. Although Ahidjo's rule was characterized as, authoritarian , he was seen as noticeably lacking in charisma in comparison to many
  27. War was about" killing your parents" the Earth Alliance becomes increasingly, authoritarian , eventually sliding into a dictatorship. The show examines the impositions on
  28. Government. Augusto Pinochet's rule in Chile led to economic growth by using, authoritarian ,means to create a safe environment for investment and capitalism. In response
  29. In the Bible: namely, that the Christian Churches should be identical with, authoritarian , episcopal institutions rather than simply indicating the worldwide community
  30. Village communities have traditionally been egalitarian and lacking in a rigid, authoritarian ,hierarchy. Although a" Big man" or" Big woman" could gain influence, that
  31. Years, falling soon after Qin Shi Huang's death, as its harsh legalist and, authoritarian ,policies led to widespread rebellion. The subsequent Han Dynasty ruled China
  32. Personal experiences with Diabetics. He described Hubbard as" absolutist and, authoritarian ,", He also recommended that auditing be done by experts only and that it was
  33. Satori noted the existence of national constitutions which are a façade for, authoritarian ,sources of power. While such documents may express respect for human rights or
  34. Winds are heavy and gusty, temperatures can get up to. Politics Algeria is an, authoritarian ,regime, according to the Democracy Index 2010. The Freedom of the Press 2009
  35. As nothing more than propaganda which has evolved over centuries to support, authoritarian ,claims---based on tradition or based on scripture---of merely human
  36. Increase native Taiwanese representation in the government and loosen the many, authoritarian ,controls of the early era of ROC control in Taiwan. Under the pretext that new
  37. Element renewal plans of Deng Xiaoping. In late 1980s,dissatisfaction with the, authoritarian ,regime and the growing inequalities caused the biggest crisis to Deng Xiaoping
  38. Painting were higher forms of art than dancing or drama. A number of more, authoritarian ,and rational strains of thought were also influential, with Legalism being a
  39. Army and the first institutionalized bureaucracy. Despite his distinctly, authoritarian ,personality, Abdur Rahman called for a loyal JIRA, an assemblage of royal
  40. Of his main findings is that liberal democracies have much less decide than, authoritarian ,regimes. He argues that there is a relation between political power and
  41. Any validity at all, but because he thought that the tone of the statement was, authoritarian , and that dismissing astrology because there was no mechanism (while "
  42. In Africa. The new constitution, adopted in 2010,further sharpened the, authoritarian ,character of the regime. In the future, there will be no presidential elections
  43. Live in poverty as subsistence farmers. Power lies firmly in the hands of the, authoritarian ,president since 1982,Paul BIA, and his Cameroon People's Democratic Movement
  44. 1960s,and South Korea during the 1970s when South Korea was run by corrupt, authoritarian ,regimes. This school of thought also brings together some unlikely political
  45. Redistribution of wealth from one set of people to another) requires an, authoritarian ,body of some sort that will impose this ideology. (Voluntarism socialism, of
  46. Well as from the international environment, to become more democratic and less, authoritarian , Its reaction was to operate a number of changes without substantially changing
  47. In the Eastern Bloc, associated with the liberalization of the Eastern Bloc's, authoritarian ,systems and the erosion of political power in the pro-Soviet governments in
  48. Within the structure of the government while others called for a less, authoritarian ,and less centralized form of socialism. During demonstrations, Deng Xiaoping's
  49. Activity. Another key difference is that command economies are strictly, authoritarian ,in nature, whereas some forms of economic planning, such as indicative planning
  50. Anarchists, particularly Mikhail Bakunin, were among the earliest critics of, authoritarian ,communism. They agree with communists that the means of production should be

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