Examples of the the word, ping , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ping ), is the 9453 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. MTU of the network). Sample ping test The following is the output of running, ping ,with the target WWW. Example. Com for five probes. # ping -c 5 WWW. Example.
  2. Detail. However, must be less than the maximum MTU of the network). Sample, ping ,test The following is the output of running ping with the target WWW. Example.
  3. To Hypermedia Seduction for Terrorist Recruiting (2007),exploiting ICMP, ping ,responses from broadcast addresses at multiple hosts sharing an Internet
  4. The time from transmission to reception (round-trip time) The usefulness of, ping ,in assisting the diagnosis, of Internet connectivity issues was impaired
  5. Randi was diagnosed with intestinal cancer in June 2009. He had a, ping ,pong ball-sized tumor removed from his intestines during laparoscopic surgery.
  6. Of PLANET, co-founder of I. P. Sharp Associates *Mike Muss - author of, ping , network tool to detect hosts N *Patrick Naught on - early Java designer, xlock
  7. For example by Internet worms such as Welch that flood the Internet with, ping ,requests in order to locate new computers to infect. Not only did the
  8. Mobil Power Compound" which was designed to increase power, check pre-ignition, ping , correct spark plug misfiring, control stalling and combat gumming up of
  9. Features Donald raising a yacht from the ocean floor by filling it with, ping ,pong balls. In December 1965 Karl Prayer, a Dane, lifted the sunken freight
  10. Client might see the initial messages up to and including the initial, ping ,(sent by the server as an anti spoofing measure),but get no response after
  11. S ping . It is an effective measurement of the player's latency, with lower, ping ,times being desirable. This style of ping typically does not use ICMP packets.
  12. Multistatically. Active sonar creates a pulse of sound, often called a ", ping ,", and then listens for reflections (echo) of the pulse. This pulse of sound
  13. In this case header of ICMP echo request, including quench value),so, ping ,utility can match it to originating query. Payload The payload of the packet is
  14. Org ( ICMP_seq 5 TTL 250 time=80.4 ms --- WWW. Example. Com, ping ,statistics --- 5 packets transmitted,5 received,0 % packet loss, time 4006ms
  15. And" Destination unreachable" messages generated in response. The related, ping ,utility is implemented using the ICMP" Echo request" and" Echo reply "
  16. Four traceroute. Bathing is a utility introduced with Windows NT that combines, ping ,and traceroute functionality. Mtr (my traceroute) is an enhanced version of
  17. Around the wreck site, filling the ship with small buoyant objects (such as, ping ,pong balls) or even pum ping brine into the seabed and freezing it so that it
  18. Is Cheung (長 long),2-2 is ban (板 board),5-6 is FM (斧 hatchet),4-6 is, ping ,(屏 partition),1-6 is that (七) (long leg seven),and 1-5 is UK (六) (
  19. The reply. In practice, most Linux systems use a unique identifier for every, ping ,process, and sequence number is an increasing number within that process.
  20. The output of running ping with the target WWW. Example. Com for five probes. #, ping ,-c 5 WWW. Example. Com PING WWW. Example. Com ( 56 (84) bytes
  21. Is the program for which he is most remembered. Due to its usefulness, ping ,has been implemented on many operating systems, initially BSD Unix
  22. Addresses at multiple hosts sharing an Internet address, and forging the, ping ,packet's return address to match a target machine's address, a single
  23. Example trying a lot of passwords to gain access to the network. * Pinging The, ping ,application can be used by potential crackers to find if an IP address is
  24. Network applications (except some diagnostic tools like, ping ,and traceroute). ICMP for Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is also known
  25. Spends processing the packet. Many software platforms provide a service called, ping ,that can be used to measure round-trip latency. Ping performs no packet
  26. At their network boundaries. This was partly due to the increasing use of, ping ,for target reconnaissance, for example by Internet worms such as Welch that
  27. To indicate availability. In various network multiplayer games, a video game, ping ,performs a similar function as the ping program for Internet traffic. The game
  28. To be received. This round-trip time is usually reported as the player's, ping , It is an effective measurement of the player's latency, with lower ping times
  29. Tools (such as Bobby, Saros or Expertise). Ping pong pair programming In, ping ,pong pair programming, the observer writes a failing unit test, the driver
  30. Ladies' coat that Henson's mother had thrown into a waste bin, and two, ping ,pong ball halves for eyes. Initially, Kermit was seen as a lizard-like creature
  31. By the host IP software, or manually using diagnostic tools such as, ping ,or traceroute.: For fragmented packets, the MF flag is cleared. For
  32. In order to locate new computers to infect. Not only did the availability of, ping ,responses leak information to an attacker, it added to the overall load on
  33. multiplayer games, a video game ping performs a similar function as the, ping ,program for Internet traffic. The game server measures the time required for a
  34. A commanding will. His earliest childhood memory involves beating his father at, ping ,pong and feeling absolutely devastated when his mother's reaction to this
  35. Timestamp of when the message was sent, as well a sequence number. This allows, ping ,to compute the round trip time in a stateless manner without needing to record
  36. Of the player's latency, with lower ping times being desirable. This style of, ping ,typically does not use ICMP packets. In mathematics, profinite groups are
  37. An ICMP message whose data is expected to be received back in an echo reply (", ping ,"). The host must respond to all echo requests with an echo reply containing
  38. A target. Active acoustic torpedoes home in on the reflection of a signal, or ", ping ,", from the torpedo or its parent vehicle; this has the disadvantage of giving
  39. The purpose of locating or testing network services or features. For example,a, ping ,may be sent using the User Data gram Protocol (UDP) to a device located behind
  40. Causing problems for routers across the Internet. However, host discovery or, ping ,scanning or ping sweep is still a part of network scanning tools liken map, as
  41. For routers across the Internet. However, host discovery or ping scanning or, ping ,sweep is still a part of network scanning tools liken map, as it may give basic
  42. Ms The utility summarizes its results after completing the, ping ,probes. The shortest round trip time was 80.393 ms, the average was 80.444 ms
  43. Were sent. In cases of no answer and no error message, most implementations of, ping ,display nothing, or periodically print notifications about timing out. Other
  44. Windows" ping . EXE" adds, by default,32 bytes of padding * The Linux ", ping ," utility adds, by default,56 bytes of padding List of permitted control
  45. And active sonars to find their prey. Active sonar relies on an audible ", ping ," to generate echoes to reveal objects around the submarine. Active systems are
  46. Print notifications about timing out. Other types of ping ing The term, ping ,is commonly used to describe the transmission of any message or signal for the
  47. And contributed to many others (including BIND). However, the thousand-line, ping , which he wrote in December 1983 while working at the Ballistic Research
  48. Or firewalls that may be blocking ICMP traffic, or high port UDP in UNIX, ping , to a site. Note that a firewall may permit ICMP packets but not permit packets
  49. Padding data follows the ICMP header (in octets): * Windows ", ping , EXE" adds, by default,32 bytes of padding * The Linux" ping " utility adds
  50. Team scores in addition to statistics for each player: name, kills,deaths, and, ping , ( in milliseconds). The scoreboard also indicates whether a player is dead

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