Examples of the the word, safeguard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( safeguard ), is the 3906 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Man and any of these seconds of his, on the basis that doing so would act as a, safeguard ,against infringing the biblical incest rules, although there was inconclusive
  2. Campbell's Chamber ". It is believed that the compartments were intended to, safeguard ,the King's Chamber from the possibility of a roof collapsing under the weight
  3. In thousands of strikebreakers to work the steel mills and Pinkerton agents to, safeguard ,them. On 6 July, the arrival of a force of 300 Pinkerton agents from New York
  4. Premier Wen Jiabao has stressed the need of reform, stating that:" Without the, safeguard ,of political reform, the fruits of economic reform would be lost and the goal
  5. A major threat to American liberties and international safety because they say, safeguard ,procedures are inadequate to prevent terrorist theft of commercial
  6. Known in English as phylacteries (from the Greek word φυλακτήριον, meaning, safeguard , or amulet),are two square leather boxes containing biblical verses, attached
  7. Lobbied the United States Congress in support of legislation designed to, safeguard ,animal rights. She also founded The Doris Day Animal League, which was merged
  8. Year—and proceeded to defeat the Huns who had been left behind by Attila to, safeguard ,their home territories. Attila, hence,faced heavy human and natural pressures
  9. For restoring him to the throne, but Heracles" asks the Spartan king to, safeguard ,the gift until his descendants might claim it. " Hall therefore proposes that
  10. Set an important precedent in terms of the apparent authority of Parliament to, safeguard ,the nation's interests and its capacity to launch legal campaigns, as it later
  11. He intended linking up with Prince Eugene in order to defeat the French and, safeguard ,Savoy from being overrun. Savoy would then serve as a gateway into France by
  12. Of those conferred by their respective constitutions, and ultimately as a, safeguard ,against dictatorship. In Thailand's constitutional monarchy, the monarch is
  13. Of Agricultural Ministers. In February 2008 the French government used the, safeguard ,clause to ban the cultivation of MON810 after Senator Jean-François Le Grand
  14. Awarded the contract to the lowest bidder. For this, and several other acts to, safeguard ,the public funds,Cleveland's reputation as an honest politician began to
  15. Hardware; measures to foster commercial intercourse with foreign nations and to, safeguard ,American business abroad; international commodity agreements; international
  16. Defining the national interest, as well as the strategies chosen both to, safeguard ,that and to achieve its policy goals. The officially stated goals of the
  17. Advice and information to defendants and their counsel. The OCD also helps to, safeguard ,the rights of the accused during the initial stages of an investigation.
  18. To save the souls of transgressors, ( 2) to protect the innocent, and (3) to, safeguard ,the purity, integrity,and good name of the church. Excommunication is
  19. Refugees. Nehru would work with Maulana Azad and other Muslim leaders to, safeguard ,and encourage Muslims to remain in India. The violence of the time deeply
  20. A number of non-governmental organizations are doing important work to, safeguard ,some of the country's most important forested areas. Foremost among This is
  21. Safety Group" The ESG is a registered Gibraltar charity which works to, safeguard ,the Environment of Gibraltar and the Bay Area, including air, land and marine
  22. To live in peace with all peoples and all governments. They are determined to, safeguard ,the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples, founded on the
  23. The founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross. The conventions, safeguard ,the human rights of individuals involved in armed conflict, and build on the
  24. In Britain, the most pressing need was for air defenses and convoy escorts to, safeguard ,the civilian population from bombing or starvation, and re-armament
  25. Trust, the Abbotsford Trust (Charity No SCO37425) was established to, safeguard ,the house for current and future generations. The trust embarked upon an
  26. The Vikings and Magyars. Isolated monastic communities were the only places to, safeguard ,and compile written knowledge accumulated previously; apart from this very few
  27. Next broadside, many safety doors were kept open that should have been shut to, safeguard ,against flash fires. Bags of cordite were also stocked and kept locally
  28. In 1972,India enacted the Wildlife Protection Act and Project Tiger to, safeguard ,crucial wilderness; the Forest Conservation Act was enacted in 1980 and
  29. System, but on the other hand favored Indian princes and landlords as a feudal, safeguard ,against popular unrest. Lastly, its modern era may have commenced with the
  30. Of a coup. Arguably, the shift to a concept of natural law ought to act as a, safeguard ,against dictatorship, an untrammeled State power and the abrogation of civil
  31. His second son Timur Shah (who was wed to the daughter of (Larger II) to, safeguard ,his interests, Durrani finally left India to return to Afghanistan. On his way
  32. Of mass provisioning. Some species do not leave after this stage, but remain to, safeguard ,their offspring. Feeding Besides being abundant and varied, beetles are able to
  33. Banner. "" The emperor constantly made use of this sign of salvation as a, safeguard ,against every adverse and hostile power, and commanded that others similar to
  34. In Origins, the Greek word Hero" is akin to" the Latin square, meaning to, safeguard , Partridge concludes," The basic sense of both Hera and hero would therefore
  35. Assist them. As Godzilla journeys to fight Megaton, Jet Jaguar programs into a, safeguard ,mode and grows to gigantic proportions to face Megaton himself until Godzilla
  36. So strong that it threatens to hamper the artistic side of his work. His, safeguard ,then is the astringent humor which enables him to see even people he dislikes
  37. Emic material and etic interpretation ”.:“ The principal theoretical tool to, safeguard ,scientific legitimate in this situation is the distinction between emic and
  38. No season ticket privileges. No shareholder may own over 200,000 shares,a, safeguard ,to ensure that no individual can assume control of the club. To run the
  39. Indicating an earned privilege from an oversight professional body acting to, safeguard ,the public interest. Overview Certifications are earned from a professional
  40. Of habeas corpus has nonetheless long been celebrated as the most efficient, safeguard ,of the liberty of the subject. The jurist Albert Venn Dicey wrote that the
  41. Process, which can become very time-consuming if there are many files to, safeguard , Files are often copied to removable media such as writable CDs or cartridge
  42. In Rome meanwhile, Domitian was placed under house arrest by Vilnius, as a, safeguard ,against future Fl avian aggression. Aftermath of the war Although the war had
  43. A whole. There have been many efforts over the years by Finnish authorities to, safeguard ,the Sami' culture and way of life and to ease their entry into modern society.
  44. And promote the development of the county, to establish regional goals and, safeguard ,the due process of law in the handling of each case. The County Administrative
  45. Bolts, nuts,hexes and camping devices are normally employed, either as a, safeguard ,or for artificial aid. * Rope access: Industrial climbing, usually abseiling
  46. And, it requires health care providers, insurance providers and employers to, safeguard ,the security and privacy of health data. *Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 (ALBA
  47. As Minister to France due to inefficiency, disruptive maneuvers, and failure to, safeguard ,the interests of his country. Monroe had long been concerned about untoward
  48. An immediate halt to cultivation and marketing of MON810 maize under the, safeguard ,clause. Currently, (2010) the only GMO food crop with approval for cultivation
  49. Guards located along the Viipuri-Tampere railway had been alerted beforehand to, safeguard ,the Russian trains of arms on 24–26 January, and a 250-strong Finnish Red unit
  50. Times, diplomatic immunity continues to provide a means, albeit imperfect, to, safeguard , diplomatic personnel from any animosity that might arise between nations. As

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