Examples of the the word, courage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( courage ), is the 3907 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the closing stages of the war Speer was one of the few men who had the, courage ,to tell Hitler that the war was lost and to take steps to prevent the senseless
  2. The dictates of al-furusiyya, a code of conduct that included values like, courage ,and generosity but also doctrine of cavalry tactics, horsemanship,archery and
  3. He said, speaking in Russian through a translator, suffered from a" decline in, courage ," and a" lack of manliness. " Few were willing to die for their ideals, he
  4. All the statistics. Room regards him as" the true embodiment of the quiet, courage ,that inspired the sanitary groups. " Grand catches the plague himself and asks
  5. With it their lost prestige and glory, this was due to the determination and, courage ,of Whom king Chakradhwaj Singh. On receiving the news of victory the king
  6. Dallas Athena/Athene (; Παλλὰς Ἀθηνᾶ; Παλλὰς Ἀθήνη),is the goddess of wisdom, courage , inspiration, civilization,warfare, strength,strategy, female arts, crafts
  7. Lands;: For loyal sons beyond the seas: We've boundless plains to share;: With, courage ,let us all combine: To advance Australia fair.: In joyful strains then let us
  8. Villeroy began to imagine," wrote St Simon," that the King doubted his, courage , and resolved to stake all at once in an effort to vindicate himself. "
  9. For those who've come across the seas: We've boundless plains to share;: With, courage ,let us all combine: To Advance Australia Fair.: In joyful strains then let us
  10. S personal leadership. During the ensuing fight, he defended the city with, courage ,and tenacity, beating back the crusader assault of 9 April. The crusaders '
  11. Battles. Trojan War In the Iliad, Ajax is notable for his abundant strength and, courage , seen particularly in two fights with Hector. In Book 7,Ajax is chosen by lot
  12. Robbins and Sarandon, saying," I think Tim and Susan's courage is the type of, courage ,that makes our democracy work ... Pulling back this invite is against the whole
  13. Breed and called" Benji" were prized by locals for their intelligence, courage , speed, and silence. However, an article published called The Intelligence of
  14. For his own good and that of the whole Church; *the strengthening, peace,and, courage ,to endure in a Christian manner the sufferings of illness or old age; *the
  15. Nature, the agrarian acquires the virtues of" honor, manliness,self-reliance, courage , moral integrity, and hospitality" and follows the example of God when
  16. Were wounded, nine brigadiers wounded, and one killed – testament to their, courage ,and their habit of leading from the front. Overall Guyot's Guard heavy cavalry
  17. Intent had been to show Balzac at the moment of conceiving a work — to express, courage , labor, and struggle. When Balzac was exhibited in 1898,the negative reaction
  18. Alive, Wallace refuses to submit to the king and beg for mercy. Awed by his, courage , the Londoners watching the execution begin to yell for mercy, and the
  19. Extreme ferocity, cruel sacrificial practices, and the strength and, courage ,of their women. Under Breton Law, which was written down in early Medieval
  20. Our rigging, in general, out of repair, and I am sure it requires no little, courage ,to undertake the management of a fleet furnished with such tools. " Nelson's
  21. To have very aggressive temperaments and killing one was seen as a great act of, courage ,in ancient cultures. Subspecies Three wild subspecies of aurochs are recognized
  22. Of Silence "," The Gate of the Kiss ", and " Endless Column" commemorate the, courage ,and sacrifice of Romanian civilians who in 1916 fought off a German invasion.
  23. Is one of the beings who empower DC Comics hero Captain Marvel, giving him, courage ,and later invulnerability. * The ghost of Achilles appears in the Percy Jackson
  24. He had often distinguished himself for his uncommon boldness and personal, courage ,". At what point during the war Teach joined the fighting is, like most of his
  25. Evidence suggests he was not physically strong, and though not lacking in, courage , he was more noted for his intellect than a warlike character. Under Æthelred
  26. The Promethean creative ability of The Strikers, but matches them in moral, courage ,and is capable of appreciating and making use of their creations. He sticks it
  27. Eventually managed. According to Plutarch, Philip,overjoyed at this display of, courage ,and ambition, kissed him tearfully, declaring:" My boy, you must find a
  28. To betray friends, to be treacherous, pitiless,irreligious. ... Still, if the, courage ,of Anetholes in entering into and extricating himself from dangers be
  29. When gallant Cook from Albion sailed, : To trace wide oceans o'er, : True British, courage ,bore him on, : Til he landed on our shore.: Then here he raised Old England's
  30. He resists Red Beard initially, Yasumoto comes to admire his wisdom and, courage , and to perceive the patients at the clinic, whom he at first despised, as
  31. In the Iliad, Homer represented Ares as having no fixed allegiances, rewarding, courage , on both sides: he promised Athena and Hera that he would fight on the side of
  32. Collaboration with Nazi occupiers he wrote:" Now the only moral value is, courage , which is useful here for judging the puppets and chatterboxes who pretend to
  33. Sons and two daughters. Hastings is a man who is capable of great bravery and, courage , facing death unflinchingly when confronted by The Big Four and possessing
  34. The other Hell's Angels that were present came away deeply impressed by the, courage ,of Ginsberg and his companion Ken Mesa. They vowed not to attack the next day
  35. They’re going to die, and it freaks them out. So most people don’t have the, courage ,to admit there’s no God, and they know it. They feel it. They try to suppress it
  36. Reports Camus would often attract positive comment for playing with passion and, courage , Any aspirations in football disappeared at age 17,upon contracting
  37. A merchant class which would supplant the warrior aristocracy. " So the, courage ,and supreme skill of the central characters will not prevent the ultimate
  38. Roman art. Neoclassic artists used classical forms to express their ideas about, courage , sacrifice, and love of country. David and Canola are examples of
  39. By the ancient Greeks to withstand superior numbers and weapons by discipline, courage , and a willingness to die for their cause: a phalanx. He had trained a core of
  40. Aldo e scorer, ahi lasso, io non disco (I burn and, alas,I do not have the, courage ,to reveal that burning which I bear hidden in my breast) Anonymous, madrigal #
  41. Divisions from the St. Romanus Gate, vastly outnumbering the crusaders. But his, courage ,failed, and the Byzantine army returned to the city without a fight. His
  42. Oceans roll between, : Her sons in fair Australia's land: Still keep their, courage ,green.: In joyful strains then let us sing: Advance Australia fair. * The 1901
  43. They could do under an extremely competent general; one of lesser ability and, courage ,could well have lost the battle. " Meade had his own detractors as well.
  44. At the Battle of Shrewsbury (1403) to amplify the perception of Richard's, courage ,on the battlefield. Similarly, the single combat between Henry and Richard is
  45. Who was seen –" … riding up and down, and inspiring his men with fresh, courage , " Anhalt-Dessau's Danish and Prussian infantry attacked a second time but
  46. Doesn’t have a strong background, nor,generally speaking, does he have the, courage ,to stand up to a serious challenge. " He also told his son Sergei that on Cuba
  47. Kevin Costner defended Robbins and Sarandon, saying," I think Tim and Susan's, courage ,is the type of courage that makes our democracy work ... Pulling back this
  48. Job. I had been warned against trying to protect myself, and against letting my, courage ,get in the way of my good sense. I forgot those warnings, and here I lie, dying
  49. And Charlotte, and seeing Charlotte's distress, whispered to her to" take, courage ,". Conscious and calm, Anne died at about two o'clock in the afternoon, Monday
  50. In the UK that he was drawn to Bixby's story because it was one of tremendous, courage ,and determination against the odds. Many magazines in the UK including Total

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