Examples of the the word, excite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( excite ), is the 3908 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ambiguous phrases, obsolete words and indelicate expressions ..., excite ,the derision of the scorner ". Blayney's 1769 version, with its revised
  2. Microscopy and neutron/gamma ray tomography. A major use of neutrons is to, excite ,delayed and prompt gamma rays from elements in materials. This forms the basis
  3. Of light best fit the term" red" ( the same wavelengths that primarily, excite ,the cone cells which detect red, and the red/green channel to the brain). Yet
  4. Distribute" threatening, abusive,or insulting ... matter or words likely to, excite ,hostility against or bring into contempt any group of persons ... on the ground
  5. Athletics and strategy, the goal of each match from a business standpoint is to, excite ,and entertain the audience. Although the competition is staged, dramatic
  6. Were simply updated versions of Atari 2600 titles, which in turn failed to, excite ,consumers. Likewise, the 5200's non-centering analog controllers received much
  7. As his object, to give the charm of novelty to things of every day, and to, excite ,a feeling analogous to the supernatural, by awakening the mind's attention
  8. Of this plasma with the electrodes generates ultraviolet photons, which then, excite ,the phosphor coating on the front of the display. Xenon is used as a" starter
  9. Here. Even Schliemann's first excavations at Hissarlik in the Road did not, excite ,surprise. But the" Burnt City" of his second stratum, revealed in 1873,with
  10. Gives Dania his blood-soaked tunic before he dies, telling her it will ", excite ,the love of her husband ". Several years later, rumor tells Dania that she
  11. Trap electrons, although they can't make electrons flow. Add sunlight to, excite ,the polymers, and the buckyballs will grab the electrons. Nanotubes, behaving
  12. Not wear high-heeled shoes as no man should hear a woman’s footsteps lest it, excite ,him. * Women must not speak loudly in public as no stranger should hear a woman
  13. In the last years of his life, especially by Jews who would stir the crowd and, excite ,them when Paul was preaching. He was beaten more than once, and put in prison.
  14. And recombination When ionizing radiation strikes a semiconductor, it may, excite ,an electron out of its energy level and consequently leave a hole. This process
  15. And the sight of that renowned composer so electrified the audience, as to, excite ,an attention and a pleasure superior to any that had ever been caused by
  16. Power source, one or more high voltage capacitor (s),and a spark gap to, excite ,a multiple-layer primary inductor with periodic bursts of high frequency
  17. The census so that the wealth of the upper classes might be exposed in order to, excite ,popular envy. When Series Julius arrived at the senate-house to defend his
  18. Wavelengths of light, ranging from the ultraviolet to the visible are used to, excite ,fluorescence emission from objects for viewing by eye or with sensitive cameras
  19. From classic 2-coil Tesla coils. A Magnifier uses a 2-coil 'driver' to, excite ,the base of a third coil ('resonator' ) that is located some distance from
  20. But his passion for words had already begun. He wrote later:" words so, excite ,me that a pornographic story, for example, excite s me sexually more than a
  21. Energy available to an electron in such a crystal. Heating a semiconductor can, excite ,electrons into conduction states, but it is more practical to increase
  22. As neuronal each, glutamate,or 5-HT3 receptors. Some general anesthetics also, excite ,inhibitory receptors, notably GA BAA receptors and TREK. GA BAA is a major target
  23. Marked P in the diagram on the right. If we continue pumping the atoms, we will, excite ,an appreciable number of them into level 3,such that N3 > 0. In a medium
  24. Enough momentum to set the ripple in motion. Therefore, plasmons are hard to, excite ,on a bulk metal. This is why gold and copper still look like lustrous metals
  25. Energy near-IR, approximately 14000–4000 cm−1 (0.8–2.5 km wavelength) can, excite ,overtone or harmonic vibrations. The mid-infrared, approximately 4000–400 cm−1
  26. Own genital organ and emit their semen seriously imperil their souls, for they, excite ,themselves to distraction; they appear to Me as impure animals devouring their
  27. Woodford died shortly after the Order was founded). The documents did not, excite ,Woodford and in February 1886 he passed them on to Freemason William Wynn
  28. Thinking about what else is going on in there. And a lot of times, the words, excite ,me as shapes, and something'll grow out of that. I used to cut these little
  29. Input of the passions, Hume argued that reason cannot be behind morality Morals, excite ,passions, and produce or prevent actions. Reason itself is utterly impotent in
  30. Of Quranic cautions against drinking::" Satan (Satan) wants only to, excite ,enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and
  31. flashlamps, which are used in photographic flashes and stroboscopic lamps; to, excite ,the active medium in lasers which then generate coherent light; and
  32. Or behavioral codes (of the adept's choosing) that will be least likely to, excite ,the mind. Pratyahara is the stilling of the thoughts so that the mind becomes
  33. Continually quotes Shakespearean passages to both further her narrative and, excite ,reader recognition and response. In The Italian, Radcliffe uses Shakespeare to
  34. High speeds) quickly drops off because the constant, equal partition can, excite ,successively fewer atoms. Low speed modes would ostensibly dominate the
  35. Might be more accurate to see it as a fortuitous event in allowing the Pope to, excite ,popular opinion and to renew his pleas for intervention in the south. The
  36. Frac\left (E_3 - E_1\right),the process of optical absorption will, excite ,the atoms from the ground state to level 3. This process is called pumping and
  37. Scattering are called fast neutron detectors. Recoiling nuclei can ionize and, excite ,further atoms through collisions. Charge and/or scintillation light produced in
  38. Is thinner (vibrating in more modes),faster (providing more energy to, excite ,the air's resonance),and aimed across the hole less deeply (permitting a
  39. But also is excite d about its harmonics. Certain methods can be used to, excite ,the Tesla coil receiver with limitations that result in great disadvantages for
  40. Of an electrical and a magnetic field. The electrical field is usually able to, excite ,an elastic response from the electrons involved in the metallic bonding. The
  41. It fell dead-born from the press, without reaching such distinction as even to, excite ,a murmur among the zealots" and so was not completed. * An Abstract of a Book
  42. Old mountainous Cambria, the Eden of bards, Each hill and each valley, excite ,my regards; To the ears of her patriots how charming still seems
  43. In an ambulance car driving 35 m/s (126 km/h),waves with up to 350 m will, excite ,motion sickness. * Roundabout UK a road junction where typically three or more
  44. Of ground conduction and the various induction methods can also be used to, excite ,the Tesla coil receiver, but are again at a disadvantage for utilization. The
  45. About the product. This form of documentation has three purposes: - #To, excite ,the potential user about the product and instill in them a desire for becoming
  46. At well-defined frequencies that are correlated with the energies required to, excite ,electrons in various elements from one level to another. The Doppler effect is
  47. The census so that the wealth of the upper classes might be exposed in order to, excite ,popular envy. Early in his reign Tarquin called a meeting of the Latin leaders
  48. That project to motor neurons controlling the arm muscles. The interneurons, excite ,the motor neurons, and if the excitation is strong enough,some motor
  49. Remained as a well known force, but they had seemingly lost the ability to, excite ,the music world in the way they had throughout the earlier, and mid-1990s. Many
  50. Smelling Vegetables' ) or WU in (五辛 or 'Five Spices' ) as they tend to, excite ,senses. This is based on teachings found in the Brahamajala Supra, the

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