Examples of the the word, rude , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rude ), is the 7942 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 16th century English) writers thought of satire as related to the notoriously, rude , coarse and sharp satyr play. Elizabethan" satire" ( typically in pamphlet
  2. Theorized that the labor theory of value holds true only in the" early and, rude ,state of society" but not in a modern economy where owners of capital are
  3. The previously exclusively western ranks of colonial powers. The defeat was a, rude ,awakening to the Qing court especially when set in the context that it occurred
  4. All other rules apply as usual. Playing bank-the-eight may be considered, rude ,if there is a long line of players waiting to use the table. A
  5. Conceptual break that founded the Philosophical Investigations, by means of a, rude ,gesture on Sraffa's part:" Wittgenstein was insisting that a proposition and
  6. N't for the guests. " He later described Sinclair as" the most wonderfully, rude ,man I have ever met," although Sinclair's widow has said her husband was
  7. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not, rude , it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs
  8. Darcy, is jealous of his growing attachment to Elizabeth, and is disdainful and, rude ,to her. *George Wickham has been acquainted with Mr Darcy since childhood
  9. Time; but they were supposed only to speak to the Homeric, or,at farthest,a, rude ,Heroic beginning of purely Hellenic civilization. It was not until Schliemann
  10. Out by means of counting rods, and " the written character is evidently a, rude ,presentation of these ". After introduced the rod numerals, he said" Having
  11. Skinheads were greatly influenced by West Indian (specifically Jamaican), rude , boys and British mods, in terms of fashion, music and lifestyle. Originally
  12. His steel-shod staff, Has heard that cheery voice, that ringing laugh, From the, rude ,cabin whose nomadic walls Creep with the moving glacier as it crawls! How does
  13. He ordered the bean ball, even without a warning. Often, if a player is acting, rude ,or unsportsmanlike, or having an perfect day, the pitcher may
  14. The motion being suspended the pieces were united by regulation. This was, in a, rude ,form, an elementary version of an analogous experiment later exhibited by Davy
  15. Oo’ and with u, u-e,UI, ue, o,OE, o-e,o-b, ou, ough and EW (food, truth, rude , fruit, blue,to, shoe,move, tomb,group, through,flew),but 10 of the 11
  16. Schumacher during two weeks after the director told him to stop behaving in a, rude ,way. Schumacher also mentioned Tommy Lee Jones as source of trouble:" Jim
  17. Sympathized with Marina, while merely tolerating Oswald who they regarded as, rude ,and arrogant. Although the Russian émigrés eventually abandoned Marina when she
  18. With this natural gift developed by degrees their special aptitudes, till their, rude ,improvisations gave birth to Poetry. " -Aristotle # Experience of the
  19. Originally simply the feminine counterpart of be, but today perceived as, rude ,and derisive (compare the similar evolution of the vocative forms of feminine
  20. In her late twenties. The film's open portrayal of sexuality and frequent, rude ,humor, as well as the politically and socially relevant asides, made the film
  21. About the amounts given for charity is considered anywhere from extremely, rude ,to sinful. Holy Communion The Eucharist is at the center of Orthodox
  22. The latter almost to the base of San gay. The Corona has been the scene of many, rude ,explorations, with the hope of finding it serviceable as a commercial route
  23. Sent him. That a low-ranking priest was used as envoy was due to the duke's, rude ,manners: the previous envoy, the bishop of Parma, had quit because the duke had
  24. In English. The particles are strictly informal and can even be considered, rude ,by some people and in some situations. They are mostly used at the end of
  25. Non-Aryans for their strange traditions. The black color complexion, ugly look, rude ,behavior of Non Aryans, and their understandable language made Aryans to
  26. And of the potential vocative forms of foreign names has come to be considered, rude ,or rustic. Thus, Иване means 'hey, Ivan ', while the corresponding feminine
  27. Appearances (having been described by reviewer Warren Ether edge as,", rude , condescending and intolerable" ), as well as with people who have met him
  28. Social behaviors that are socially constructed or interpreted as insulting, rude , vulgar, desecrating,or other forms. The original meaning of the adjective
  29. Retaining many mod influences, early skinheads were very interested in Jamaican, rude ,boy styles and culture, especially the music: ska, rocksteady, and early reggae
  30. Who did not take offense at hearing jokes about himself," no matter how, rude ," taking them as a sign of his popularity. Germans joked about his ego, saying
  31. Is generally looked down upon by Internet communities as it is considered, rude ,and non-productive. Email bankruptcy Also known as" email fatigue ", email
  32. You're too old. Nobody told me you were so old. I really don't want to be, rude ,but – there it is. You're too old. I'm really very sorry. " Notably, during
  33. there's probably a better way. " 5. WEI n. A feature that is implemented in a, rude ,manner. When Purgatory enlists into the Navy, he gives" kluge maker" as his
  34. Bum" as more polite than" butt ", which before the 1980s was often considered, rude , Similarly, the word pissed can refer either to being drunk (as in Britain)
  35. Owner, Donald Sinclair, whom Cheese later described as" the most marvelously, rude ,man I've ever met. " This behavior included Sinclair throwing a timetable at
  36. Limiter, Kriminel),and Mayan Brigitte. The Ghee as a family are loud, rude ,(although rarely to the point of real insult),sexual, and usually a lot of
  37. On edge if they are tossed with a gentle frisbee-like spin. It is considered, rude ,to" late bet," or make wagers while the dice are no longer in the middle of
  38. He became afraid of it, and it made him gain a new attitude in life, even, rude , at some times. Nobody seemed to realize it at the time, but evidently this was
  39. Final falling out between the two when Paterson made comments that Rand saw as, rude ,to valued political allies. In 1947,during the Second Red Scare, Rand
  40. Of I can't be asked (to do that thing),which sounds either defiantly, rude ,or nonsensical. Old BRE often uses the exclamation" No fear! " Where current
  41. Creative, imaginative,energetic, curious,intelligent, hypocritical,selfish, rude , and ill-tempered six-year-old, whose last name is never mentioned in the strip
  42. In the Middle East, parts of Africa, Korea and Thailand, it is considered, rude ,to show the soles of the feet to others (even accidentally, such as by
  43. To lend out the animal to that particular man, however. So, not to seem, rude , he answered::" I'm sorry, but I've already lent him to somebody else. ":
  44. 1979 was produced by Douglas Argent and directed by Bob Spears. Inspired by the, rude ,behavior of the proprietor of a hotel in the seaside town of Tor quay, on the "
  45. Singular) and Japanese Anita (貴方, あなた ) / anti (あんた) (you, informal or, rude ,) and Malay" and" ( you) * Arabic Sharif (and its Portuguese descendant "
  46. Women are not expected to initiate eye contact which would be considered, rude ,and disrespectful. The distance between two people is also important when
  47. Елено ('hey, Elena '),Маргарито ('hey, Margarita ') are today seen as, rude ,*The masculine interrogative pronoun кой, ( 'who' ) and all of its derivatives
  48. Have rued the same ". Elizabeth advised her commanders that the Irish," that, rude ,and barbarous nation ", be well treated; but she showed no remorse when force
  49. By their style but his social relations with them were inept—he seemed, rude , shy, angry,and given to depression. His works of this period are
  50. Jazz-like horn riffs. In addition to being massively popular with the Jamaican, rude ,boy subculture, it had gained a large following among Mods in Britain by 1964.

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