Examples of the the word, dismantle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dismantle ), is the 7943 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Remain into force until at least 2021 Only one country has been known to ever, dismantle ,their nuclear arsenal completely—the apartheid government of South Africa
  2. Permit offensive weapons to be delivered to Cuba and demanded that the Soviets, dismantle ,the missile bases already under construction or completed in Cuba and remove
  3. Minister Moshe Ya'along offered his view of Peace Now when asked about plans to, dismantle ,the BNEI Adam outpost. " We again are dealing with the issue of the virus
  4. And agreement never to invade Cuba. Secretly, the US agreed that it would, dismantle ,all US-built Thor and Jupiter ICBMs deployed in Europe and Turkey. Only two
  5. Use magenta in their marketing. Finland TeliaSonera has declared that it will, dismantle ,a part of its countryside land-line networks in sparsely-populated areas.
  6. Recommends that Colombo expand market mechanisms in nonplantation agriculture, dismantle ,the government's monopoly on wheat imports, and promote more competition in
  7. Bomber pilot. The Washington Post reported that General Schwartz has begun to, dismantle ,the rigid class system of the USAF. Daniel L. Mag ruder, Jr defines USAF culture
  8. A public and secret agreement with Khrushchev. Publicly, the Soviets would, dismantle ,their offensive weapons in Cuba and return them to the Soviet Union, subject to
  9. Plutonium, Taipei agreed in September 1976 under U. S. pressure to, dismantle ,its nuclear weapons program. Though the nuclear reactor was soon shut down and
  10. 1648 not as the result of warfare, but because of an order from Parliament to, dismantle ,all Royalist castles. Indeed, many town center buildings are built of 'castle
  11. Flat packed so more can be shipped at once, and that products should be easy to, dismantle ,and recycle. Raw materials are used, and since wood and cotton are two of the
  12. States: Ohio and South Carolina. In 1909,descendants of Columbus undertook to, dismantle ,the Columbus family chapel in Spain and move it to Hapsburg near State College
  13. Borges supported efforts to purge Argentina's Government of Persists and, dismantle ,the former President's welfare state. He was enraged that the Communist Party
  14. Catalog. Balkan, consistent with his other decisions to sell off rights and, dismantle ,Paramount's library, was of the opinion that there was no future economic
  15. Of its status as an imperial capital, yet Augustus and Agrippa set out to, dismantle ,this sentiment by transforming the appearance of Rome upon the classical Greek
  16. The Agreed Framework, under which North Korea agreed to freeze and ultimately, dismantle ,its current nuclear program and comply with its nonproliferation obligations in
  17. Or both. Gustave Courbet's attempt, during the 1871 Paris Commune, to, dismantle , the Genome column, a symbol of the past Napoleon III authoritarian Empire, was
  18. Few urgent problems. Though he and his supporters initially wanted to, dismantle ,several of the accomplishments of his two predecessors, notably the national
  19. Bolsheviks problems well into the 1920s. The Communist Party did not completely, dismantle ,this group until 1934. 1921–1923 After the defeat of Wrangell, the Red Army
  20. Materials that might be used in nuclear or chemical weapons as well as to, dismantle ,weapons of mass destruction and their associated infrastructure in Russia.
  21. Get around. In 1968 the Communist government started to implement a policy to, dismantle ,the narrow-gauge network in favor of road traffic. Freight haulage on the few
  22. Adaptable. In the face of early crushing defeats, the Soviets managed to, dismantle ,entire industries threatened by the German advance. These critical factories
  23. And Citizen Army shot dead civilians who were trying to attack them or, dismantle ,their barricades. Elsewhere, they hit civilians with their rifle butts to drive
  24. First phase, Palestinians must end all attacks on Israel, whereas Israel must, dismantle ,outposts. Since neither condition has been met since the Road Map was "
  25. Doctor's tenure, it functioned much as its name implied—using sonic waves to, dismantle ,equipment or to bypass locks. In addition, it was used as a welding torch in
  26. And re-solidify tarmac. In Peacemaker, it is used to stop bullets and to, dismantle ,guns. Big Finish audio dramas *In the Big Finish audio drama Pier Pressure
  27. National law enforcement agencies. Networks also make it more difficult to, dismantle ,a criminal operation, given that there is less emphasis on rigid, central
  28. S appropriation of the risks of climate change to promote nuclear power and, dismantle ,the coal industry ... but also by environmental organizations and political
  29. In 1986,the Government of Tanzania embarked on an adjustment program to, dismantle ,socialist economic controls and encourage more active participation of the
  30. Jews. At the same time, the Palestinian diaspora resulted from the war to, dismantle ,Israel in 1948,in which 750,000 people were displaced or emigrated from their
  31. Then a precedent would be created, and inevitably the Germans would proceed to, dismantle ,the rest of the Versailles treaty. Finally, Poincaré argued that once the
  32. Courbet declares that the government of National Defense should allow him to, dismantle ,this column. ") Hence, painter Courbet justified the dismantle ment of the
  33. Some market-like reforms. The intention of perestroika, however,was not to, dismantle ,socialism but rather to make socialism work more efficiently to better meet the
  34. Party. If both Pompey and Crass us were elected consul in 70 BC, they would, dismantle ,the more obnoxious components of Sulla's constitution. The two were soon
  35. As outlined by the FCC in the United States, and as a result would not begin to, dismantle ,their AMPS networks until after February 2008. OnStar relied heavily on North
  36. Linker combined with Peter Beardsley, who also scored—to effortlessly, dismantle ,the South American team's defense. In 1988,Linker played in the Euro 1988
  37. By the Beyond government. Leaders of the PDP feared that Beyond was planning to, dismantle ,them because many were being arrested. Hafiz ullah Amino along with other PDP
  38. In the Stonewall Inn was broken. Inspector Pine had intended to close and, dismantle ,the Stonewall Inn that night. Pay phones, toilets,mirrors, jukeboxes,and
  39. Louise Marcus (Virginia Madsen),who had led a group of terrorists who try to, dismantle ,the Shield. This film offers an alternative origin for the Immortals, who are
  40. Did not exceed the European average. The types and amounts of industry to, dismantle ,to achieve this was to be determined later (see The industrial plans for
  41. At the Battle of Austerlitz. After which, the victorious Napoleon proceeded to, dismantle ,the old Reich by severing a good portion from the empire and turning it into a
  42. Its known view that until it is supplied with a light water reactor it will not, dismantle ,its nuclear arsenal or rejoin the NPT. On October 2,2006,the North Korean
  43. Beard, to construct the gate for the clinic set, Kurosawa had his assistants, dismantle ,rotten wood from old sets and then create the prop from scratch with this old
  44. Weapons. U. S. officials have also pointed out the ongoing U. S. work to, dismantle ,nuclear warheads. When current accelerated dismantle ment efforts ordered by
  45. Basic liberty of conscience, it failed to produce an alternative for tithes or, dismantle ,other aspects of the existing religious settlement. In frustration, in April
  46. Was in charge of demobilization, although he opposed plans to completely, dismantle ,the Navy. In July 1920,overshadowed by the Newport sex scandal and its
  47. Foreign military bases and intelligence installations from New Zealand, and to, dismantle ,the Government Communications Security Bureau Religious * Association of
  48. Much to the surprise of the U. S. and the contra forces, Chamorro did not, dismantle ,the Sandinista Popular Army, although the name was changed to the Nicaraguan
  49. Buses and the lack of dedicated rights-of-way but also by deliberate efforts to, dismantle ,urban rail infrastructure (see Great American streetcar scandal). The
  50. The Bay of Bengal until the Army reaches the shores. The Indian Air Force had, dismantle ,the capability of Pakistan Air Force in East Pakistan. Air Marshal Enamel Hague

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