Examples of the the word, unified , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unified ), is the 6211 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Service. Uniform and Insignia Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina were, unified ,in 2005 and at that time they needed a uniform for the newly founded army.
  2. Composed examples which used symphonic techniques to produce a more concise and, unified ,structure. Many anthems have been produced since this time, generally by
  3. Exclusion principle (only fermions do),hole theory does not work for them. A, unified ,interpretation of antiparticles is now available in quantum field theory, which
  4. And ethnic divisions. It was the predecessor of what could have become a, unified ,Islamic Afghan army. Relations with the party headquarters in Peshawar were
  5. Guitar brand would be phased out over an 18 to 24-month period in favor of a, unified ,Amway brand (Amway Global) worldwide. In 2006,Guitar published The Guitar
  6. Armenia comprise two services: the Army, and the Air Force and Air Defense (a, unified ,branch). It was partially formed out of the former Soviet Army forces
  7. Mayo Clinic in the United States. Health Care in Alberta is administered by the, unified ,Alberta Health Services Board. Prior to July 1,2008,Alberta was divided into
  8. From Iraq. Air forces The Azerbaijani Air and Air Defense Force is a single, unified ,service branch. Some 8,000 men serve in the air force and air defense force.
  9. In the EU) or 1.24 % of GDP (19th in the EU). They are organized into one, unified ,structure which consists of four main components: Land Component, or the Army;
  10. Is supplied to the internal senses, which merge all the pieces into a whole, unified ,conscious experience. This process of perception and abstraction is the nexus
  11. Duke Leopold VI of Austria. In 1224,Andrew issued the Diploma Andrea which, unified ,and ensured the special privileges of the Transylvanian Saxons. It's
  12. Coastline covers the entire eastern bound of the country. The emergence of a, unified ,Bulgarian ethnicity and state dates back to the 7th century AD. All Bulgarian
  13. Is used in everyday Japanese terms, such as, or. I is most often understood as, unified ,physical and mental intention, however in traditional martial arts it is often
  14. Two kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt (around 3100 BC). The transition to a, unified ,state actually happened more gradually than ancient Egyptian writers would have
  15. The United States emerged out of the American Civil War and Reconstruction as a, unified ,nation. The film is in the public domain. Responses The National Association
  16. Nevis full internal autonomy, and Anguilla was also incorporated into the new, unified ,dependency, named Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla, against the wishes of many
  17. Sometimes described as super organisms because the ants appear to operate as a, unified ,entity, collectively working together to support the colony. Ants have
  18. Nkrumah had sought unsuccessfully to promote as a foundation for his dream of, unified ,continental government. Political and economic ties between Ghana and Burning
  19. Of the Torah. Shortly afterwards the philosopher Baruch Spinoza published a, unified ,critical analysis, arguing that the problematic passages were not isolated
  20. Military force of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Bosnian Armed forces were, unified ,in 2005 and are composed of two founding. The Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and
  21. Have reverted to successive microsporogenesis. * The Asparagus appear to be, unified ,by a mutation affecting their telomeres (a region of repetitive DNA at the end
  22. Clear; however, there was speculation that Putin might become president of a, unified ,state of Russia and Belarus after stepping down as Russian president in May
  23. Direction of the Continental Army, and allowed the states to present a, unified ,front when dealing with the European powers. As a tool to build a centralized
  24. Of the north and the" relaxed" form of the south. These disparate styles are, unified ,by" the intensity that both performers and listeners give to their music as a
  25. Way? A third major topic in the study of aesthetic judgments is how they are, unified ,across art forms. We can call a person, a house, a symphony, a fragrance, and a
  26. Conflicting interests of distinct social classes, which tended to undercut a, unified ,commitment to the Patriot cause. The Assembly balanced the competing demands of
  27. Corey Anton has argued that we cannot be certain what is separate from or, unified ,with something else: language, he asserts, divides what is not in fact separate
  28. Body from acting at cross-purposes to each other. To generate purposeful and, unified ,action, the brain brings information from sense organs together at a central
  29. A given source) to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of carbon-12 (known as the, unified ,atomic mass unit). The term is usually used, without further qualification, too
  30. After protracted disputes and setbacks, the two countries' customs duties were, unified ,in March 2001 but the customs controls were soon restored. In terms of trade
  31. Many of which are marine. Description Members of the Brachiopoda are, unified ,by the presence of gills on many of the animals' appendages, including some of
  32. Network, and in 2006 the two nations signed an agreement on the creation of a, unified ,air defense system. Equipment The military forces of Belarus are exclusively
  33. 2008) National airlines Heliports The Brazilian Armed Forces () is the, unified ,military organization comprising the Brazilian Army (including the Brazilian
  34. Indians of northern Alabama and Georgia to attack white settlements. He had, unified ,tribes in the Northwest to rise up against the Americans, trying to repel
  35. Through a" Universal Address Book" powered by Plato. Further, the upgrade, unified ,away messages and general user updates into RSS feeds and added the ability to
  36. Possibly possesses additional attributes such as spectacle and music, is more, unified , and achieves the aim of its mimesis in shorter scope, it can be considered
  37. System and smoothing out its inconsistencies, while also presenting a, unified ,picture of the world, both physical and ethical. The topics dealt with are the
  38. Of the Berlin Wall, French President François Mitterrand warned Thatcher that a, unified ,Germany could make more ground than Adolf Hitler ever had and that Europe would
  39. And the opposition Azerbaijani Popular Front Party impeded creation of a, unified ,force. Around this time, the first unit of the new army was formed on the basis
  40. And in particular string theory, where geometrical fields emerge in a, unified ,quantum-mechanical setting. Wormholes Einstein collaborated with others to
  41. Of Methods, with the aim of preventing any potential for creating a, unified ,Moravian nation. In 893 or 894,Great Moravia probably lost a part of its
  42. A temporary stop to Christian expansion, the Almoravid dynasty constructed a, unified ,Landaus with its capital in Granada, ruling until mid-12th century. The
  43. And self-sustaining. Military The Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina were, unified ,into a single entity in 2005,with the merger of the Army of the Federation of
  44. Both Dissenters and Catholics. The Kingdoms of England and Scotland were, unified ,in 1707 creating the Kingdom of Great Britain. Following an attempted
  45. Kingdom, he maintained the former political and administrative institutions. A, unified ,General Chancellorship for the whole Aragonite reign was set in Naples
  46. Russian Third Army perished. In summer 1915,the Austro-Hungarian Army, under a, unified ,command with the Germans, participated in the successful Police–Narrow
  47. Became a renowned physicist. During this period Einstein tried to develop a, unified ,field theory and to refute the accepted interpretation of quantum physics, both
  48. Development. AA's Twelve Traditions were introduced in 1946 to help AA stay, unified ,and grow. The Traditions recommend that members and groups remain anonymous in
  49. Join together. I think he lied in a number of specific testimony about a, unified ,image of what this organization was. It made al-Qaeda the new Mafia or the new
  50. Power in Belgrade. Serb attempts to foment agitation followed, advocating a, unified ,South Slavic state, ruled from Belgrade. This gained little support amongst

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