Examples of the the word, asylum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( asylum ), is the 6214 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Government stopped a Norwegian ship, MV Tampa, from disembarking 438 rescued, asylum ,seekers at Christmas Island. The ensuing standoff and the associated political
  2. Took him in it had to have been men of Jacurutu. Let went to Jacurutu to seek, asylum ,as well as his father. Let finds Jacurutu, but as he tries to infiltrate the
  3. Asylum for lunatics and epileptics). Emil Aioli was the dean of that, asylum ,(1852–1922). Another neurologist, Franz Kiss (1860–1919),began to work in
  4. Praise. Her character is perceived by Virgil as even more noble when she offers, asylum ,to Aeneas and his men, who have recently escaped from Troy. A spirit in the
  5. S Republic of Poland in Paris. In 1951, he defected and obtained political, asylum ,in France. In 1953, he received the PRI Litterers European (European Literary
  6. There is an immigration lottery allowing 20,000 Cubans seeking political, asylum ,to go to the United States legally every year. The closest points between Key
  7. Sent to the Topeka Asylum for the Insane. On May 26, 1888,he escaped from the, asylum , He went to Nodes, Kansas,and stayed briefly with Richard Thatcher, whom he
  8. In Amsterdam, mostly in the Wilmer area. Other immigrants, including refugees, asylum ,seekers and illegal immigrants, came from Europe, America,Asia, and Africa. In
  9. That had appeared in the areas of power vacuum a constant flow of refugees and, asylum ,seekers had moved into Ecuadorian territory. Over the last decade a minimum of
  10. And sons, and Robert Lincoln committed her temporarily to a mental health, asylum ,in 1875. Abraham Lincoln suffered from" melancholy ", a condition which now
  11. Divorced, largely due to her alcoholism. She was subsequently admitted to an, asylum ,suffering from alcoholic dementia. Meanwhile, Crowley soon moved on and took a
  12. Foreign nationals. In 2007,Cameroon hosted a total population of refugees and, asylum ,seekers of approximately 97,400. Of these,49,300 were from the Central African
  13. Personal attention from her grandson, who,when he had the means, gave her an, asylum ,in his house at Rome. His father and grandfather followed the occupation of
  14. Nikola Basic, who had escaped persecution after the Timor Rebellion, had found, asylum ,in Bulgaria. Lured by Austria-Hungary's promises for territorial gains from
  15. Fate; he fled his creditors to France, quietly dying in 1840,in a lunatic, asylum ,in Can, just before age 62. Men of more notable accomplishments than Beau
  16. Until after the expulsion of the Moors from Spain, many of whom sought, asylum ,in the city. In 1510,following their occupation of Oran and other towns on the
  17. these are no more refugees were handed over. Over 500 Jewish refugees were granted, asylum , The field synagogue in Eastern Karelia was one of the very few functioning
  18. A major political issue in Australia. As Australia was not the country of first, asylum ,for these" boat people ", the Australian Government did not consider it had a
  19. Neighbouring tribes. However, in Ephesus too there was the same custom of the, asylum ,(ασυλιον). According to Françoise Helene Pairault's study, historical and
  20. Who became threatened. In a final sequence, Elliott escapes from the, asylum ,and slashes Liz's throat in a bloody act of vengeance. She wakes up screaming
  21. Tripling It is estimated that Angola was host to 12,100 refugees and 2,900, asylum , seekers by the end of 2007. 11,400 of those refugees were originally from the
  22. States federal court rules that poet Ezra Pound be released from an insane, asylum , *1961 – The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, a cornerstone of modern
  23. To Papua New Guinea for processing, after it was claimed that many of the adult, asylum ,seekers threw their children into the water, apparently in protest at being
  24. And immigration detention From the late 1980s and early 1990s,boats carrying, asylum ,seekers and mainly departing from Indonesia landed on the island. In 2001
  25. With cholera or contaminated and undrinkable. Once they had landed on Ashore, asylum ,seekers could claim to have entered Australian territory and request to be
  26. Immigration status" as well as deport illegal immigrants and" reject all, asylum ,seekers who passed safe countries on their way to Britain ". British Army
  27. Fled in a speedboat to the French Indian Ocean territory of Mayotte to seek, asylum , Anti-French protests followed in the Comoros (see 2008 invasion of Angolan).
  28. Another neurologist, Franz Kiss (1860–1919),began to work in that same, asylum ,with Alzheimer, and they knew each other. Much of Alzheimer's later work on
  29. Forces for the Diet of Augsburg. 1547-1553,Edward VI's England He found an, asylum ,in England, where he was made a legendary of Canterbury, received a pension
  30. Then. According to the UNHCR 2009 report as many as 167,189 refugees and, asylum ,seekers are temporary residents in Ecuador. Following the migratory trend to
  31. Wrote A Doll's House at the point when Laura Killer had been committed to the, asylum , and the fate of this friend of the family shook him deeply, perhaps also
  32. With great reverence by lower-class citizens and slaves; slaves could receive, asylum ,in her temples. This fact is of difficult interpretation. Georg Window
  33. Which excised Christmas Island from Australia's migration zone, meaning that, asylum ,seekers arriving at Christmas Island could not automatically apply to the
  34. Of thousands of displaced Goths had suddenly arrived at his borders requesting, asylum , In Roman service During the fourth century, the Roman emperors commonly
  35. Out about Laura's secret loan, he divorced her and had her committed to an, asylum , Two years later, she returned to her husband and children at his urging, and
  36. Tolerance. With the Edict of Potsdam in 1685,Frederick William offered, asylum ,to the French Huguenots. More than 15,000 Huguenots went to Brandenburg, of
  37. Authorities. The EU also operates the Schengen Information System family law, asylum ,law, and criminal justice. Prohibitions against sexual and nationality
  38. Were a major issue in the 2001 Australian federal election. Another boatload of, asylum ,seekers was taken from Christmas Island to Papua New Guinea for processing
  39. The tunnel were turned back. Asylum and immigration Immigrants and would-be, asylum ,seekers have been known to use the tunnel to attempt to enter Britain. By 1997
  40. Panther Party of the U. S. Many members found their way into Cuba for political, asylum , where Cuba welcomed them after they had been convicted of crimes in the U. S.
  41. Many other small islands from the Australian migration zone. Two boatloads of, asylum ,seekers were each detained for several days in the lagoon at Ashore after
  42. Three days later, exhibiting signs of paranoia; he was committed to an insane, asylum ,the following month. Name "/NP"> devaleria95"/> Lever had been battling an
  43. Was not recognized by any state (although members have been given political, asylum ,in European and Arab countries, as well as the United States). Inherit is/was
  44. Directly onto his food. Litvinenko, a former KGB agent, had been granted, asylum ,in the UK in 2000 after citing persecution in Russia. Shortly before his death
  45. Was appointed shortly after the 1997 election and is currently living under, asylum ,in England. He and others chose Abdul Khalid Saidullayev, a relatively unknown
  46. Assisting mentally ill women, before he took an office in the city mental, asylum ,in Frankfurt am Main: the Städtische Install fur Ire UND Epileptic (Asylum
  47. There would be a sanity hearing first, and only then a commitment to an, asylum ,or involuntary therapy. But with deprogramming, judges routinely granted
  48. Is left of a technology that could potentially save the entire Earth; granting, asylum ,for a few runaways. But when the UN starts to send troops over, Director
  49. Who was trailing Liz. Elliott is arrested by the police and placed in an insane, asylum , It is explained by a psychiatrist (David Margulies) that Elliott wanted to
  50. Processing would then occur on Christmas Island itself. In 2010,around 50, asylum , seekers died off the coast of the island as the boat they were travelling on

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