Examples of the the word, mobilize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mobilize ), is the 6212 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Knew that such air raids were impossible, but the goal was to psychologically, mobilize ,many thousands of middle class volunteers to make them feel part of the war
  2. Niger of American University comments on the Charter,“ It’s a tract meant to, mobilize ,support, and it should be amended ... It projects anger, not vision. ” Dr. Ahmed
  3. Beginning, the Iranian regime followed a policy of total war, and attempted to, mobilize ,the entire nation for the struggle. The war furthered the decline of the
  4. A couple of hundred warriors, as seen in the Chickamauga Wars, they could not, mobilize ,enough forces to fight a major invasion without the help of allies, these being
  5. Democratic but there was Republican support that a German-language paper could, mobilize , On February 27, 1860,New York party leaders invited Lincoln to give a speech
  6. And prisons. Raid/Hostage Rescue Infantry units are trained to quickly, mobilize , infiltrate, enter and neutralize threat forces when appropriate combat
  7. Problems. Aqueous cyanide is hydrolyzed rapidly, especially in sunlight. It can, mobilize ,some heavy metals such as mercury if present. Gold can also be associated with
  8. Of miners were over, and that their new job was to work with management to, mobilize ,human resources. Wages must give way to patriotic duty because the good of the
  9. Potentially be called up for service; GlobalSecurity. Org estimates Iran could, mobilize ," up to one million men ". This would be among the largest troop mobilizations
  10. For Herbert Hoover in the emergency. President Calvin Coolidge sent Hoover to, mobilize ,state and local authorities, militia,army engineers, the Coast Guard, and the
  11. Also established Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR's) to ", mobilize ,the masses" and implement the CNR's revolutionary programs. The CNR, whose
  12. To the Americans. Among doctors, there are many Jewish nationalists. " To, mobilize ,the Soviet people for his campaign, Stalin ordered TASS and Pravda to issue
  13. And thereby lead a general insurrection. Although the original approach was to, mobilize ,and launch attacks from rural areas, many photo ideas were adapted into urban
  14. DeVos was an extremely charismatic speaker and used this ability to, mobilize ,and motivate Amway distributors. " DeVos responded to the pyramid scheme
  15. Police and the FBI time to collect Cooper’s parachutes and ransom money (and, mobilize ,emergency personnel). — and made a microfilm photograph of each of them.
  16. And the Abuja-based Brigade of Guards. It has demonstrated its capability to, mobilize , deploy, and sustain battalions in support of peacekeeping operations in
  17. At times the government or one or more private actors may take initiatives and, mobilize ,co-ordinated elite handling of an issue. " History Media studies throughout the
  18. The region its name. The usefulness of irrigation depends upon the ability to, mobilize ,sufficient labor for the construction and maintenance of canals, and this, from
  19. Of Harry Nebula. The combined efforts of Kaunda and Nebula failed to, mobilize ,the indigenous African people against the White-dominated Federation of
  20. Battles to deliver a knockout blow to an enemy state before it could fully, mobilize , The tactical meaning of blitzkrieg involves a coordinated military effort by
  21. SMT) describes techniques where the hands are used to manipulate, massage, mobilize , adjust, stimulate,apply traction to, or otherwise influence the spine and
  22. On July 29, 1914. The Secret Treaty of 1892 required both Russia and France to, mobilize ,immediately followed by a commencement of action against the Triple Alliance if
  23. Levinas's account as" not the attempt to use power against itself, or to, mobilize ,sectors of the population to exert their political power; the ethical
  24. Measures are society's and the patient's moral duty as they courageously, mobilize ,to struggle against destruction. The War on Cancer is an example. Another class
  25. The Office of Scientific Research and Development was formed in the U. S. to, mobilize ,scientific resources and apply the results of research to national defense. In
  26. So they no longer function) by the acid. The hydronium ions of acid rain also, mobilize ,toxins such as aluminum, and leach away essential nutrients and minerals such
  27. President Suharto was a strong US ally in Southeast Asia and began to, mobilize ,the Indonesian army, preparing to annex the nascent state, which had become
  28. But nonetheless very powerful propaganda system, that is able to, mobilize ,a elite consensus, frame public debate within elite perspectives and at the
  29. Leading up to the 1998 return, an airborne observing campaign was organized to, mobilize ,modern observing techniques by Peter Jennies at NASA Ames Research Center. A
  30. The nationalist cause. Band was elected president of the NAC and worked to, mobilize ,nationalist sentiment before being jailed by colonial authorities in 1959. He
  31. Clausewitz was appointed chief of staff of the only army Prussia was able to, mobilize , which was sent to the Polish border. He died after commanding the Prussian
  32. Important roles in the Nazi organization and were allowed some autonomy to, mobilize ,other women. After Hitler came to power in 1933,the activist women were
  33. In the civil war in Liberia. The Army has demonstrated its capability to, mobilize , deploy, and sustain brigade-sized forces in support of peacekeeping operations
  34. Without legal effect. The purpose of such a declaration, said Madison, was to, mobilize ,public opinion and to elicit cooperation from other states. Madison indicated
  35. And Said continued to mount until a final showdown in 1964. Said threatened to, mobilize ,the Royal Guard against Faisal and Faisal threatened to mobilize the National
  36. Threatened to mobilize the Royal Guard against Faisal and Faisal threatened to, mobilize ,the National Guard against Said. It was Said who blinked, abdicating and
  37. Form of government. However, in some nations where the elites were able to, mobilize ,popular support for conservative parties, longer periods of political stability
  38. Was the failure of the social-democratic and socialist movements in Europe to, mobilize ,a cross-border workers' opposition to World War I. At present most, but
  39. The NFL. Special Teams is a unique volunteer organization created to enlist and, mobilize ,the ongoing services of the community with the Dolphins staff, players and
  40. For all young citizens regardless of gender. Ratsiraka would furthermore, mobilize ,elements of the military to pacify unarmed protesters, occasionally using
  41. Of current and former women presidents and prime ministers whose mission is to, mobilize ,the highest-level women leaders globally for collective action on issues of
  42. Queen Margrethe II); in practice, it is the Cabinet. Also, the Cabinet cannot, mobilize ,the armed forces, for purposes that are not strictly defense oriented, without
  43. 2010,the Human Rights Campaign launched its 'Repeal DAD Now Campaign' to, mobilize ,grassroots support and target swing states. The Center for American Progress
  44. Division headquarters. Those" Rally Points" allow the Georgian government to, mobilize ,and arm reserve units of division strength in a matter of days. The in
  45. Saw France as its principal danger on the European continent as it could, mobilize ,much faster than Russia and bordered Germany's industrial core in the
  46. Maintains strong support among Lebanon's Shi'a population, and is able to, mobilize ,demonstrations of hundreds of thousands. Hezbollah alongside with some other
  47. Including the right to set the agenda for most foreign and domestic policy, mobilize ,the parliamentary majority, and choose governmental ministers. Legislative
  48. On a blitzkrieg strategy. Economy The German armament industry did not fully, mobilize ,until 1944,and this has led to some historians in the 1960s,particularly Alan
  49. 1964 also cleared the way for a younger generation of American conservatives to, mobilize , Goldwater was much less active as a national leader of conservatives after
  50. Fungal strains (Aspergillus Niger, Penicillium simplicissimum) were able to, mobilize ,Cu and Sn by 65 %, and Al, Ni,Pb, and Zn by more than 95 %. Aspergillus Niger

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