Examples of the the word, extensively , in a Sentence Context

The word ( extensively ), is the 6220 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sexual selection. In his 1878 book Tropical Nature and Other Essays, he wrote, extensively ,on the coloration of animals and plants and proposed alternative explanations
  2. Commented that in preparation for writing his book Elinor:: I had to read, extensively ,textbooks on physics, Celtic symbolism, unicorns,medieval watermarks
  3. A very important work at the time of its publication. It was discussed, extensively ,in scientific circles both in published reviews and in private correspondence.
  4. Of Muslims. As a young man, Abu Bakr became a cloth merchant, and he traveled, extensively ,in Arabia and neighboring lands in the Middle East, through which he gained
  5. Bodies, he supposed, is incapable of generating sound. He also wrote, extensively ,on proportions in music, and on the three different subjective levels on which
  6. The sun makes color available to our eyes. Avicenna philosophy In Sing wrote, extensively ,on early Islamic philosophy, especially the subjects' logic, ethics,and
  7. Software using Squeak and Toys. Reinventing programming Kay has lectured, extensively ,on the idea that the Computer Revolution is very new, and all the good ideas
  8. Such as Herodotus, who were all Greek. Roman civilization Hellenized, extensively , Ancient Greek certainly evidences early and rich uses of the name. The first
  9. Andes have also led to the creation of extensive saltpeter deposits which were, extensively ,mined until the invention of synthetic nitrates. Yet another result of the dry
  10. Slopes, terracing has been a common practice. Terracing, however,was only, extensively ,employed after Incan imperial expansions to fuel their expanding realm. The
  11. Parish churches and schools throughout the Anglican communion. More or less, extensively ,adapted, this choral tradition also became the direct inspiration for robed
  12. Job, sport,etc. The author Victor Hugo was one of the first to research argot, extensively , He describes it in his novel, Les Misérables, as the language of the dark; at
  13. Of all bodies first reveals itself in differentiated form. " Later alchemists, extensively ,developed the mystical aspects of this concept. Alchemy coexisted alongside
  14. Obscurity in England. In the United States however," Amazing Grace" was used, extensively ,during the Second Great Awakening in the early 19th century. It has been
  15. In which the translations of Greco-Roman, Persian and Indian texts were studied, extensively , Greco-Roman (Mid- and Neo-Platonic, and Aristotelian) texts by the Kind
  16. Restricted to siliceous minerals, however. Egyptian alabaster has been worked, extensively ,near Suez and Assist. Many ancient quarries are found in the hills overlooking
  17. A political opportunist whose character as the founder of Sunni Islam has been, extensively ,embellished by subsequent kings and emperors (caliphs) making it difficult to
  18. The required use. In that, the architect must meet with and question the client, extensively ,to ascertain all the requirements and nuances of the planned project. This
  19. Marble could be found in buildings of Rome before Augustus, but it was not, extensively ,used as a building material until the reign of Augustus. The relief sculptures
  20. But it is not clear if this was due to alpha radiation or X-rays. Curie worked, extensively ,with radium, which decays into radon, along with other radioactive materials
  21. Newark in Nottingham shire. Deposits at all of these localities have been worked, extensively , In the fifteenth century its carving into small statues and sets of relief
  22. Pangaea were drifting apart from seafloor spreading. The Atlantic has been, extensively ,explored since the earliest settlements along its shores. The Vikings, the
  23. The Soviet Union in 1951. *: Type 56 variant was used, extensively ,by the View Cong. The Standoff–Berry Computer (ABC)
  24. The softened amber being forced through holes in a metal plate. The product is, extensively ,used for the production of cheap jewelry and articles for smoking. This pressed
  25. On Pearl Jam's 1994 album Vitalogy. The New York band They Might Be Giants, extensively ,use the accordion in many of their recordings, especially on earlier albums
  26. A letter of September 23, 1860,to Charles Kingsley, Huxley discussed his views, extensively ,: And again, to the same correspondent, May 6,1863: Of the origin of the name
  27. Ginsberg was a practicing Buddhist who studied Eastern religious disciplines, extensively , One of his most influential teachers was the Tibetan Buddhist, the Venerable
  28. This way of thinking, has no worth and should perish. Martin Heidegger lectured, extensively ,on Anaximander, and delivered a lecture entitled" Anaximander's Saying "
  29. Which was the family's business. In the coming years Abu Bakr traveled, extensively ,with caravans. Business trips took him to Yemen, Syria,and elsewhere. These
  30. Shortly before the actual launch in 1970. The production toured to other cities, extensively ,in New Zealand and Australia in 2010-2011. The production travels to the USA in
  31. Her values in a time of political crisis. The original script had to be, extensively ,rewritten and, because of its controversial theme (and because the protagonist
  32. Easily accepted into Christian philosophy, and Medieval European alchemists, extensively ,absorbed Islamic alchemical knowledge. Herbert of Cadillac, who was later to
  33. Century when town gas was produced, tar was a readily available product and, extensively ,used as the binder for road aggregates. The addition of tar to macadam roads
  34. Allegations. BBC correspondents who have watched the program says it quotes, extensively ,from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Muslim clerics in the Middle East
  35. Al" Markovic, who has used the accordion on every album he has recorded, most, extensively , on his debut album. The accordion also features prominently in the folk metal
  36. Australia's capital and most populous city, the State Government co-operates, extensively ,with the City of Adelaide. In 2006,the Ministry for the City of Adelaide was
  37. He dedicated his 1920 book Stabilizing the Dollar to Wallace. Wallace wrote, extensively ,on other social topics including his support for women's suffrage, and the
  38. In medieval churches, especially in Italy. Large alabaster sheets are used, extensively ,in the contemporary Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, which was dedicated in
  39. Separate salt from seawater, and work on finding alternative fuels. Bell worked, extensively ,in medical research and invented techniques for teaching speech to the deaf.
  40. Shipping. The American colonists had no ships of the line, and relied on, extensively ,on privateering to harass British shipping. The privateers caused worry
  41. Capitols across the north. Religious and philosophical beliefs Scholars have, extensively ,written on topics concerning Lincoln's beliefs and philosophy; e.g. whether
  42. Forms" amber varnish" or" amber lac ". Amber from the Baltic Sea has been, extensively ,traded since antiquity and in the main land, from where amber was traded 2000
  43. Sanskrit text. Since Huxley coined the term, many other thinkers have written, extensively ,about agnosticism. Defining agnosticism Demographic research services normally
  44. For the purpose of producing formatted reports. The language used by AWK, extensively ,uses the string datatype, associative arrays (that is, arrays indexed by key
  45. And Cichorioideae (or Liguliflorae). The latter has been shown to be, extensively ,paraplegic, and has now been divided into 11 subfamilies, but the former
  46. Early trips to Chill prior to the outbreak of World War I that Henri painted, extensively ,and is reputed to have done portraits of almost all the children in Reweigh
  47. Food and Community Ethics at Michigan State University. He has published, extensively ,on the social and environmental significance of agriculture and a number of
  48. Of Madagascar that were remnants of once widespread continental faunas. He, extensively ,discussed how changes of climate, particularly periods of increased glaciation
  49. Were signed to a Basque record label in 1999 which enabled them to tour Spain, extensively ,and perform in France and Portugal. Other parts of the world that Aztlan
  50. The engine in French. In 1843,the description was translated into English and, extensively ,annotated by Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace, who had become interested in the

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