Examples of the the word, maturity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( maturity ), is the 6219 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Opposed to Western breeding. Instead of selecting which dogs to breed upon, maturity , they decide which puppies should live. This approach has the advantage of
  2. Development practices within an organization, rather than measuring the, maturity ,of each separate development process independently. The CMM has thus been used
  3. Between 9 and 14 kg (20–31 lb). Young werewolves generally achieve sexual, maturity ,after two years, and the breeding season varies depending on their location
  4. Before the project's cancellation by the USA as its ICBM program reached, maturity , The British instead purchased the Polaris system from the Americans, carried
  5. Goes a bit further by stating that the most general outline of" birth, maturity , renunciation, search,awakening and liberation, teaching,death" must be true
  6. Begin to show in 3.5 months. They are weaned after six months and reach sexual, maturity ,at about 20 months. Diet Like many forest ungulates bongos are herbivorous
  7. Writers have suggested that they may have evolved as a visual signal of sexual, maturity ,and fertility. Many people regard the female human body, of which breasts are
  8. Took up the duty of managing the affairs of the family, before his age of, maturity ,(14 in middle-eastern society) and was known to be occupied with reading and
  9. Was crowned Empress at the same ceremony. Among their children, four lived to, maturity ,: Henry, born in 952; Bruno, born 953; Matilda, Abbess of Edinburg, born
  10. In his book" Quality is Free ". Watts Humphrey began developing his process, maturity ,concepts during the later stages of his 27-year career at IBM. Development at
  11. Data * Certificate of deposit, bank account in the United States with a fixed, maturity ,date In science and computers *. Cd, the Internet domain of the Democratic
  12. Sun bears and small brown bears. Breeding The age at which bears reach sexual, maturity ,is highly variable, both between and within species. Sexual maturity is
  13. And lenders receive on the market will depend on (perceived) credit risk, maturity ,and other factors. For example, a central bank might set a target rate for
  14. Market). These operations are carried out on a regular basis, where fixed, maturity ,loans (of one week and one month for the ECB) are auctioned off. * Buying or
  15. To perform a contracted software project. The CMM is based on the process, maturity ,framework first described in the 1989 book Managing the Software Process by
  16. Zone of cartilage (the epiphyses plate). When the child reaches skeletal, maturity ,(18 to 25 years of age),all the cartilage is replaced by bone, fusing the
  17. With soft, leathery skin, which hardens within a few weeks; they reach sexual, maturity ,in three to 12 months, depending on the species. Armadillos are solitary
  18. The protagonist is able to reach out and help others after having achieved, maturity , There are many variations and subgenres of Bildungsroman that focus on the
  19. Makes the protagonist leave on his journey. In a Bildungsroman, the goal is, maturity , and the protagonist achieves it gradually and with difficulty. The genre often
  20. Scythian and Etic, with La Ten and Roman Danubian influences evident at their, maturity ,; making them more" Central European" in outlook (i.e. similar to the Prework
  21. Carriers. The subsequent years of the war saw many demonstrations of the, maturity ,of the aircraft carrier as a strategic naval weapon and its potential against
  22. Sermons, a representation of the driving force of individuation (synthesis, maturity , oneness),referred with the figures for the driving forces of differentiation
  23. The form of a chronicle studying the stages of the hero’s growing mastery and, maturity , " The master-pupil relationship in the films of the postwar era—as depicted in
  24. Steiner gives clear instructions on how to develop the chakras safely into, maturity , These are more like life disciplines than exercises and can take considerable
  25. Solo piano (Gillies 1993,173). He increasingly found his own voice in his, maturity , The style of his last period—named" Synthesis of East and West" ( Gillies
  26. Keyboards and percussion, as well as volume experiments and increased lyrical, maturity , Side A of the album was devoted to sunnier pop tunes, with darker ballads on
  27. Aliens bent on mining the planet after the Tiberius deposits have reached, maturity , In the Halo video game series, a race of Covenant aliens named" Grunts" by
  28. All those who should pursue the study of philosophy and science before due, maturity ,in age and in rabbinical knowledge. On a Sabbath in September 1304,the letter
  29. Become sexually mature varies across different regions. In New Guinea, sexual, maturity , is reached by female toads with a snout–vent length of between, while toads in
  30. And the arts. Landscape art and portrait painting were brought to new levels of, maturity ,and complexity after the Tang Dynasty, and social elites gathered to view art
  31. All music comments:" Like her peer Christina Aguilera, Britney equates, maturity ,with transparent sexuality and the pounding sounds of nightclubs ... Where
  32. Of animal husbandry. The animals provided wool when young and mutton upon, maturity ,after wool production was no longer desirable. The forage-based diet for sheep
  33. Sexual maturity is highly variable, both between and within species. Sexual, maturity ,is dependent on body condition, which is in turn dependent upon the food supply
  34. Are weaned at between six and seven weeks, and cats normally reach sexual, maturity ,at 5–10 months (females) and to 5–7 months (males),although this can vary
  35. New emperor could not exert his constitutional prerogatives until he reached, maturity , a regency was created. Disputes between political factions led to rebellions
  36. Metal collection," while also displaying" a newfound sense of finesse and, maturity , " The album marked the band's fifth consecutive platinum selling album in the
  37. Train: Bodhisattva's who attain this Bhūmi strive to help sentient beings attain, maturity , and do not become emotionally involved when such beings respond negatively
  38. Concepts are more difficult to learn, and require a degree of mathematical, maturity ,and experience before they can be assimilated. In abstract algebra, an Abelian
  39. Environmental exposure, and developmental factors (e.g., stage of brain, maturity ,). " Current evidence indicates that in both men and women, alcoholism is 50–60
  40. Use as an objective evaluation of software subcontractors' process capability, maturity , Humphrey based this framework on the earlier Quality Management Maturity Grid
  41. Or one who, because of an endocrinological condition, never reaches sexual, maturity , Castration before puberty (or in its early stages) prevents a boy's larynx
  42. In the family) in that the female catkins are woody and do not disintegrate at, maturity , opening to release the seeds similarly to many conifer cones. The
  43. Female toads with a snout–vent length of between, while toads in Panama achieve, maturity ,when they are between in length. In tropical regions, such as their native
  44. Of the pack. The pups attain full growth between 9 and 12 months old. Sexual, maturity ,is reached by 12 months. Interspecific hybridization Coyotes will sometimes
  45. The Visitors,ABBA's eighth and final studio album, showed a songwriting, maturity ,and depth of feeling distinctly lacking from their earlier recordings but still
  46. It should be noted that this usage incorporates the concept of superiority and, maturity ,of" civilized" existence, as contrasted to" rudeness ", which is used to
  47. Classes wore wigs, jewelry,and cosmetics. Children went without clothing until, maturity , at about age 12,and at this age males were circumcised and had their heads
  48. Pest population carrying a resistance allele, will be killed before they reach, maturity , thus preventing transmission of the resistance gene to their progeny. The
  49. By WWII decades if not centuries of weapons development had settled into, maturity ,on an almost imperceptibly rising plateau; the sciences of ballistics and
  50. Shark and the blacktop shark. In both cases, the sharks had reached sexual, maturity ,in captivity in the absence of males, and in both cases the offspring were

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