Examples of the the word, compress , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compress ), is the 6216 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Telecommunications (usually under the name vector quantization) to encode and, compress ,multidimensional signals. Properties Good hash functions, in the original
  2. Tens of percents) for many types of data at the cost of more computation (, compress ,and de compress when needed). Analysis of trade-off between storage cost saving
  3. To do that we assume that the medium is an ideal gas and all acoustic waves, compress ,the medium in an adiabatic and reversible manner. The equation of state can
  4. More explosive, thereby increasing the power of the warhead. It is possible to, compress ,an explosive beyond a point of sensitivity, known also as" dead-pressing ", in
  5. As long as its speed is low. For higher speeds, the flow will begin to, compress ,as it comes into contact with surfaces. The Mach number is used to distinguish
  6. As 'The encoding format produced by the common UNIX file compress ion program ", compress ,". This format is an adaptive Lempel-Ziv-Welch coding (LZW). '). Many clients
  7. Used to operate other machinery which can generate electricity, pump water, or, compress , gas. In the context of propulsion systems, an air-breathing engine is one that
  8. And produce thrust. Ramjets require a relatively high speed to efficiently, compress ,the oncoming air, so ramjets cannot operate at a standstill, and they are most
  9. In rippled or ducted flutes, a precisely formed and placed wind way will, compress ,and channel the air to the labium ramp edge across the open window. In the pipe
  10. Bray ton cycle. Gas turbine and ram powered engines differ, however,in how they, compress ,the incoming airflow. Whereas gas turbine engines use axial or centrifugal
  11. Education. Abstract, introspective answers to these questions can theoretically, compress ,large amounts of facts into relatively few principles. This path was taken by
  12. Deflate” ( RFC 1950; the content wrapped in a zlib-formatted stream),and ", compress ," (explained in RFC 2616 section 3.5 as 'The encoding format produced by the
  13. Airflow. Whereas gas turbine engines use axial or centrifugal compress ors to, compress ,incoming air, ram engines rely only on air compress ed through the inlet or
  14. To the ether. The possibility explored by Hendrik Lorentz, that the ether could, compress ,matter, thereby rendering it undetectable, presented problems of its own as a
  15. By the engine. Gasoline engines take in a mixture of air and gasoline and, compress ,it to not more than 12.8 bar (1.28 MPA),then use a spark plug to ignite the
  16. To compress . While intuition tells us that this may depend on the codec used to, compress ,a string (a codec could be theoretically created in any arbitrary language
  17. Digital versions of Fourier analysis (and wavelet analysis) to transmit, compress , restore, and otherwise process digital audio signals, still images, and video
  18. The overall size of the DCT coefficients, resulting in a signal that is easy to, compress ,efficiently in the entropy stage. The DCT temporarily increases the bit-depth
  19. Clearly be too much to fit into the proposed 6 volumes. Gaga decided he would, compress ,the castle dungeons into 13 levels, the size of his original Castle Grey hawk in
  20. By eliminating unnecessary data. It requires more processing power both to, compress ,the data and to compress for playback. Un compress ed audio formats encode both
  21. Concerned with the complexity of strings of data. Complex strings are harder to, compress , While intuition tells us that this may depend on the codec used to compress a
  22. Allow in many cases to represent a string of bits by a shorter bit string (", compress ,") and reconstruct the original string (" de compress " ) when needed. This
  23. Transmission. Standard general-purpose compress ion tools cannot significantly, compress ,JPEG files. Typically, such schemes take advantage of improvements to the naive
  24. Of the engine is 10:1 (that is, the 1000 cc volume of un compress ed gas will, compress ,down to 100 cc when the piston goes from bottom to top). The un compress ed gas
  25. Concatenated as if they were originally one file),GZIP is normally used to, compress ,just single files. Compressed archives are typically created by assembling
  26. Compression From 2004 to 2008,new research has emerged on ways to further, compress ,the data contained in JPEG images without modifying the represented image. This
  27. Increase upon compress ion, so pressure must be exerted on the electron gas to, compress ,it, producing electron degeneracy pressure. With sufficient compress ion
  28. By Jean-Luc Gaily and Mark Adler as a free software replacement for the, compress ,program used in early Unix systems, and intended for use by the Project.
  29. Because they had been damaged by less water) are removed with a paper pulp, compress ,saturated with bicarbonate of ammonia solutions and removed with deionized
  30. Constant volume. Obsolete The very first internal combustion engines did not, compress ,the mixture. The first part of the piston down stroke drew in a fuel-air mixture
  31. Distribution p (X),and an arbitrary probability distribution q (X). If we, compress ,data in a manner that assumes q (X) is the distribution underlying some data
  32. Be protected, because the limestone of the Cathedral Formation is difficult to, compress , from tectonic de compress ion. This protection explains why fossils preserved
  33. Copper coil in MK generators by a big superconductor solenoid to magnetically, compress ,and focus underground nuclear explosions into a shaped charge effect. He
  34. Return flow may be generated by the movement of skeletal muscles, which can, compress ,veins and push blood through the valves in veins toward the right atrium. The
  35. Data processing, etc. The goal of DSP is usually to measure, filter and/or, compress ,continuous real-world analog signals. The first step is usually to convert the
  36. Content until the socket is closed. A Content-Encoding like GZIP can be used to, compress ,the transmitted data. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (February 22, 1857 – January 1
  37. Chrominance components can then be subsampled by a factor of 2 or 4 to further, compress ,the image. On de compress ion, the Y'CBC space is rotated back to RGB. Chirality
  38. Using a lossy compress ion scheme),and the computational resources required to, compress ,and compress the data. Compression was one of the main drivers for the growth
  39. Coding theorem says (roughly) that a lossless compress ion scheme cannot, compress ,messages, on average, to have more than one bit of entropy per a bit of message.
  40. Compression It is straightforward to compute upper bounds for K (s): simply, compress ,the string s with some method, implement the corresponding de compress or in the
  41. Random than the original limit-computable Omega, as one cannot significantly, compress ,the Super Omega by any enumerating non-halting algorithm. In mathematics
  42. Shannon's theorem also implies that no lossless compress ion scheme can, compress ,all messages. If some messages come out smaller, at least one must come out
  43. Data compress ion algorithms, which,at the time, limited the usability of, compress ,and other popular archivers. " GZIP" is often also used to refer to the GZIP
  44. Indicate; this is because the gas is not only compress ed, but the work done to, compress ,the gas has also heated the gas and the hotter gas will have a greater pressure
  45. Techniques such as Huffman coding are now used by computer-based algorithms to, compress ,large data files into a more compact form for storage or transmission.
  46. Then to standard output. Zcat is equivalent to GZIP -d -c. Examples * To, compress ,a file with GZIP, pass the filename as an argument: GZIP file. Txt The command
  47. The final section of the stomach is lined with cilia (minute hairs) that, compress ,undigested solids, which then pass through the intestine and out through the
  48. 1.0 followed in February 1993. OpenBSD's version of GZIP is actually the, compress ,program, to which support for the GZIP format was added in OpenBSD 3.4. The" g
  49. The Cb and Cr components). Using this knowledge, encoders can be designed to, compress ,images more efficiently. The transformation into the color model enables the
  50. One of the clicks in Damon is actually an regressive click, using the tongue to, compress ,the air in the mouth for an outward (regressive) " spurt ". The Southern

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