Examples of the the word, recession , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recession ), is the 6210 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bennett, who led the party until 1986. As the province entered a sustained, recession , Bennett's popularity and media image were in decline. On April 1,1983
  2. And petroleum industries. The 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a, recession ,; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become
  3. Fuels and expected disruptions to supply chains, and by long term economic, recession , Sport The Mayo GAA team last won the Sam Maguire Cup in 1951,when the team
  4. The vital Zagreb-Split Highway,today's A1. The country rebounded from a mild, recession ,in 1998/1999 and achieved notable economic growth during the following years.
  5. Sufficient debtor in possession financing may be unavailable during an economic, recession , A preplanned, preagreed approach sometimes called a pre-packaged bankruptcy by
  6. Policies. In the 1970s Combined expanded overseas despite being hit hard by the, recession , In 1982,after 10 years of stagnation under Clement Stone Jr., the elder Stone
  7. Popular with the younger generation of the United Kingdom in recent years. The, recession ,of post-2008 has also seen renewal of interest in home crafts. Retailers such
  8. Smart growth. While the infill growth has slowed somewhat during the Late-2000s, recession , it still continues at a steady pace, expanding into areas such as Capitol View
  9. Had showed signs of recovery in the last quarter of 2010 and officially exited, recession ,in the first quarter of 2011,economic indicators suggest that the recovery may
  10. Was in the midst of a construction and retail boom prior to the late-2000s, recession , with over 50 new midrise or high rise buildings either proposed or under
  11. For the earth recession rate could be solar tidal friction. The moon's, recession ,rate is governed by similar tidal friction with the earth. Takashi Mira of
  12. Gladstone was defeated by the Conservatives under Disraeli during a sharp, recession , He formally resigned as Liberal leader and was succeeded by the Marquess of
  13. By Slipper. In 1929,Hubble discovered a correlation between distance and, recession ,velocity—now known as Hubble's law. Lemaitre had already shown that this was
  14. A Belgian physicist and Roman Catholic priest, proposed that the inferred, recession ,of the nebulae was due to the expansion of the Universe. In 1931 Lemaitre went
  15. Helped fuel the domestic economy, caused the country to slip into a mild, recession , Communications in Brunei Telecommunications Telephones Telephone service
  16. Has alleviated the economic difficulties of the early 1990s caused by global, recession ,and persistently low commodity prices (although the latter continues to affect
  17. Body, and development of a systematic method of graphical perspective to depict, recession ,in a three-dimensional picture space. In the east, Islamic art's rejection of
  18. By solar radiation, +15±4 meters per century. Another explanation for the earth, recession ,rate could be solar tidal friction. The moon's recession rate is governed by
  19. Time the EB110 came to market the North American and European economies were in, recession , and operations ceased in September 1995. A model specific to the United States
  20. Economists argue that a correction or" credit crunch" – commonly called a ", recession ," or" bust" – occurs when credit creation cannot be sustained. They claim
  21. And a strong similarity between Castilian and Aragonite, meant that further, recession ,was to follow. One of the key moments in the history of Aragonite was when a
  22. Reforms. With tourism as the main contributing factor the country emerged from, recession ,in 2000. Due to overall increase in stability, the economic rating of the
  23. With the European Union member states. However, the country came out of a, recession ,in 2010,and stagnated for a short period of time. It has been recently
  24. With an overvalued currency and economic mismanagement, led to a decade-long, recession , Real per capita GDP fell by more than 60 % from 1986 to 1994. The current
  25. Economic crisis The company's business suffered notably during the late-2000s, recession , laying off more than half its workforce between January 2009 and September
  26. And by 1998 GDP growth was only 0.6 %. In 1999,the country fell into its first, recession ,since the Great Depression. The economy shrank by 4.5 % with unemployment at
  27. Absence, Apple recorded its best non-holiday quarter (Q1 FY 2009) during the, recession ,with a revenue of $8.16 billion and a profit of $1.21 billion. After years of
  28. Then in 2008. Health authorities believed the increase was partly linked to the, recession , However, other reasons include a diagnosis improvement, a reduction of the
  29. Economy contracted in 2009. This reflected the exposure of Cyprus to the global, recession ,and European sovereign debt crisis. In recent times, concerns have been raised
  30. With a dramatic rise in primary vote. This was at the same time as an economic, recession ,was building, and events such as the Gulf War in Kuwait were beginning to
  31. In the context of the 2008 financial crisis, Catalonia is expected to suffer a, recession ,amounting to almost a 2 % contraction of its regional GDP in 2009. In 2010
  32. Spending on infrastructure that has kept Canada immune from the economic, recession ,battering the U. S. and the EU. Many commentators after the 2011 election
  33. Construction in 2006. However, new development slowed with the beginning of the, recession , Culture Atlanta, while very much in the South, has a culture that is no longer
  34. Inflation combined with slow output growth, rising unemployment, and eventually, recession ,to cause a loss of credibility in the Keynesian welfare-statist mode of
  35. And improper real estate investment hit Bulgaria hard during the late-2000s, recession , resulting in a 12 % GDP decline in that period, a rise in unemployment, and
  36. The recent War of 1812 had brought prosperity to the area, the subsequent, recession ,and conflicting claims to the land threatened the success of the new town.
  37. Sarney's government was disastrous in almost every field. The ongoing economic, recession ,and the soaring external debt drained the country's assets while ravaging
  38. Turbulence additionally inhibiting confidence. As evidence of a serious, recession ,became clear in 1999,the government took a number of steps. It engaged in a
  39. Insurance and telecommunications markets. Costa Rica's economy emerged from, recession ,in 1997 and has shown strong aggregate growth since then. After 6.2 % growth in
  40. A rise in unemployment, and spending at least five quarters in its worst, recession ,since the early 1980s. However, this was not as severe compared to much of
  41. Grew 18 % in 2005.26 % in 2006 and 17.6 % in 2007. However, due to the global, recession ,the economy contracted an estimated -0.3 % in 2009. The security brought about
  42. a billion in 2006,$75.43 billion in 2005,and $69.98 billion in 2001. During the, recession ,beginning in late 2007,Columbus' economy was not impacted as much as the rest
  43. Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker equations and proposed, on the basis of the, recession ,of spiral nebulae, that the universe began with the" explosion" of a "
  44. Plant in Collin wood, US Steel and Republic Steel. Cleveland emerged from the, recession ,with the dubious distinction of being a prime example of the Rust Belt city.
  45. State Bank collapse plunged both Adelaide and South Australia into economic, recession , and its effects lasted until 2004,when ratings agency Standard & Poor's
  46. Had been confiscated during polygamy raids. Meanwhile, there was a national, recession ,beginning in 1893. By the late 1890s,the church was about $2 million in debt
  47. Was named one of five cities which could help the UK climb its way out of the, recession ,because of its high levels of employment, abundance of skilled workers, and an
  48. Campaign for the leadership as a numbers man. Decline and fall The late 1980s, recession , and high interest rates saw the government in considerable electoral trouble.
  49. Economic growth in 2008 diminished to a 3 % increase in the face of a global, recession ,(down from 7 % and 9 % growth in the prior two years). Costa Rica's
  50. Support programs, as an important paradigm of future development. The, recession ,that began at the end of 1998 continued through most of 1999,and GDP in 1999

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