Examples of the the word, robotic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( robotic ), is the 8547 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Weighs 45 kg. The Russian and Japanese laboratories both have airlocks and, robotic ,arms specifically to move science experiments quickly to or from the exposed
  2. Do not prohibit showing sexual penetration by a tentacle or similar (often, robotic ,) appendage. Mazda went on to create La Blue Girl, which departs somewhat from
  3. Decisions to fund the Space Shuttle and Space Station at the expense of further, robotic ,missions. Sagan taught a course on critical thinking at Cornell University
  4. Magnetic tapes, and optical or magneto-optical discs may be stored in, robotic ,tertiary storage devices. In tape storage field they are known as tape
  5. Up and 10 Bit/s down, comparable to home DSL connection speeds. Cranes and, robotic ,arms The largest robotic arm on the ISS,Canadarm2 weighs 1,800 kilograms and
  6. Astronauts before their flights to the Moon. Sagan contributed to many of the, robotic ,spacecraft missions that explored the solar system, arranging experiments on
  7. Companion, Sarah Jane Smith (played by Elisabeth Laden),together with the, robotic ,dog K-9,appeared in an episode of the 2006 series nearly 13 years after their
  8. Analysis of NASA’s New Vision for Space, September 2004. In 2009,NASA's, robotic ,Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, while orbiting above the moon, photographed the
  9. Artifacts, displays and attractions on the history and future of human and, robotic ,spaceflight. Bus tours of KSC originate from here. The complex also includes
  10. A father transplants the brain of his recently-deceased son into a large, robotic ,body. Television *Steve Austin, The Six Million Dollar Man. Originally based on
  11. Surgery has become more prevalent. Considerable enthusiasm has built around, robotic ,surgery (also known as robotic -assisted surgery),despite a lack of data
  12. S heroes aren't great singers. But they're real singers. Spears sounds, robotic , nearly inhuman, on her records, so processed is her voice by digital
  13. Sale. *1990 – Japan launches Whiten, the country's first lunar probe, the first, robotic ,lunar probe since the Soviet Union's Luna 24 in 1976,and the first lunar
  14. Comparable to home DSL connection speeds. Cranes and robotic arms The largest, robotic ,arm on the ISS,Canadarm2 weighs 1,800 kilograms and is used to dock and
  15. Fiber for electrical insulation and fiberglass A" casting robot" would use a, robotic ,arm with a few sculpting tools to make plaster molds. Plaster molds are easy to
  16. The possibility of external intervention, the common science fiction theme of, robotic ,life run amok is unlikely in the near term. Etymology It should probably be
  17. Whether manned missions make a useful scientific contribution — some think, robotic ,probes are cheaper and safer, while others argue that either astronauts advised
  18. S international border crossing. A rise in automated manufacturing using, robotic ,technology has created related industries in the area; inexpensive labor in
  19. Members patched him up from available parts. (However, he started out as fully, robotic , and was repaired with human parts, rather than the more usual reverse).
  20. Period of travel would potentially still pose a problem. Frozen embryos A, robotic ,space mission carrying some number of frozen early stage human embryos is
  21. Coleman served as Chief of Robotics for the Astronaut Office, to include, robotic ,arm operations and training for all Space Shuttle and International Space
  22. On Must afar, and is outfitted with an artificial life support system as well as, robotic ,arms and legs. General Grievous, Lobot, and Luke Skywalker are the three other
  23. Evolution of language. The approach of computational modeling and the use of, robotic ,agents grounded in real life is claimed to be theory independent. It enables
  24. Channel In 2010,a team of scientists led by the University of Leeds used a, robotic ,'yellow submarine' to observe detailed flows within an 'undersea river' for
  25. Cool and harden. Once opened, the disc substrate is removed from the mold by a, robotic ,arm, and a 15 mm diameter center hole (called a stacking ring) is created.
  26. Pressure it exerted on him. He also revealed he thought Pete Lampreys was ", robotic ,". The book reached No. 1 on the New York Times Best Seller list and received
  27. It in a drive. When the computer has finished reading the information,the, robotic ,arm will return the medium to its place in the library. Off-line storage
  28. Then, no manned craft has ever returned to the Challenger Deep. A Japanese, robotic ,craft Diego reached the bottom of the Challenger Deep in 1995. The Nears
  29. Or tertiary memory, provides a third level of storage. Typically, it involves a, robotic ,mechanism which will mount (insert) and dismount removable mass storage media
  30. Between Revelation and Remembrance. There, Davros adds human nervous tissue to, robotic ,Mechanics to create the Juggernauts of the play's title; he hopes to use
  31. Caterpillar and PTC as well as many Universities and colleges. FIRST has many, robotic ,programs, including the Jr. FLL (Junior FIRST Lego League) and the FLL (
  32. Use the Dales, so the First Doctor battled the" Rods" instead, cone-shaped, robotic , creatures that ran on static electricity. By the time the Second Doctor
  33. Money spent on the ISS could be better spent on other projects—whether they be, robotic ,spacecraft missions, space exploration, investigations of problems on Earth
  34. Or electro-optical, the distance to target, and is highly automated to even, robotic ,in its operations. The method of free station position is widely used. For
  35. S Phoenix Mars Lander had identified water in a soil sample. The lander's, robotic ,arm delivered the sample to an instrument which identifies vapors produced by
  36. In the 1998 computer game, Starcraft, the alien Protons race can deploy a, robotic ,quadrupedal assault unit called a Dragoon. *In the 2000 television series,"
  37. 2006,researchers developed and installed an" autonomous observatory" using, robotic ,video cameras with image processing software that detects and records high
  38. Mike or Pagan. Although he can hear perfectly well, Doraemon has no ears: his, robotic ,ears were eaten by a mouse, giving him a series-long phobia of the creatures.
  39. Which tape or disc contains the information. Next, the computer will instruct a, robotic ,arm to fetch the medium and place it in a drive. When the computer has finished
  40. Became an anime series and an Asian franchise. The series is about an earless, robotic ,cat named Daemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to aid a
  41. Of water depth across the entire swath. Diego On 24 March 1995,the Japanese, robotic ,deep-sea probe Diego broke the depth record for unmanned probes when it reached
  42. The ability to pass not just the verbal version of the Turing test, but the, robotic ,version, which requires grounding the robot's words in the robot's
  43. And social intelligence. AI is associated in the popular mind with, robotic ,development, but the main field of practical application has been as an
  44. Seville, analytical engines similar to Babbage's serve as" brains" for the, robotic ,constructs of the city of New Crouton. One such engine even develops sentient
  45. Allan Rabble derides her overdependence in Circus on digital effects and the, robotic ,effect it creates. " She’s never been a strong vocalist ..." writes Rabble,"
  46. Robot Ultimate Vision, Gah LAK Tu's is revealed to be a group mind of city-sized, robotic ,drones that attack worlds via envoys similar to the Silver Surfer, followed by
  47. Creates intricate mechanical presents for him. Recently, the company created a, robotic ,chess player, which is a mechanical arm attached to a chess board, as well as a
  48. Kansas is launched. *2009 – The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (PRO),a NASA, robotic ,spacecraft is launched. Births *1269 – Princess Eleanor of England (d. 1298)
  49. The value 1 (regardless of the value of the first argument). Similarly, in a, robotic ,application a MOVE_AHEAD instruction can be modified to do nothing if a forward
  50. His minions *John Silver in Disney's Treasure Planet is an alien cyborg. His, robotic ,parts include an eye with enhanced vision, an arm with tools and weapons stored

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