Examples of the the word, concur , in a Sentence Context

The word ( concur ), is the 8549 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Do not influence his research. Cheering argues that his conclusions, concur ,with the economic interests of the companies that pay him, in that the
  2. State University history professors Andrew Burstein and Nancy Eisenberg, concur ,in this view. They note that" Hamilton brought the pistols, which had a larger
  3. Jefferson's arch rival, and attribute it to" dumb luck ". Still others, concur ,that it was all of these things. Historian George Herring has said that while
  4. Am a Communist because I am an Individualist. Fully as heartily the Communists, concur ,with Sterner when he puts the word take in place of demand - that leads to the
  5. Considered both rateable value and land value as the basis for taxation, we, concur , with Lay field UK Committee of Inquiry,1976) who recommended that any local
  6. Contributors. The articles and panel discussions is interested in that they, concur ,on the existence of the frequency flicker noise and the wish for achieving a
  7. Early Wicca history, such as Ronald Hutton, Philip Heston and Leo Rickie, concur ,that witchcraft's early rituals, as devised by Gardner, contained much from
  8. Slogan“ Less work for Mother ”. Some historians and secondary school textbooks, concur ,that A&W, which opened in 1919 and began franchising in 1921,was the first
  9. The United Nations Environment Program and the Lake Chad Basin Commission, concur ,that at least half of the lake's decrease is attributable to shifting climate
  10. If he ever regretted getting married. He answers, and the other married men, concur , that you are always" Sorry-Grateful ", and that marriage changes both
  11. Child. The following day, Ellie and Stanley survey the mess in their home and, concur ,that the entire affair was a great success. Reception American Film Institute
  12. Of Loyang (AD 547),and Li Xian, in the Ming Yitongzhi (AD 1461), concur , with Daoxuan's location and attribution. The Dialing Chongqing Yitongzhi (AD
  13. By others to Osman himself, but the vast majority of the oriental writers, concur ,in attributing to Aladdin the introduction of laws respecting the costume of
  14. By one month from time to time. Other scholars, both Muslim and Western, concur ,that it was originally a lunar calendar, but about 200 years before the Hijri
  15. Of it. " However, the point upon which a number of critics fail to, concur ,with Burrell's argument is its dismissal of the testimony of the book's
  16. Something can happen ". Julia Kristen, if in very different language, would, concur , that " Lacey, alert to the scandal of the timeless intrinsic to the analytic
  17. Of Loyang (AD 547),and Li Xian, in the Ming Yitongzhi (AD 1461), concur , with Daoxuan's location and attribution. For alternate founding date, see AD
  18. Of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral by citing the Church Fathers, many of whom, concur ,with this view. Protestant denominations against the traditional doctrine of
  19. Theory applied by the analyst. * Most schools of thought in graphology, concur ,that a single morphological element can be a component of many
  20. This period, such as Hans-Jürgen Lumbering, Simon Schema and Monique Cotter, concur ,that the actual treatment of prisoners in Bastille was much better than the
  21. To such techniques and forms of devotion, while another such group, those who, concur ,with the In Tamika, reject and generally condemn such procedures as species
  22. Association between degree of aneuploid and metastasis. Although unwilling to, concur ,with Dues berg in throwing out a role for cancer genes, many researchers do
  23. He has observed historically and across cultures. Many anthropologists, concur ,that" the science of culture is independent of the laws of biology and
  24. Weapons. All nuclear weapons are governed by this dual-authority - both must, concur ,before a strategic nuclear strike may be ordered. The Secretary's staff
  25. Everything else. The native tradition in Japanese grammar scholarship seems to, concur ,in this view of classification. This native Japanese tradition uses the
  26. Because the informant is unknown. However, when censuses for several years, concur ,on a piece of information that would not likely be guessed by a neighbor, it is
  27. And above the Vulgate text of the Latin Bible. Consequently, most students would, concur ,with a stratification of the surviving text into at least three distinct layers
  28. Differing parties (often based on different ideologies) would need to, concur ,in regard to governmental policy. Another stated advantage is that a coalition
  29. Distinguished from the Hiring; and Ptolemy adopts the same view. All writers, concur ,in representing it as a very ancient city; Solidus and Stephan us of Byzantium
  30. To rank. In some cases, the ideologies presented in these rankings may not, concur ,with the mainstream power dialectic of social class as it is understood in
  31. It was misquoted by the Associated Press. Numerous biographers and historians, concur ,that this one single event signaled the start of Robeson's status as an "
  32. He ranks second with 36 behind Madonna's 37. Whit burn and Billboard, concur ,that The Beatles hold the record for number one hits with 20 and that
  33. Grand juries to be composed of 16 to 23 members and that 12 members must, concur ,in an indictment. A grand jury is instructed to return an indictment if the
  34. Handsome ", the latter gives an ironic sense of" clumsy ". The Latin root of, concur ,has several meanings;" to meet (in battle) " and" to meet (in agreement)
  35. And order. The ruling party, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ),tends to, concur ,with the LDP's interpretation. At the same time, both parties have advocated
  36. Seen as unavailable for private appropriation. Anarcho-capitalists tend to, concur ,with free-market environmentalists regarding the environmentally destructive
  37. Instead, the convention passed a resolution stating that" we most cordially, concur ,in the repeated nominations which he has received in various parts of the union
  38. Have not attacked our food supply, because it is so easy to do ..." Scholars, concur , arguing that an attack on food (particularly milk) could affect
  39. Very identities, through their participation in Zeus'early life. Other poets, concur , A less Olympian-minded culture might have suggested that the horn was not
  40. Early Wicca history, such as Ronald Hutton, Philip Heston, and Leo Rickie, concur ,that witchcraft's early rituals, as devised by Gardner, contained much from
  41. B. Phillips developed the concept that risk factors for myocardial infarction, concur ,to form a" constellation of abnormalities" ( i.e., glucose intolerance
  42. The terror attacks of September 11th happen. " Robertson replied," I totally, concur , " Both evangelists came under attack from President George W. Bush for their
  43. For forty-one centuries the site is variously described. Most early writers, concur ,in placing it on an island; so Tukulti-Ninurta II, Assur-nasir-pal, Isidore
  44. Indicating he believes Franklin's story, and some police officials also, concur , Flynt's injuries caused him excruciating, constant pain, and he was addicted
  45. Be totally subdued through the wrath of man, unless the wrath of God shall, concur , Nor do I think that any other nation than this of Wales, nor any other
  46. He advocated that the“ little horn” was the Antichrist: We should therefore, concur ,with the traditional interpretation of all the commentators of the Christian
  47. Comes from Virgil Vogel's book Indian Place Names in Illinois and most others, concur , No one knows why OUR river was named this, but it is assumed that the word
  48. Not live again until the thousand years were finished. " Rev 20:5 Jesus’ words, concur ,with those of Revelation:" The hour is coming in which all who are in the
  49. As summarized by British historian M. J. Heal, who finds that scholars now, concur ,that Reagan rehabilitated conservatism, turned the nation to the right
  50. This consensus.; Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences: We, concur ,with the climate science assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

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