Examples of the the word, roast , in a Sentence Context
The word ( roast ), is the 7216 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Eaten with the family in the evening, consisting of roast pork, roast duck or, roast ,goose with plain potatoes, caramelized potatoes, red cabbage and gravy. For
- Presents. Handel Day is marked by teachers giving gifts to their students. A, roast ,dinner would be eaten to celebrate the festival. Handel was a word for gift
- Judson de la Ganja, Sopa de Ajo (Garlic soup),Cochineal Amado (little, roast ,pig),Echo (Roast Lamb),Bouillon del Bear, Hornazo from Salamanca, a
- For" gravy" in Italian is Hugo d'Ariosto, which is literally" juice of a, roast ," and is not specifically tomato sauce. American supermarkets commonly carry a
- This developed into the then-fashionable" chicken in a basket ", a portion of, roast ,chicken with chips, served on a napkin, in a wicker basket. Quality dropped but
- The name of the restaurant chain Arby's is a play on" RB ", referring to ", roast ,beef" as well as the company's founders, the Rafael brothers. An advertising
- Is customary to sacrifice a lamb, preparing of its meat drop de mail and, roast ,lamb with thyme, as dessert being served Pascal cu branch and corona cu NACA.
- He was wearing an expensive ring, or because of his insistence on eating, roast ,chicken, an aristocratic delicacy. Duke Leopold kept him prisoner at Bernstein
- Beer styles.; Stout and porter are dark beers made using roast ed malts or, roast ,barley, and typically brewed with slow fermenting yeast. There are a number of
- Indeed he detested them, because they wanted to persuade him to stop eating, roast ,meat, as was his wont, and to be content with boiled meat. The physical
- Reviews were published: Entertainment Weekly noted that" on this hip-hop, roast , new schoolers Na's and Fat Joe pay their respects with sparkling grooves ....
- Capital. Consider for example workers who take coffee beans, use a roast er to, roast ,them, and then use a brewer to brew and dispense a fresh cup of coffee. In
- A little stringy, but not too tough or stringy to be agreeably edible. The, roast , from which I cut and ate a central slice, was tender, and in color, texture
- Regularly practices cannibalism, its members getting their chefs to prepare ", roast ,suckling coolie" for their banquets. Conversely, in the bleak Orwellian world
- Meat include ham, pork,salami and other sausages, and beef, such as steak, roast ,beef, corned beef, pepperoni,and pastrami. Meat can also be molded or pressed
- Canteen food at the BBC However he preferred traditional English dishes such as, roast ,beef and kippers and reports of his Arlington days refer to the cozy afternoon
- Of unique foods, including Greek sauce, sponge candy, pepperoni balls, and ox, roast , Sauerkraut along with pork and mashed potatoes is a common meal on New Year's
- That they threatened, that when the state of politics allowed it, they would, roast ,Eugene, and all the talkers at Rome along with him, as they had roast ed Pope
- And refers particularly to Uyghur cuisine. Signature ingredients include, roast ,mutton, kebabs, roast fish and rice. Because of the Islamic population, the
- Court of Richard II. Traditional examples of English food include the Sunday, roast , featuring a roast ed joint, usually beef, lamb or chicken, served with assorted
- Offensive strangers. " Another friend, writer Robert Bloch, spoke at a, roast ,for Ellison, saying that other people take infinite pains;" Harlan gives them.
- Traditions for this day might include decoration of the Juletræ, enjoying, roast , duck,and caroling. Throughout December, it's a tradition to send a serialized
- The couplet" Stow on the Wold, where the winds blow cold and the cooks can't, roast ,their dinners ", but there is no source for this. It may be a corruption of the
- For, among other things, baked beans, bulkie rolls, and various pastries. Hot, roast ,beef sandwiches served with a sweet barbecue sauce and usually on an onion roll
- It is quite common to eat and enjoy a dish known as Cabrini all Astor (, roast ,kid or goat) in the province of Córdoba. Northwest and CUO This region is
- Government executes the founder of the Tonga movement. * The first Quaalude, roast ,duck restaurant opened in Beijing Binmen Street. Births January–June ** Alfred
- Best generals in his purges. Voroshilov followed this by smashing a platter of, roast ,suckling pig on the table. Nikita Khrushchev said it was the only time he ever
- Traditional English dish made with the shallow-fried leftover vegetables from a, roast ,dinner. The main ingredients are potato and cabbage, but carrots, peas
- And brown on the sides. It is often served with cold meat from the Sunday, roast , and pickles. The meat was traditionally added to the bubble and squeak itself
- As seen in Asterix and the Golden Sickle). Obelix's favorite food is, roast ,wild boar which he usually hunts with Asterix, but he has a voracious appetite
- Fried veal Grenadines (small thick fillet steaks),stuffed palettes, roast ,joints and banquettes. As veal is lower in fat than many meats, care must be
- Green, each with its own distinct taste). * In Indonesia, barbecue,corn, and, roast , chicken are the favorites. Another variety of chips are cassava chips. * In
- Meat if used) are fried in a pan together with mashed potatoes or crushed, roast ,potatoes until the mixture is well-cooked and brown on the sides. It is often
- Known as cranberry sauce. Such preparations are traditionally served with, roast ,turkey, as a staple of English Christmas dinners, and the Canadian and US
- During which Hicks say," I don’t think we lost a cancer cure. " During a 2003, roast , of Denis Leary, comedian Lenny Clarke, a friend of Leary's, said there was a
- In Boston's surrounding area. The North Shore area is locally known for its, roast ,beef establishments. Apples are grown commercially throughout the Commonwealth.
- Coffee stout Dark roast ed malts, such as black patent malt (the darkest, roast ,), can lend a bitter coffee flavor to dark beer. Some brewers like to
- To Uyghur cuisine. Signature ingredients include roast mutton, kebabs, roast , fish and rice. Because of the Islamic population, the food is predominantly
- As steak and ale pie,shepherd's pie, fish and chips, bangers and mash, Sunday, roast , ploughman's lunch, and pasties. In addition, dishes such as burgers, lasagne
- Recipes and obtain a pleasing effect, although it lacks the vitamin C. *Saucing, roast ,lamb — pouring cider vinegar over the meat when roast ing lamb, especially when
- Of Moorish and Christian influences. Its specialties include the lamb, roast ,or stew, as cuchifrito, and beans with partridge or stewed partridge, the
- Prussians was ferocious; chronicles of the Order state the Prussians would ", roast ,captured brethren alive in their armor, like chestnuts, before the shrine of a
- Onion, Branston Pickle, and Mar mite. More exotic flavors are Thai sweet chili, roast ,pork & creamy mustard sauce, lime and Thai spices, chicken with Italian herbs
- S Only By The Night album Other uses * Beef Manhattan, a dish consisting of, roast ,beef and gravy The Middle Ages (adjectival form: medieval, mediaeval or
- Dinner is eaten with the family in the evening, consisting of roast pork, roast ,duck or roast goose with plain potatoes, caramelized potatoes, red cabbage and
- Jul. An elaborate dinner is eaten with the family in the evening, consisting of, roast ,pork, roast duck or roast goose with plain potatoes, caramelized potatoes, red
- Come hither for stealing out of a French hose. Come in, tailor. Here you may, roast ,your goose. (the tailor is accused of stealing cloth while making breeches
- Staple fish and chips. Roast potatoes are commonly served with a Sunday, roast , and mashed potatoes form a major component of several other traditional dishes
- Porter being put into newly fired barrels and this too would have contributed, roast , smoky flavor and some color. The Sweet man’s advertisement for 1780 saying
- Prawn cocktail, Worcestershire sauce (known by Walkers as Worcester Sauce), roast , chicken,steak & onion, smoky bacon, lamb & mint, ham & mustard, barbecue,BBQ
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