Examples of the the word, transitional , in a Sentence Context

The word ( transitional ), is the 7226 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Southern Slavic territories of the now former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy with a, transitional ,government headed in Zagreb. Although the state inherited much of
  2. Climate classification" DFB" — uniform precipitation distribution). The, transitional ,seasons are very brief in Buffalo and Western New York. Winters in Western New
  3. Of Panama traded with both Mesoamerica and South America, and can be considered, transitional ,between those two cultural areas. Following Christopher Columbus's discovery
  4. In investments in production in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is undergoing a, transitional ,phase from a centrally planned to a market economy. These investments are
  5. Part of the transition to the Romantic; Franz Schubert is also something of a, transitional ,figure, as are Johann Keokuk Hummel, Mauro Giuliani, Friedrich Kublai
  6. Situated between 11°3' and 13°5' north latitude, the Sudan-Sahel region is a, transitional ,zone in regard to rainfall and temperature. Further to the south, the
  7. Nigerian President Olsen Obeisance and Niger President Mama Tanja) as, transitional ,Prime Minister following a resolution of the UN Security Council and a
  8. Poor players, but Berliner noticed that its critical mistakes were always at, transitional ,phases in the game. He applied principles of fuzzy logic to improve its play
  9. Dinosaurs found there represent types of the group Maniraptora, which is, transitional ,between dinosaurs and birds, and are notable for the presence of hair-like
  10. The Islamic State of Afghanistan and appointed an interim government for a, transitional ,period, under President Burhanuddin Rabbi. According to Human Rights Watch:
  11. Fishing villages in particular remained very isolated. A few speakers have a, transitional ,pin–pen merger. Grammar * When writing, Canadians will start a sentence with As
  12. Situated between 11°3' and 13°5' north latitude, the Sudan-Sahel region is a, transitional ,zone in regard to rainfall and temperature. Further to the south, the
  13. Found. Ribagorçan, is one such variant: an eastern Aragonite dialect, which is, transitional ,to Gascony Occitan, Catalan,and Spanish. Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS)
  14. Of the Inter Congolese Dialogue sign a peace accord which makes provision for, transitional ,governance and legislative and presidential elections within two years. *2003 –
  15. Severe than that of other parts of Europe in the same latitude. Because it is a, transitional ,area, average temperatures and precipitation are erratic and may vary widely
  16. The study of molecules interacting with high atomic mass unit atoms, such as, transitional ,metals and their catalytic properties. Present algorithms in computational
  17. 1974 revolution,Angola's three main guerrilla groups agreed to establish a, transitional ,government in January 1975. Within two months, however,the FNMA, MPLA and
  18. Processional doorway in the western front looks back to late Norman or, transitional ,work. The triforium (open arcade) above the door is unique in Scottish
  19. Herbivores. The Late Jurassic Archaeopteryx is well known as one of the first, transitional ,fossils to be found, and it provided support for the theory of evolution in the
  20. Our literature published before 1986,we came to the realization that during a, transitional ,stage of our movement, from 1978 until 1986,there were cases when some minors
  21. Returned to power in a bloodless coup. He declared himself president of a, transitional ,republic, even as he suspended the National Assembly, banned opposition groups
  22. Record as entirely consistent with that process. Biologists emphasize that, transitional ,gaps between those fossils recovered are to be expected, that the existence of
  23. A relation between excitation temperature and density. Moreover, since the, transitional ,levels of ammonia can be approximated by a 2-level system at low temperatures
  24. Oath to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Flags,Anthem and Military Insignia, and, transitional , and end orders. History The FBI was formed from three armies of the Bosnian
  25. That they are a second tier of fantasies utilized in places like school where, transitional ,objects such as Hobbes would not be socially acceptable. Another academic
  26. The army and Hutu militias continued. In June 1998,Buyout promulgated a, transitional ,constitution and announced a partnership between the government and the
  27. The start of the civil war in 1993 and was sworn in on 26 August, replacing, transitional , president Domitian Ndayizeye. In November 1995,the presidents of Burundi
  28. Synonymously to mean Evans' original definition of Copper Age. The period is a, transitional ,one but not outside the traditional three-age system. It appears that copper
  29. Has a two-month dry season; the northern two-thirds, a four-month one. Short, transitional ,periods, which are marked by some difference in humidity but by little change
  30. Those of Rwanda had pulled out of Congo. Transitional government DR Congo had a, transitional ,government in July 2003 until the election was over. A constitution was
  31. School of the 18th century. Scarlatti's style, however,is more than a, transitional ,element in Western music; like most of his Naples colleagues he shows an almost
  32. Between Native Americans and Europeans. *Franchimastabe (d. 19th c. ) was a, transitional ,benefactor and a contemporary of Tacoma. To some Americans he was the" leading
  33. Is, vacuum tubes) and noticed, on Nov. 27, 1961,what he called" randomly, transitional ,phenomena ". Yet his advisor did not agree with his conclusions at the time
  34. That the use of copper often preceded the use of bronze distinguished between a, transitional ,Copper Age and the Bronze Age proper. He did not include this transitional
  35. In 11 Asian countries, from India to Indonesia. They prefer forested areas and, transitional ,zones, between forests and grasslands, where greater food variety is available.
  36. To the Scott River cut through limestone. Climate The region's climate is, transitional ,between humid continental (Köppen climate classification DFA) and humid
  37. Snow, though occasionally the hilltops get a dusting. Spring and fall are, transitional ,and intermediate, with some rainfall and variable temperature. Summer typically
  38. Under the Transition Constitution The Inter-Congolese dialogue, that set up the, transitional ,institutions, created a bicameral parliament, with a National Assembly and
  39. States also includes middle school or junior high school, a two- or three-year, transitional ,school between elementary school and high school. " Middle school" is
  40. Headed by Field Marshall Mohamed Hussein Tatami. The council is intended to be, transitional , surrendering its state powers to the president following his/her election, the
  41. Deposits was increased to £85,000 for banks and building societies and the, transitional ,arrangements in respect of building society mergers came to an end. List of
  42. Londoners. There is an accent known locally as the Kettering accent, which is a, transitional ,accent between the East Midlands and East Anglican. It is the last southern
  43. Legs (two mid-tibial spurs, and a slender hind bastards),indicative of its, transitional ,status. The earliest animal-pollinated flowers were pollinated by insects such
  44. Caisson Silesia dialect, spoken in Caisson Silesia (Resins),which is a, transitional ,dialect between the Czech and Polish languages. Some south Moravian dialects
  45. Chaplin (1993) suggest that bipedal threat displays could have been the, transitional ,behavior which led to some groups of apes beginning to adopt bipedal postures
  46. While simultaneously revealing the first image of the subsequent scene. As a, transitional ,device, it is used as a substitute for the straight cut or the dissolve (
  47. Relations. Quebec and Canadian politics Except for three short-lived, transitional ,or minority governments, prime ministers from Quebec led Canada continuously
  48. 5.1 % of GDP (2005) Politics of Burundi takes place in a framework of a, transitional ,presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President of
  49. That time was brought down by a general strike in late 1990 and replaced by a, transitional ,coalition government. Meanwhile, Zhelyu Helen, a communist-era dissident, was
  50. A transitional Copper Age and the Bronze Age proper. He did not include this, transitional ,period in the tripartite system of Early, Middle and Late Bronze Age but placed

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