Examples of the the word, psychiatry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( psychiatry ), is the 7231 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Karl Album made an appeal for the adoption of the clinical method in, psychiatry ,in his 1874 book on catatonia. Without Album and Becker there would be no
  2. Retained. Both the DSM-I and the DSM-II reflected the predominant psychodynamic, psychiatry , although they also included biological perspectives and concepts from
  3. In Dresden. In 1886,at the age of 30,Kraepelin was named professor of, psychiatry ,at the University of Format (later the University of Tart) in what is today
  4. To lack purpose. It is considered as one of the most dangerous mental states in, psychiatry , *Malignant catatonia is an acute onset of excitement, fever,autonomic
  5. Subpopulations and by the traditional boundaries between the disciplines of, psychiatry , psychology, neurology and pediatrics. Newer technologies such as fMRI and
  6. Encyclopedia of Psychology identifies him as the founder of modern scientific, psychiatry , as well as of psychopharmacology and psychiatric genetics. Kraepelin believed
  7. Its action. A similar incident took place in Paris, where Jean Delay, head of, psychiatry ,at Maintenance Hospital, found out from his pulmonology colleagues at Cochin
  8. The reception of dementia praetor as an accepted diagnosis in British, psychiatry ,came more slowly, perhaps only taking hold around the time of World War I.
  9. The 1899 (6th) edition of Psychiatric, Kraepelin established a paradigm for, psychiatry ,that would dominate the following century, sorting most of the recognized forms
  10. Catatonia, and hebephrenia. Perhaps their most lasting contribution to, psychiatry ,was the introduction of the" clinical method" from medicine to the study of
  11. Of madness cannot be established with any precision. His theories dominated, psychiatry ,at the start of the twentieth century and, despite later psychodynamic
  12. The blanket term" anxiety disorder ". Such conditions came under the aegis of, psychiatry ,at the end of the 19th century and current psychiatric diagnostic criteria
  13. Where émigré German, Swiss and Austrian physicians essentially created American, psychiatry , Swiss-emigree Adolf Meyer (1866–1950),arguably the most influential
  14. According to The Guardian newspaper:" At the heart of years of dissent against, psychiatry ,through the ages has been its use of drugs, particularly antipsychotics, too
  15. Be unconscious. " Wertheim wrote," Only someone ignorant of the fundamentals of, psychiatry ,and of the psychopathology of sex can fail to realize a subtle atmosphere of
  16. After 1980,when DSM-III totally reshaped psychiatric diagnosis, French, psychiatry , began to finally alter its views of diagnosis to converge with the North
  17. For the 13th Floor Elevators); and scientists such as William Alan son White (, psychiatry ,), physicist P. W. Bridgman, and researcher W. Horsey Gantt (a former student
  18. Led to decades of confused terminology like infantile schizophrenia, and child, psychiatry ,'s focus on maternal deprivation led to misconceptions of autism as an infant
  19. Kraepelin dichotomy and it has had a significant impact on twentieth-century, psychiatry , The primary disturbance in dementia praetor is not one of mood (as is the
  20. Removed from the DSM is because" it would be a public relations disaster for, psychiatry ,". A similar line of criticism has appeared in non-specialist venues. In 1997
  21. Was often used, and now British activists prefer the term critical, psychiatry , Critical psychology is currently the preferred term for the discipline of
  22. Reevaluated. Since German was the lingua franca of science (and especially of, psychiatry ,) at that time,Kraepelin's use of Alzheimer's disease in a textbook would
  23. Depleted by antibiotic therapy applied for other maladies. From the, psychiatry ,literature, coprophagia has been observed in a few patients with
  24. That the ideas of Album, who was then a marginal and little known figure in, psychiatry , should be followed. Therefore, he argued, a research program into the nature
  25. By multiple stakeholders and has been termed a revolution or transformation in, psychiatry , Altogether, DSM-III-R contained 292 diagnoses and was 567 pages long. DSM-IV (
  26. Otherwise the pathological changes will cause death. In psychology and, psychiatry , the DSM is the most common global standard, while in medicine, the standard is
  27. Of the nervous system. The brain is also the most important organ studied in, psychiatry , the branch of medicine that works to study, prevent,and treat mental
  28. His way to the University of Presley, where he had been appointed professor of, psychiatry ,in 1912. Most probably he had a streptococcal infection and subsequent
  29. Linebacker was very interested in the newly developing fields of psychology and, psychiatry , He used many of their concepts into his fiction. His fiction often has
  30. Illness in America' which have been highly critical of the profession of, psychiatry , that large quantities of evidence about the harm caused by psychotropic drugs
  31. Found to be more likely to have creative professions. Clinical psychology and, psychiatry ,are relatively isolated from the field of evolutionary psychology and the
  32. Moshe Bar (neuroscientist),neuroscientist, associate professor in, psychiatry ,and radiology, and director of the Cognitive Neuroscience laboratory at Harvard
  33. Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe, the founder of the psychoanalytic school of, psychiatry ,Sigmund Freud, physicists Ernst Mach, Albert Einstein, engineer Viktor Kaplan
  34. S dementia praetor. When Freudian perspectives became influential in American, psychiatry ,in the 1920s schizophrenia became an attractive alternative concept. Euler
  35. Of the term, Cain called AA a" cult" and" a hindrance to research, psychiatry , and to many alcoholics who need a different kind of help ". Literature
  36. Classification * Cyclodextrin (a family of cyclic oligosaccharides) * In, psychiatry , physical dependence, or chemical dependency * CD (command),a shell command
  37. Of EP are applied in many fields, including economics, aggression,law, psychiatry , politics, literature,and sex. Controversies concerning EP involve questions
  38. Der Psychiatric ", was first published in 1883. In it, he argued that, psychiatry ,was a branch of medical science and should be investigated by observation and
  39. Disorders, or DSM-I, appeared. Dementia praetor disappeared from official, psychiatry ,with the publication of DSM-I, replaced by the Euler/Meyer hybridization,"
  40. Forever associated with religiously inspired concept of degeneration theory in, psychiatry , used the term in a descriptive sense and not to define a specific and novel
  41. Anglo-phone world was facilitated in 1902 when Ross Defender, a lecturer in, psychiatry ,at Yale, published an adapted version of the sixth edition of the Ehrlich her
  42. To treat mental illness and as a means of preventing psychopathology. Within, psychiatry ,the term anti- psychiatry was often used and now British activists prefer the
  43. The military added psychiatric screening to its induction process. At the time, psychiatry ,labeled homosexuality as an indicator of psychopathology, and this notion was
  44. Two cases which did not fit into any category known to psychology or, psychiatry , Peck came to the conclusion that possession was a rare phenomenon related to
  45. There has also been concern that the DSM, as well as the field of descriptive, psychiatry ,that employs it, tends to reify abstract phenomena such as depression, which
  46. Would be no dementia praetor. Upon his appointment to a full professorship in, psychiatry ,at the University of Format (now Tart, Estonia ) in 1886,Kraepelin gave an
  47. Used in 1891 in this Latin form by Arnold Pick (1851–1924),a professor of, psychiatry ,at the German branch of Charles University in Prague. His brief clinical report
  48. The underlying condition. Until the 1970s there was considerable debate within, psychiatry ,on the most appropriate term to use to describe the new drugs. In the late
  49. Patients that would become a major influence on the development of modern, psychiatry , Together Album and Becker were the first to describe and name such
  50. Terms dementia praetor and schizophrenia were used interchangeably in American, psychiatry , with occasional use of the hybrid terms" dementia praetor (schizophrenia) "

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