Examples of the the word, doctoral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( doctoral ), is the 7225 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. University, obtaining an MA in 1928 and a PhD in 1931. While completing his, doctoral ,work, he engaged in child study. In 1930,Rogers served as director of the
  2. Year of study, such as a" second-year medical student" or a" fifth-year, doctoral ,candidate. " Law students are often referred to as" 1L "," 2L ", or " 3L "
  3. Was simply a qualification for a guild—that of teaching law. The earliest, doctoral ,degrees (theology, law,and medicine) reflected the historical separation of
  4. Usage than to deviate from them. Honorary doctorates An honorary doctorate is a, doctoral ,degree awarded for service to the institution or the wider community. This
  5. Waves with an electric field. Louis de Broglie later (1924) showed in his, doctoral ,dissertation that electrons are in fact much like photons in the respect that
  6. He also lectured on differential calculus. One year after the defense of his, doctoral ,thesis, he was appointed extraordinary professor (1886) and in the same year
  7. Was published a year earlier, also posthumously, in 1712. Shows Leibniz as the, doctoral ,adviser of Jakob Bernoulli. See also the Earliest Uses of Symbols of Calculus.
  8. Linnaeus and Kohlberg set out for the Netherlands, with Linnaeus to take a, doctoral ,degree in medicine at the University of Harderwijk. On the way, they stopped in
  9. Since his youth, participating in séances, which he used as the basis for his, doctoral ,dissertation" On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena. "
  10. Verbal, rather than visuospatial, ability lies at the core of expertise. In his, doctoral ,thesis, Adriaan de Groot showed that chess masters can rapidly perceive the key
  11. Became an assistant to Robert Bunsen at the University of Marburg; he took his, doctoral ,degree there in 1843. A new opportunity arose in 1845,when he became assistant
  12. Several new colleges and beginning to award Doctor of Philosophy and other, doctoral ,degrees. The next three presidents—Harry K. Newborn,1969–71,John W. Schwa
  13. Accelerated degrees. At the graduate level, the university offers 100 masters, doctoral , and professional programs, many available part-time. Drexel is best known for
  14. Themselves from an academic environment. Germany In Germany, the most common, doctoral ,degrees are Dr. med. (medicine),Dr. med. Dent. (dentistry),Dr. med. Vet.
  15. College (M. A.,1952) and Columbia University (Ph.D.,1956),and did his, doctoral ,thesis on the Thematic Apperception Test. From 1956 through 1958,he did his
  16. In Paris. Fever broke decisively with this paradigm in 1912,with his sweeping, doctoral ,thesis on Philippe II et la Franche-Comté. The geography and social structure
  17. Or indirect familiar address. *" Doc" is a common nickname for someone with a, doctoral ,degree, in real life and in fiction — for example, the gunfighter Doc Holiday
  18. In Alabama offer degree programs from two-year associate degrees to 16, doctoral , level programs. The largest single campus is the University of Alabama, located
  19. Referred to by the title Dr. (doctor) even if they have not been awarded a, doctoral ,degree. However, custom gives the legislation little strength and all graduates
  20. Canada with some graduate programs at the master's level and one at the, doctoral ,level. The enabling legislation consists of: Acadia University Act and the
  21. Work or studies) and an advanced degree (master's degree 1 year or a, doctoral ,degree 3 years) *Applicant's height must be 5 ft 2 in to 6 ft 4 in (1.57 to
  22. Doctor had never been restricted to either medical practitioners or those with, doctoral ,degrees in the UK, commenting that the word was defined by common usage but
  23. Requirements for the Ph.D. and Sc. D. are identical, and with identical, doctoral ,academic regalia (though the Sc. D. hood is gold to represent Science rather
  24. On a temporary basis to teach one or more classes and who may or not have a, doctoral ,degree. The word course in American use typically refers to the study of a
  25. To represent Science rather than Ph.D. blue). In an effort to standardize, doctoral ,degree conferral at these large research institutions, the Ph.D. has replaced
  26. University * Honorary Doctor of Humanities – Risky University * other honorary, doctoral ,degrees from Nanjing University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of
  27. Work was in functional analysis. Between 1949 and 1953 he worked on his, doctoral ,thesis in this subject at Nancy, supervised by Jean Dionne and Laurent
  28. And Regor Solitary. Five years later, in January 1885,there followed his, doctoral ,thesis" About Some Applications of Algebraic Continuous Fractions ". His
  29. Professional doctorates. When addressing several people, each of whom holds a, doctoral ,title, one may use the plural abbreviation" DRS. " Or in some languages (for
  30. Species C. albicans was described by botanist Christine Marie Berthoud in her, doctoral ,thesis at the University of Utrecht in 1923. Over the years, the classification
  31. Databases are developed with Parcel ideas in work of Edgar F. Code, who was a, doctoral ,student of Arthur W. Burks, a Pace scholar. In economics, relational logic
  32. University of Witwatersrand in 1923. In 1925, he received his D. List. For his, doctoral ,thesis The Phonetics of the Zulu Language and was promoted to Senior Lecturer.
  33. Students, and more than 100 graduate programs leading to numerous masters and, doctoral ,degrees in the liberal arts and sciences, engineering,journalism, business
  34. By investigators trained in a wide range of disciplines. Authors of recent, doctoral ,dissertations have described their work as concerned with the fields of
  35. With offerings ranging from the undergraduate (B. S. or B. S. E.) to the, doctoral ,levels. As noted above, biomedical engineering has only recently been emerging
  36. Friendship with Speer deteriorated, allowed access to the original Chronicle to, doctoral ,student (who, after obtaining his doctorate, developed his thesis into a book
  37. Beer culture. In the same year, Hawke accepted a scholarship to undertake, doctoral ,studies in the area of arbitration law in the law department of the Australian
  38. Serves 9,752 students and is home to more than 40 bachelors, master’s and, doctoral ,degrees in professional and technical programs through the College of
  39. Recitals (around six),including a lecture-recital for which an accompanying, doctoral ,dissertation is submitted, advanced coursework and a minimum B average are
  40. Known for his pessimism and philosophical clarity. At age 25,he published his, doctoral ,dissertation, On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, which
  41. Of law at Cambridge. As such, lawyers practicing common law in England were not, doctoral ,candidates and had not earned the doctorate level degree. When university
  42. Connections between algebraic geometry and number theory. This began in his, doctoral ,work leading to the Cordell–Was theorem (1928,and shortly applied in Siegel
  43. Those bringing leadership to Community Colleges and who were supported in their, doctoral ,programs by grants by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. *Journal of Applied
  44. Project was subsequently extended under the name" Metacat" by Hofstadter's, doctoral ,student James Marshall. The Letter Spirit project, implemented by Gary McGraw
  45. AME; American lawyers-to-be sit for their bar exams and American master's and, doctoral ,students may sit for their comprehensive exams, but in nearly all other
  46. Principle of Sufficient Reason. This is explained more fully in Schopenhauer's, doctoral ,thesis, On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason.
  47. Places to study natural history and a common place for Swedes to take their, doctoral ,degree; Linnaeus, who was interested in both of these, accepted. In April 1735
  48. Industries. The graduate student to faculty ratio is 4:1. Approximately 99 % of, doctoral ,students have full financial support. Financial support for graduate students
  49. Or Gothenburg University, depending on the program. Chalmers confers honorary, doctoral ,degrees to people outside the university who have shown great merit in their
  50. Connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement. His, doctoral ,thesis later became a book, The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between

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