Examples of the the word, outsourcing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( outsourcing ), is the 7219 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ahead of several advanced economies. With 7 of the world's top 15 technology, outsourcing ,companies based in India, the country is viewed as the second most favorable
  2. Assets) Capital and risk management services Commercial and industrial, outsourcing ,services Project development and management services *Energy Infrastructure
  3. Other marques, including Mercedes-Benz Ulrich Be has publicly speculated about, outsourcing ,all of Aston Martin’s operations except marketing. Aston Martins
  4. In business support functions such as shares services and business process, outsourcing , The majority of the top ten BPO firms of the United States operate in the
  5. A business outsources its bookkeeping to an accounting firm. Unlike offshoring, outsourcing ,always involves subcontracting jobs to a different company, and that company
  6. Trade theory that provides theoretical bases for the topics such as, outsourcing , fragmentation and intra-term trade. Largest countries by total international
  7. The actual figure. Market changes in the USA Computer programming, offshore, outsourcing , and Foreign Worker Visas became a controversial topic after the crash of the
  8. Competition may be used for part of the market (e.g. IT services),through, outsourcing ,contracts; some water companies outsource a considerable proportion of their
  9. Is increasing due to increasing levels of globalization—labor division and, outsourcing ,amongst other things. Email can lead to some well-known problems: * Loss of
  10. FDI) project numbers since 2003. In recent times, pharmaceuticals,financial, outsourcing , software development, and ecotourism have become the prime industries in Costa
  11. Officially published figures, EU membership fueled a booming economy, increased, outsourcing , into the country, and boosted the tourism sector. The pitas, the national
  12. And distribution * ACCRA III and IV Project (Venezuela) is the largest, outsourcing ,contract offered by PSA. Enron's partners in the venture were Accra Barbados
  13. Even mentioned in the 2004 U. S. Presidential debate on the topic of offshore, outsourcing , Large companies claim there is a skills' shortage with regard to programming
  14. And microelectronics; Russia is now the world's third-biggest destination for, outsourcing ,software behind India and China. The space launch industry is now the world's
  15. Services announced that Coca-Cola FEMSA signed a five-year technology, outsourcing ,services contract valued in excess of $100 million to build and manage an HP
  16. Dark Void and Bionic Commando, the company's management has decided to limit, outsourcing ,to sequels and newer versions of installments in existing franchises, reserving
  17. In late 2000. In September 2007 Qantas announced a ten-year extension of the, outsourcing ,agreement. In addition to using Amadeus' Alter platform for reservation and
  18. As they and their banker agree to. This is the reason behind the trend towards, outsourcing ,in the financial sector. Without this money creation benefit, it is actually
  19. Belief that you can transfer a risk to a third party through insurance or, outsourcing , In practice if the insurance company or contractor go bankrupt or end up in
  20. A large pool of highly skilled, English-speaking workers. The increased use of, outsourcing ,has assisted the rise of India and the China as financial centers. Due to its
  21. Under the false pretense that they are natural monopolies. Franchising and, outsourcing ,Although competition within a natural monopoly market is costly, it is possible
  22. And communications technology and electronic media and has become the software, outsourcing ,hub of Pakistan. Call centers for foreign companies have been targeted as a
  23. In which multinationals take advantage of international differences, such as, outsourcing ,production (e.g. clothes) and services (e.g. call centers) to low-wage
  24. Benefit, it is actually more expensive to outsource the IT operations as the, outsourcing ,adds a layer of management and increases overhead. Telecom arbitrage Telecom
  25. Jobs to a different company, and that company can be in the same country as the, outsourcing ,company. ) *Sports arbitrage – numerous internet bookmakers offer odds on the
  26. Referred to as offshoring. (Note that" offshoring" is not synonymous with ", outsourcing ,", which means" to subcontract from an outside supplier or source ", such as
  27. Countries. Some forms of programming have been increasingly subject to offshore, outsourcing ,(importing software and services from other countries, usually at a lower wage
  28. Despite constraints, service industries such as tourism and business process, outsourcing ,have been identified as areas with some of the best opportunities for growth
  29. Ricardo-Sraffa trade theory that provides theoretical bases for the topics as, outsourcing , fragmentation and intra-term trade. Recent episode In a blog post of 28 April
  30. Economy The economy of Haryana relies on manufacturing, business process, outsourcing , agriculture and retail. Manufacturing Yamunanagar district is the largest
  31. Transaction occurs. Regulatory arbitrage can include restructuring a bank by, outsourcing ,services such as IT. The outsourcing company takes over the installations
  32. Business processing outsourcing * Transom Worldwide – business processing, outsourcing ,* Weyerhaeuser Cellulose Fibers – cellulose fibers manufacturing (planned)
  33. Steel, engineering,capital goods * Transom Worldwide – business processing, outsourcing ,* Transom Worldwide – business processing outsourcing * Weyerhaeuser Cellulose
  34. Can include restructuring a bank by outsourcing services such as IT. The, outsourcing ,company takes over the installations, buying out the bank's assets and charges
  35. Converted retired buses into tow bus vehicles, to act as tow trucks. With the, outsourcing ,of maintenance staff and facilities, the increase in company health and safety
  36. Important exports, in recent times electronics, pharmaceuticals,financial, outsourcing , software development, and ecotourism have become the prime industries in Costa
  37. Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai. Call centers and business process, outsourcing ,(Bros) are becoming major employers in India and the Philippines due to the
  38. And organizations * PeopleSupport, a Los Angeles-based business process, outsourcing ,company Games * Phantasm Star (series),series of RPG games by SEGA *
  39. Corporate entities while regulating, taxing and controlling borders (blocking, outsourcing ,and creating tariffs) for all competitors. Notes The Meat Puppets are an
  40. Companies based in India, the country is viewed as the second most favorable, outsourcing ,destination after the United States. India's consumer market, currently the
  41. Competitive information technology industry, India has become a major hub for, outsourcing , In 2010,Asia had 3.3 million millionaires (people with net worth over US$1
  42. Unit. It was formed by the combination of HP's legacy services consulting and, outsourcing ,business and the integration of acquired Electronic Data Systems, which had
  43. Of 1991,the finance boom in the mid-nineties and the IT, export,services and, outsourcing ,boom in the 2000s. Mumbai has been ranked 48th on the Worldwide Centers of Commerce
  44. And the integration of acquired Electronic Data Systems, which had defined the, outsourcing ,business when it was established in 1962 by H. Ross Perot. As of 2009,HP
  45. Advanced transportation, globalization,multinational corporations, and, outsourcing , are all having a major impact on the international trade system. Increasing
  46. And the shareholders of the unionized business. In the United States,the, outsourcing ,of labor to Asia, Latin America, and Africa has been partially driven by
  47. After India and China) among software exporters. Such growth of software, outsourcing ,in Russia is caused by a number of factors. One of them is the supporting role
  48. States of America, originally part of the Fisher-Price division, in 2002, outsourcing , production to China, the beginning of a chain of events that led to a scandal
  49. Of the IT market is offshore programming. The industry of software development, outsourcing ,crossed the mark of $1 billion of total revenues in 2005 and reached $1.8
  50. A new version of BIND (BIND 9) was developed by Nominal, Inc. under an ISC, outsourcing ,contract. It was written from scratch in part to address the architectural

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