Examples of the the word, cal , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Battery The secondary armament for Montana and her sisters was to be 20 /54, cal , guns housed in 10 turrets along the island of the battleship; five on the
  2. Fire control tops, replaced the old hyperboloid cage masts; the number of /51, cal , guns was reduced to 12 and re-positioned one deck higher, and eight /25 cal
  3. Eca, ca,ITA, ta; the plural: CEI, tei. There is a genitive singular: CLA, tla, cal ,and plural cal l. The accusative singular: can, cen, cn, ecn, etan, tn; plural
  4. Captain Albert W. Grant in command. Texas's main battery consisted of ten /45, cal , Mark 1 guns, which fired armor piercing shells with a range of. Her secondary
  5. Mounts. Beginning in mid 1943,some boats were fitted with one or two .30, cal , Browning machine guns on the forward torpedo racks on pedestal mounts.
  6. Numerous automatic weapons. Common to all US PT boats were the two twin M2 .50, cal , ( 12.7 mm) machine guns. Early PT boats (Eco PT20 through PT44) mounted
  7. Take an average of 30 minutes to go through. **Species Cumulonimbus cal ves (Cb, cal ,): Cumulonimbus clouds with very high clear-cut domed tops similar to towering
  8. Include the common color of its old buildings painted and decorated with ", cal ," (though anyone visiting modern Mérida can see that buildings are not all
  9. Damage assessment for a previous fire mission, the aircraft was damaged by .51, cal , ( 13 mm) machine gun fire and crashed, killing both crew members.
  10. And about 1,221 civilian workers. They were armed with six used 5 inch/51, cal , ( 127 mm) cannons, removed from a scrapped battleship; twelve 3 inch/50 cal (
  11. CCS),the B-29 had four remote controlled turrets, each armed with two .50, cal ,M2/AN machine guns. Four gunners were able to control these turrets with the
  12. Faster crew fatigue than the /38 cal guns. The ammunition storage for the /54, cal , gun was 500 rounds per turret, and the guns could fire at targets nearly away
  13. Designed specifi cal ly for the Montana's, were to be the replacement for the /38, cal , secondary gun batteries then in widespread use with the US Navy. The /54 cal
  14. To replace the M-198 in the US Army and Marine Corps with its M777 155 mm/39, cal , towed howitzer, which weighs less than 11,000 lb/4,220 kg. Operators St.
  15. 51 cal guns was reduced to 12 and re-positioned one deck higher, and eight /25, cal , anti-aircraft guns replaced the /50 cal guns with which she had been equipped.
  16. Capital Castellano and a minor fort. The name itself stems from the Celtic term, cal ,which means stream, or Slavic term KAL, meaning swamp or marsh. In 1106
  17. Shells with a range of. Her secondary battery consisted of twenty-one /51, cal , guns. She originally also mounted four torpedo tubes, two on each side of the
  18. Fire armor-piercing shells some. Her secondary battery consisted of 20 /38, cal , guns in twin turrets, with a range of about. With the advent of air power and
  19. Subdivisions, and selecting as the secondary armament several dual-mounted /54, cal , guns instead of the /38 cal guns used on the Iowas. At this point, the net
  20. Of the chart house of some early Eco boats (PT20 through PT44) had twin .30, cal , ( 7.62 mm) Lewis machine guns on pedestal mounts. Beginning in mid 1943,some
  21. Two twin .50 cal (12.7 mm) gun mounts, then adding two 40 mm and four twin .50, cal , ( 12.7 mm) mounts. Lieutenant John F. Kennedy was the first commanding officer
  22. One deck higher, and eight /25 cal anti-aircraft guns replaced the /50, cal , guns with which she had been equipped. She also received additional armor to
  23. A good seal. When the barrel diameter is given in inches, the abbreviation ", cal ," is used in place of" inches. " For example, a small bore rifle with a
  24. African sites, a " ceramic Mesolithic" can be distinguished between 7000-3850, cal , BC. Russian archaeologists prefer to describe such pottery-making cultures as
  25. Morin, a captain in the Imperial army, submitted his" 3-line" cal iber (.30, cal , 7.62 mm) rifle in 1889 alongside a 3.5-line design by Léon Nag ant (a Belgian
  26. Cal),equal to 4.184 petajoules (PJ). Note that these are small cal ories (, cal ,). The dietary cal orie (Cal) is distinct and equal to one kilo cal orie (K cal
  27. Before present. Sites of the Milling stone Horizon date from 7000 cal BC to 4500, cal , BC; they evidence a subsistence system focused on the processing of seeds with
  28. Such as many commercial AR-15 variants and the Ruler Mini-14 (marked" .223, cal ,"),but the manufacturer should always be consulted to verify that this is
  29. The first US battleship to mount anti-aircraft weapons with the addition of /50, cal , guns,and the first to control gunfire with directors and rangefinders, analog
  30. The Model 1903. The later Model 1903-06 was a Model 1903 Gatling converted to, cal , .30-06. This conversion was principally carried out at the Army's Springfield
  31. Use with the US Navy. The /54 cal gun turrets were similar to the /38, cal , gun mounts in that they were equally adept in an anti-aircraft role and for
  32. A cal orie fall into two classes: * The small cal orie or gram cal orie (symbol:, cal ,) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water
  33. Cal (127 mm) cannons, removed from a scrapped battleship; twelve 3 inch/50, cal , ( 76.2 mm) M3 anti-aircraft guns (with only a single working anti-aircraft
  34. NATO ammunition (coaxial machine gun),and one for 12.7×99 mm BMG (.50, cal , ) ammunition, and the missile stowage was redesigned to accept conventional
  35. Guns have a practi cal upper limit of 1250 ft/s (380 m/s) for .177, cal , ( 4.5 mm) pellets. Higher velocities cause unstable pellet flight and loss of
  36. 10,000 years before present. Sites of the Milling stone Horizon date from 7000, cal , BC to 4500 cal BC; they evidence a subsistence system focused on the processing
  37. Platform as part of the TUSK upgrade kit. # (Optional) Instead of the .50, cal , Coaxial machine gun, an M1 can be fitted with an M134 Minigun attached to the
  38. The units in scientific contexts known also as cal ories, or gram cal ories (, cal ,). Food cal ories are thereby referred to less ambiguously in some formal
  39. Final 140 Mk VIII were fitted with a lo cal ly manufactured Mk VE turret with .50, cal , machine guns. A distinctive diamond-shaped DF aerial was fitted on the cabin
  40. Turret along with the main armament. The most common cal iber is 7.62 mm (.30, cal , ). Some vehicles mount more machine guns; for example on the German Murder, one
  41. Heavier rounds of ammunition, and resulted in faster crew fatigue than the /38, cal , guns. The ammunition storage for the /54 cal gun was 500 rounds per turret, and
  42. Draft. During 1904 her armament was upgraded when she exchanged her four /30, cal , guns for more powerful 35- cal iber weapons and two one-pounder guns were landed.
  43. Sbase (l) + an end; STO: begins base (l)+a: st; written (st); t: t - 1 end;, cal ,: begin st + 1: base (l); st + 2: b; st + 3: = p; b: t + 1; p: an end; int: t:
  44. As the secondary armament several dual-mounted /54 cal guns instead of the /38, cal , guns used on the Iowas. At this point, the net design for the Montana-class
  45. Gunboats" by stripping them of all original armament except the two twin .50, cal , ( 12.7 mm) gun mounts, then adding two 40 mm and four twin .50 cal (12.7 mm)
  46. Weight to a height of. Conversions One BTU is approximately: * 252 to 253, cal , ( cal ories, or " little cal ories" ) * 0.25 k cal (kilo cal ories," large
  47. Inches. " For example, a small bore rifle with a diameter of 0.22 inch is a .22, cal , ; however, the decimal point is generally dropped when spoken, making it "
  48. The XM1111 by 2013. Secondary The Abrams tank has three machine guns: # A .50, cal , (12.7 mm) M2HB machine gun in front of the commander's hatch. On the M1
  49. States Senator from Missouri. Missouri's main battery consisted of nine /50, cal , Mark 7 guns, which could fire armor-piercing shells some. Her secondary battery
  50. Cal secondary gun batteries then in widespread use with the US Navy. The /54, cal , gun turrets were similar to the /38 cal gun mounts in that they were equally

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