Examples of the the word, hereby , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hereby ), is the 7228 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Date are of no further force and effect; and all prisoners of both parties are, hereby ,released. (Signed as above. ) Historical re-enactment In celebration, on or
  2. Above them. New members swore" I (...),by entering into the society, do, hereby , swear by the Sun which shine upon me, by the Earth which feeder me, by God
  3. Blow fish is unpatented, and will remain so in all countries. The algorithm is, hereby ,placed in the public domain, and can be freely used by anyone. " Notable
  4. Meetings for Rational Recovery in the United States, Canada,and abroad are, hereby ,canceled and will not be rescheduled ever again,it's just a waste of time and
  5. While the English language press release stated that the PLO Covenant was ", hereby ,amended ", the Arabic version of Yasser Arafat's letter on this declaration
  6. That the tract of land in the Territories of Montana and Wyoming .... is, hereby ,reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy,or sale under the laws of
  7. Charles Champlain of the Los Angeles Times wrote that the" temptation is, hereby ,proved irresistible to call The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, now playing
  8. To issue decrees with the force of law. The hitherto Presidential Dictatorship, hereby ,was to give itself a new legal form. On 15 March, the first cabinet meeting was
  9. Is: The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea, hereby ,requests all those whom it may concern to permit the bearer, to pass freely
  10. The Government of Cuba from its participation in the Inter-American system, hereby ,ceases to have effect #The participation of the Republic of Cuba in the OAS
  11. Therefore, We, desiring to accomplish what Our Father failed to effect, do, hereby , annul all the old laws enacted with reference to the Hebrews, and We order that
  12. Time, when Arab and Jewish blood is spilled at the British enslaver, we, hereby , call upon you ... to stop the attacks and create peace between us. We do not
  13. Entire people, who are anxious to see an early unification of the Fatherland, hereby ,solemnly pledge before the entire Korean people that they will faithfully carry
  14. Undertakes to insure the Stanley Cup for its full insurable value. # The League, hereby ,acknowledges itself to be bound to the Trustees in the sum of One Thousand
  15. Section 5 that stated" unfair or deceptive acts or practices in commerce are, hereby ,declared unlawful" to the Section 5 prohibition of unfair methods of
  16. It to become the de facto championship trophy of the NHL. # The Trustees, hereby ,delegate to the League full authority to determine and amend from time to time
  17. Presents publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. And I do, hereby ,give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Frances Purcell, all my estate both real
  18. Of the forces of England, Scotland and Ireland, shall be, and is, hereby ,declared to be, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and
  19. Intoxicating liquors within ... the United States ... for beverage purposes is, hereby ,prohibited. " The subsequent Volstead Act defined" intoxicating liquors" and
  20. More than one meaning in the language to which the word belongs. " Meaning ", hereby ,refers to whatever should be captured by a good dictionary. For instance, the
  21. In the appointment of a new trustee by the surviving trustee, the " Trustees ", hereby ,delegate and appoint the Governors of the International Hockey Hall of Fame in
  22. The bill was the opening section: All persons born in the United States ... are, hereby ,declared to be citizens of the United States; and such citizens of every race
  23. Hypothetical provisional design solutions and summarize their complex patterns, hereby ,enhancing the design process. In addition, the drafter uses several tools to
  24. A unique form of American music stating, among other things," ... that jazz is, hereby ,designated as a rare and valuable national American treasure to which we should
  25. Couple. In March 2000 CAR issued a new resolution stating that" We do, hereby ,resolve that, that the relationship of a Jewish, same gender couple is worthy
  26. Cameroon (27 August) and of Middle Congo (the 28th of August). Brazzaville, hereby ,became the capital of the so-called Free French in Africa, ruled in theory by a
  27. Juan Yew, as Prime Minister of Singapore, in this current capacity of mine do, hereby ,proclaim and declare on behalf on the people and the Government of Singapore
  28. A good way to document a railway, a road or a roller coaster. The camera can, hereby ,be fixed to the vehicle or held by a person in the vehicle. A tracking shot is
  29. Of the same, that the said town of Pittsburgh shall be, and the same is, hereby , erected into a borough, which shall be called the borough of Pittsburgh for
  30. Act reads: ... the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, and he is, hereby ,authorized, whenever he shall be satisfied that any Indian allotted is
  31. 1st century perspective. The writer’s repeated adherence to true knowledge (“, hereby ,we know”—inherent in Jesus’ ministry) and nature seem to challenge other
  32. The Scottish Parliament, adjourned on the 25th of March in the year 1707 is, hereby ,reconvened. " As a devolved institution, the new Scottish Parliament does not
  33. Constitute the Office of Governor General of Canada; they state:" And We do, hereby ,authorize and empower Our Governor General, with the advice of Our Privy
  34. Of our great national leader and supreme commander Sheikh Mujib Rahman do, hereby ,proclaim the independence of Bangladesh. " The Provisional Government of the
  35. Issued in 1566,an order applicable to the entire area under Portuguese rule: I, hereby ,order that in any area owned by my master, the king, nobody should construct a
  36. On Dalí the title of Marques de Dalí de Púbol () in the nobility of Spain, hereby ,referring to Pub, the place where he lived. The title was in first instance
  37. Intentions towards the tribes residing close to their respective boundaries, hereby ,undertake to inform each other of any future military operations which may
  38. 1986. They declared that Son of Golden Turkey Awards" is our last word ... we, hereby ,solemnly pledge that the years ahead will produce no further Golden Turkey
  39. Of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is, hereby ,enacted by the authority of the same, that the said town of Pittsburgh shall be
  40. For any purpose and without fee to the University of Washington is, hereby ,granted … The University did, however,register a trademark for the name Pine.
  41. Wrote:" If you are the Sultan, come and lead your armies. If I am the Sultan I, hereby ,order you to come and lead my armies. " It was only after receiving this letter
  42. PROCLAMATION We, the people of Indonesia, hereby ,declare the independence of Indonesia. Matters which concern the transfer of
  43. On the freedom of the Bosnian Franciscans" I, the Sultan Khan the Conqueror, hereby ,declare the whole world that, The Bosnian Franciscans granted with this
  44. The civilian inhabitants and that everything should be fairly purchased;" I do, hereby ,warn .... all Officers, Soldiers and others under my command not to do any
  45. Resulted in a new and more intensified scramble for Africa. The Congo River, hereby ,was a prime target for this new conquest by the European nations. Here the
  46. To interstate and foreign commerce in wire and radio communication, there is, hereby ,created a commission to be known as the 'Federal Communications Commission '
  47. The citizen to bear his part of the burden of war and his share of the peril, I, hereby , tender my services to the Government. Please enroll me as a private whenever I
  48. Of America a" nation" or" government," but instead says," The said States, hereby ,severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their
  49. And Naval Militia, and of all Naval and Military Forces, of and in Canada, is, hereby , declared to continue to be vested in the Queen. In a constitutional monarchy or
  50. European Union (consolidated version) states that Citizenship of the Union is, hereby ,established. Every person holding the nationality of a Member State shall be a

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