Examples of the the word, improbable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( improbable ), is the 7224 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Singularity, the entropy of the universe was low and therefore extremely, improbable , Paul Davies rebutted this criticism by invoking an inflationary version of the
  2. Soviet troops from the nation. On February 15, 1989,in what was depicted as an, improbable ,victory for the mujahideen, the last Soviet soldier left the nation. Fall of
  3. In entropy. Since, by the second law of thermodynamics, this is statistically, improbable ,to the point of exclusion, the Carnot efficiency is a theoretical upper bound
  4. Supported by scientists such as Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking, it would be, improbable ,for life not to exist somewhere other than Earth. This argument is embodied in
  5. Went and Won the Cup ", the lyrics of which describe a series of bizarre and, improbable ,occurrences on the hypothetical day when Chelsea finally won a trophy. (The
  6. A quite possible play in four acts (1909) *The Master of Mrs. Chillers: an, improbable ,comedy, imagined by Jerome K. Jerome (1911) *The Soul Of Nicholas Snyder's: A
  7. The former claim may or may not have some basis in reality, the latter seems, improbable , An unwashed member of the warrior caste would not have been received as a
  8. As noted by Williams and others, adaptations can be identified by their, improbable ,complexity, species universality, and adaptive functionality. Obligate and
  9. As the science of the day was aware) but highly unlikely:" the more highly, improbable ,a concept is—short of being contrary to mathematics whose fundamental
  10. Bay the victory. But San Francisco quarterback Steve Young led the 49ers on an, improbable ,touch drive drive, which culminated when Terrell Owens caught Young's pass
  11. Towards Reading. Ilchester was left desolate after its fall, and it is most, improbable ,that any regard would have been paid to its side of the border had the fixing
  12. Early Christian epistle to Barnabas (Epistle of Barnabas),but that is highly, improbable , Although the date, place,and circumstances of his death are, as yet
  13. That some were not patented until the 1980s,and therefore that it is highly, improbable ,that Pollock could have used such paints. In November 2006,Pollock's No. 5
  14. And principles are merely informal conventions; it is possible, though highly, improbable , for the Sovereign to refuse dissolution for no reason at all. In practice, the
  15. Which was to become popular in fantasy and science fiction writing: extremely, improbable ," club tales" told at a gentleman's club or bar. Dunsany's writing habits
  16. Altogether satisfactorily accomplished, aberrations always occur, and it is, improbable ,that these will ever be entirely corrected. This, and related general questions
  17. No complaint was made about the decision to prefer BVI Cable TV's, improbable ,license over Digicel). Mobile was joined to the suit as an interested party.
  18. Statements include" guided physical systems routinely evolve into vastly, improbable ,states. " Which suggests that the internet is a phenomenon that inherently
  19. Was to" bring amusement to a few men of wit ". The fast-paced and, improbable ,plot—in which characters narrowly escape death repeatedly, for instance—allows
  20. Overcharged with rich, artificially " natural" detail in physically, improbable ,juxtapositions of jarring scale changes, overwhelming as a mere frame:
  21. Final, losing to Middlesbrough. That run in the FA Cup saw the setting of an, improbable ,record, that of the most games needed to reach the final, Fulham playing eleven
  22. O'Conner, and Wagenfuhrer. *As noted above, most critical scholars think it, improbable ,that Paul authored Ephesians at all. Among this group are Allan, Beare, Brandon
  23. Dun vegan, expelled his mistress so ignominiously from Until. It is, indeed,not, improbable ,that it was as a result of this war that Lord Ochiltree's Committee that
  24. Missed observing nuclear fission. At that time, fission was thought to be, improbable ,if not impossible, mostly on theoretical grounds. While people expected
  25. Situation would be unable to comply with the three requirements. It is highly, improbable ,that one could know all the alternatives, or all the consequences that follow
  26. Challenges were discussed and debated, a conclusion was reached that it was, improbable ,that humans would ever explore beyond the Solar System. Brice N. Cassette, an
  27. Important one then being waged in Greece (Herod. vii. 145). * (iii. ) It is, improbable ,that Athens would have sent twenty vessels to the aid of the Ionians in 499 BC
  28. Robbins responded:" Long live democracy, free speech and the '69 Mets – all, improbable , glorious miracles that I have always believed in. " Many people, including
  29. Requires an opposition prepared to stand for something more than the, improbable ,chance of quick victory. In August 1956,Drew fell ill and many within the
  30. Test users after the test users suggested remedies the developers felt were, improbable , leading the developers to believe consulting the test users would only prove
  31. In pages dominated by sharp tension, Pirandello designs the comic drama of the, improbable ,knowledge of a self which, like Prometheus, continually changes and eludes all
  32. In the form of the Encomium of Helen ascribed to Gorgias:" It appears not, improbable ,that Ximenes may have been the real author of the work ascribed to Gorgias.
  33. The show was" Captain Fantastic ", featuring a parody superhero (Jason) in, improbable , even macabre adventures against villains Mrs. Black (Coffey). These
  34. Features of super-hero comics, namely,that heroes almost always win, even in, improbable ,circumstances, and that heroes' power levels remain mostly static. Furthermore
  35. And emerged near Earth at virtually the same time, accounting for the seemingly, improbable ,abundance of kryptonite material and its availability to Superman's enemies.
  36. Applications that have revolutionized our way of life. It seems to me, improbable ,that this effort to get at the structure of matter should be an exception to
  37. Of Mars, one which had been colonized by the British and another which is an, improbable ,combination of Burroughs' fabulous Barroom with the home planet of the vicious
  38. Came from the same author, but many scholars now believe this to be, improbable , The last events in Chronicles take place in the reign of Cyrus the Great, the
  39. S messengers to Hezekiah (2 Kings xix. 13,Is. xxxvii. 13) is exceedingly, improbable , The town may be mentioned, however,in four 7th century documents edited by
  40. An important political role in Sumerian affairs is not certain, though not, improbable , At all events the prominence of" Ea" led, as in the case of Nipper, to the
  41. e.g. frequently encountered) data will produce shorter output than ", improbable ," data. The primary encoding algorithms used to produce bit sequences are
  42. 1976) (alternate history). Much of this speculation was about the, improbable ,existence of any benevolent deity involved in human affairs. In The Anti-Death
  43. Notwithstanding the opinion to the contrary of many writers, it does not appear, improbable ,that John then went for the first time to Asia Minor and exercised his
  44. Before becoming Roman Emperor. Historically, this series of events is extremely, improbable , Constantius had already left Helena by the time he left for Britain. The
  45. Strength, and psychic powers are relatively common. (Random tables of such, improbable ,mutations are a hallmark of every edition of Gamma World. ) Many animals and
  46. Suggestion that Memphis (Amenhotep) I. (16th century BC) refers to it is, improbable ,; but we seem to be justified in holding Ana to be the town" in the middle of
  47. Which he characterizes as" I cannot know for certain, but I think God is very, improbable , and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there ", but leaning
  48. That of the existing genus it has been also called Minus succincter. It is, improbable , however, that the production of amber was limited to a single species; and
  49. So popular that in Britain the term" Heath Robinson" is used to refer to an, improbable , rickety machine barely kept going by incessant tinkering. (The corresponding
  50. Follows, where Elijah is fed by the widow, also suggests a human, if mildly, improbable , agent. Prof. John Gray chooses Arabs, saying " We adopt this reading solely

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