Examples of the the word, soda , in a Sentence Context

The word ( soda ), is the 7221 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 8,1886. It was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents a glass at, soda ,fountains, which were popular in the United States at the time due to the
  2. Typical drinks include wine (occasionally mixed with carbonated water known as, soda ,); tea and coffee are equally important. Quizzes is the national brand of pale
  3. Origin of the cocaine used, the method of preparation – with ammonia or baking, soda ,– and the presence of impurities, but will generally range from white to a
  4. At coal plants include converting carbon from smokestacks into baking, soda , and algae-based carbon capture, circumventing storage by converting algae into
  5. Or iron (II) carbonate,FeCO3,an important iron ore. Sodium carbonate (", soda ," or" natron" ) and potassium carbonate (" potash" ) have been used since
  6. When the partial pressure of CO2 is reduced, for example when a can of, soda ,is opened, the equilibrium for each of the forms of carbonate (carbonate
  7. Usually contains one or more kinds of spirit and one or more mixers, such as, soda ,or fruit juice. Additional ingredients may be sugar, honey,milk, cream,and
  8. One writer wrote that Ruth's illness was caused by bingeing on hot dogs and, soda ,pop before a game. Venereal disease and alcohol poisoning (caused by tainted
  9. Reported extraction of the metal sodium from a mineral derivative (caustic, soda , NaOH, or lye),not a plant salt, by a similar technique, demonstrating the
  10. Are eaten accompanied by an alcoholic beverage (" ferret ", beer,wine with, soda , to give some common examples). To conclude, it should be noted that the
  11. Rum with two parts club soda and just enough cola so that it tints the club, soda , The Cuba Campeche (" straightforward Cuba" ) contains one part rum topped
  12. Of other limited edition bottles by fashion designers for Coca-Cola Light, soda ,have been created in the last few years. In 2009,in Italy, Coca-Cola Light had
  13. Can be melted and boiled to vapor. Crack smokers also sometimes smoke through a, soda ,can with small holes in the bottom. Crack is smoked by placing it at the end of
  14. Stone. Faience is a non-clay ceramic made of silica, small amounts of lime and, soda , and a colorant, typically copper. The material was used to make beads, tiles
  15. The rear of the passenger cabin. He lit a cigarette and ordered a bourbon and, soda , Onboard eyewitnesses recalled a man in his mid-forties, between and tall. He
  16. 1.77 million tons potash,206,000 tons elemental bromine,44,900 tons caustic, soda , 25,000 tons magnesium metal, and sodium chloride. On the Jordanian side of the
  17. Cuba" ) contains one part rum topped off with equal parts of club, soda ,and cola. They are both popular refreshments, especially among young people. A
  18. Cryogenics. Recent pilot studies include flue capture and conversion to baking, soda ,and use of algae for conversion to fuel or feed. In coal-fired power stations
  19. Contain artificial sweeteners only. Some consumers prefer the taste of, soda ,manufactured with sugar. As a result of this, there is demand in the United
  20. The Cuba Pinata (" stained Cuba" ) is one part rum with two parts club, soda ,and just enough cola so that it tints the club soda . The Cuba Campeche ("
  21. In small bottles (typically 330 ml in Europe and 355 ml, the normal size of a, soda ,pop can, in North America),and between 4 % and 7 % alcohol by volume. In
  22. Is nominally neutral but often connotes alcoholic content. Beverages such as, soda ,pop, sparkling water, iced tea, lemonade,squash, and fruit punch are the most
  23. Both chromosomes consumed 40 mg more caffeine per day (equivalent to a can of, soda ,) than people who did not. Detection in biological fluids Caffeine can be
  24. Won the bet, and the barrel he had painted to look like an Orange Crush, soda ,can become his signature costume, and resulted in him becoming one of the
  25. BIRTHDAY in ASL, just as in English one can say" couch" and" sofa ", or ", soda ," and" pop ", to mean the same thing. As in English, such variants can reveal
  26. Has had a troubled financial history but remains an important employer. The, soda ,ash operation at SUA Pan, opened in 1991 and supported by substantial
  27. America and Western Europe. The Coca-Cola Company also sells concentrate for, soda ,fountains to major restaurants and food service distributors. The Coca-Cola
  28. In the Northwest, North Central, Prairie and Inland North prefer pop over, soda ,to refer to a carbonated beverage (but neither term is dominant in British
  29. But he never graduated. He held a succession of jobs after leaving school: a, soda ,jerk, insurance investigator, office clerk. Most of them ended with him being
  30. Root and his subordinates decided to base the bottle's design on one of the, soda ,'s two ingredients, the coca leaf or the kola nut, but were unaware of what
  31. Inside the material as" lithium ". Sodium Although sodium (sometimes called ", soda ," in English) has long been recognized in compounds, it was not isolated until
  32. The popular arts in America. " Ed Sullivan's declaration that he perceived a, soda ,bottle in Presley's trousers was echoed by rumors involving a similarly
  33. Curds, which are neutralized with a base, such as sodium bicarbonate (baking, soda ,), to cause them to clump and become a thicker plastic-like substance.
  34. Palm wine, and millet beer are the traditional mealtime drinks, although beer, soda , and wine have gained popularity. Silverware is common, but food is
  35. From the wood, mainly because they are boiled in sodium bicarbonate baking, soda ,for seven hours for the very purpose of removing any flavor from the wood. The
  36. Cookie) recipe includes flour, shortening (often lard),baking powder or, soda , milk (buttermilk or sweet milk) and sugar. Common savory variations involve
  37. Day life as vinegar. Carbonic acid is an important part of some cola drinks and, soda , Citric acid is used as a preservative in sauces and pickles. Tartaric acid is
  38. Its weight; the substances most commonly used in this process are baking, soda ,; sugars, such as lactose, dextrose,inositol, and mannitol; and local
  39. As well as in solid deposits (halite). Others include amphibole, cryolite, soda , niter,and zeolite. Potassium does not occur as the free element in
  40. Is far denser after removal from the oven. Oils in baked cakes do not behave as, soda ,tends to in the finished result. Rather than evaporating and thickening the
  41. He shoots Coca-Cola, he says ... ". Health effects Since studies indicate ", soda ,and sweetened drinks are the main source of calories in the American diet "
  42. Into a few buckets of" murky-looking smelly liquid ". Once powdered caustic, soda ,was added to this, the cocaine precipitated and could be removed by filtration
  43. With Jethro's endless career search, which included such diverse vocations as, soda ,jerk, brain surgeon, Hollywood celebrity, and secret" double naught "
  44. A blending of dialects. Sharp eared locals can detect from word usage (, soda ,versus pop, hoodie versus bunny hug) where one originated," Down east," east
  45. Quicker, Rennie, Titralac, Rolaids ) *Sodium bicarbonate (Bicarbonate of, soda , Bronchi) *Hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2 (CO3) (OH)16 · 4 (H2O); Talc id) An
  46. Produced by neutralization of cocaine hydrochloride with a solution of baking, soda ,(sodium bicarbonate,NaHCO3) and water, producing a very hard/brittle
  47. Was not isolated until 1807 by Humphry Davy through the electrolysis of caustic, soda , Potassium metal was first isolated in 1807 in England by Sir Humphry
  48. The in-joke gag of Jethro as a movie producer was replayed in the 1981 movie), soda , jerk,short order cook, and once as a bookkeeper for Wilburn Drysdale's bank.
  49. Precipitation. These include flow stones, stalactites,stalagmites, helictites, soda ,straws and columns. These secondary mineral deposits in caves are called
  50. Thus, acetic acid found in vinegar reacts with sodium bicarbonate (baking, soda ,) to form sodium acetate, carbon dioxide, and water:: CH3COOH + NaHCO3 →

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