Examples of the the word, paperwork , in a Sentence Context

The word ( paperwork ), is the 7220 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bank account from Sierra Leone, but the victims needed to pay £5,000 for the, paperwork ,in exchange for a bogus-bouncing check with the promise that they can keep 20 %
  2. Find themselves serving as parole officers, secretaries,note takers, paperwork ,processors, record keepers, notaries of the public, cashiers,and managers.
  3. Use what he called the" Grand Secretaries" ( 内阁) to assist with the immense, paperwork ,of the bureaucracy, including memorials (petitions and recommendations to the
  4. And exploded only yards away from the trailer where Gen. Clark was doing, paperwork ,at his desk. On the day after the bombing at first light, most of the civilians
  5. Bank, and was expected that night at Palm Springs. She never arrived. Due to a, paperwork ,foul-up, a search did not get under way for several days, and while the
  6. The flow of recruits into and out of the camp. He obtained passports and, paperwork ,for men transferring to other training camps or home. The Hayden Camp has been
  7. A common duty of second- and third-century Emperors. Diocletian was awash in, paperwork , and was nearly incapable of delegating his duties. It would have been seen as
  8. Impact study process, Disney,through the District, was able to avoid the, paperwork ,and streamline the process to build theme parks and other attractions. On the
  9. A California corporation, apparently in response to a complaint concerning tax, paperwork ,from earlier years. Its current status is" Active ". Board members The current
  10. Save Maggie by telling Judson that killing Maggie would" create two weeks of, paperwork ," for him. When Judson advances on Warden with the knife, Warden breaks a beer
  11. Can be seen throughout SCI's funeral homes and cemeteries, on staff, signage, paperwork , vehicles, etc. Famous Property owned by SCI * Rose Hills Memorial Park in
  12. Sit the suspect down in an interrogation room, sit across from him and do, paperwork , and wait for the suspect to begin talking. These tactics are intended to
  13. Typically non-linear production shoot. This takes the form of a large amount of, paperwork , photographs, and attention to and memory of large quantities of detail, some
  14. Situation was further complicated because a few days earlier, Enron had filed, paperwork ,admitting it had" fudged financial statements for five years ". Greenspan did
  15. Courts, on drug prescriptions and its use in the media and for government, paperwork , Dialects File: Dialects of Russian language. PNG|thumb|300px | Russian
  16. Out to the table or benches. A bar might be provided for the manager to do his, paperwork ,whilst keeping an eye on his customers, but the casks of ale were kept in a
  17. An incident at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). Pro has the proper, paperwork , Largo must beat the ninja Junta at a video game to enter. After a spending
  18. The Witness Protection Program, and be given new identities, with supporting, paperwork , Cases Among the most famous Mafia entity is Tomato Bruschetta, the first
  19. Tasks, long wait times before phone calls are answered, and overcomplicated, paperwork ,that is often required. In August 1990,UC Berkeley attempted to ease the
  20. With afternoons at the golf course, beach,or hotel, making calls and doing, paperwork , Finally, during the fourth week, the Russians began to make concessions and to
  21. When the police prosecutor revealed that he did not have all family court, paperwork ,in court and the magistrate refused to grant an adjournment. Cosmetic
  22. Disallow underage children from using their services due to the amount of, paperwork ,involved. Background The Federal Trade Commission has the authority to issue
  23. Vague' when it came to filling in forms and might not have completed the, paperwork ,for the family entry correctly ". When Nerissa had died the year before, her
  24. Of the funeral home receiving the remains of the deceased, filing the necessary, paperwork ,(according to state/provincial laws),and completing the cremation process.
  25. Aurelius Hermogenianus—aided in regulating the flow and presentation of such, paperwork , but the deep legalism of Roman culture kept the workload heavy. Emperors in
  26. Of the Ninth Fleet, a position he initially resented because of the amount of, paperwork ,involved. Like most Klingons, Martok had a disdain for Fearing, which
  27. 22 Jordan Mint sends a memorandum to Jeffrey Skilling for his sign-off on LJM, paperwork , *June 6 Enron general counsel Jim Derrick sells 160,000 Enron shares over the
  28. The Ming administration had the Grand Secretaries assisting the emperor, with, paperwork , handled by them under Yongle's reign and finally appointed as top officials of
  29. In an emergency, a joke later incorporated into the Logons' obsession with, paperwork , Adams also contributed to a sketch on the album for Monty Python and the Holy
  30. Take a major role in the body's administrative functions. He felt drowned in, paperwork , and complained to his tutor, Fronto:" I am so out of breath from dictating
  31. Was unhappy. Significant rebellions occurred on Anna and Spirit Santa and, paperwork ,revealed the direct culpability of France in its desire to see Spirit Santa
  32. Taller, Talwar, Thebo, Yousafzai,and Mani. In Pakistan the official, paperwork ,format regarding personal identity is as follows; So and so, son of so-and-so
  33. Not read Huber's leaflet. Another attorney had carried out all the pre-trial, paperwork , When Roger realized how damning the evidence was against Huber, he resigned.
  34. Freeing him on February 12,Lincoln's birthday. President Wilson returned the, paperwork ,after writing" Denied" across it. On December 23, 1921,President Harding
  35. Families and the deceased. The funeral home often takes care of the necessary, paperwork , permits, and other details, such as making arrangements with the cemetery, and
  36. And he found it necessary to hire clerks at his own expense to help with the, paperwork , In Congress on June 15, 1775,Massachusetts delegate John Adams nominated
  37. Film, obtain tax credits from local governments, and take care of immigration, paperwork ,when cast and/or crew cross international borders to shoot on location.
  38. Services for most of the north of England. The reduction in the amount of local, paperwork ,required for modern international trade is partly offset by the increased
  39. S inherited family fortune paid for air tickets and accommodation, paid for, paperwork ,with Pakistani authorities and provided other such services for the jihadi
  40. Values in the Cuban population. In July 1968 the name" MAP" was erased and, paperwork ,associated with the MAP was destroyed. The camps continued as" Military Units
  41. The one built. Stephenson also tended to be more casual in estimating costs and, paperwork ,in general. He worked with Joseph Locke on the Grand Junction Railway with one
  42. Aides would take turns visiting him in the hospital with important matters and, paperwork , Shortly before he was due to leave for the Crimea,Andropov's health severely
  43. Of actually examining the specimen. This" identification" was done by the, paperwork ,and the actual specimen was missing by then. Heuvelmans theorized eel
  44. I, Peter and Elizabeth were apparently still together as late as 1917. On his, paperwork , Peter was listed as a brewer, working for the Elton and Fullerton Brewery. He
  45. And partly by the law of the jurisdiction where the partnership is located. No, paperwork ,or filing is necessary to create a partnership, and without an agreement, the
  46. She had purchased" Queen's Ware ", and trumpeted the royal association in his, paperwork ,and stationery. In 1774,Empress Catherine of Russia ordered the Green Frog
  47. With excess credit to contact buyers, and the brokers often handle payments and, paperwork ,to protect the principals, and to ensure that transfers are fully reported to
  48. And subdivided, eliciting the squabbles over jurisdiction that produced the, paperwork ,by which economic historians trace their development: there were 101 trades in
  49. Or sourcing of garments, hiring and firing of support staff, budget, paperwork , and department logistics. Also called the Wardrobe Supervisor, although this
  50. IBM Selectric typewriter, which was at the time used to calculate and print the, paperwork ,for auto sales. In 1974,Koplow's interface program was developed into the

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