Examples of the the word, loom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( loom ), is the 7218 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fringe can also be added during weaving or before the piece is removed from the, loom , Bead loom s vary in size and are typically made of wood or metal. Usually, a
  2. Tapestry cartoons, usually colored, were followed by eye by the weavers on the, loom , Particularly sketches by John Leech. The first of these parodied the
  3. Engine. See also: Logic piano In 1801,Joseph-Marie Jacquard developed a, loom ,in which the pattern being woven was controlled by punched cards. The series of
  4. In the history of computing hardware. The ability to change the pattern of the, loom ,'s weave by simply changing cards was an important conceptual precursor to the
  5. Campers Alliance. Dissatisfaction with this state of affairs continued to, loom ,over Nerva's reign, and ultimately erupted into a crisis in October of 97
  6. Usually played in private social and sports clubs, like: Literature Two writers, loom ,large over the modern literature of Alexandria: C. P. Cavalry, the
  7. Door cards. Due to the reduction in the number of electrical items the wiring, loom ,was reduced in complexity which saved weight and also the battery was replaced
  8. Other findings there are wineries where fermented wine was produced, as well as, loom ,weights resembling those of Mycenaean sites in Greece. It has been theorized
  9. A double hooked apparatus called a Cookbook that has become popular. A hairpin, loom ,is often used to create Lacey and long stitches, known as hairpin lace. While
  10. Achievements might have been impossible. Later inventions such as the power, loom ,and Richard Trevithick's high pressure steam engine were also important in the
  11. A method being used at the time to direct mechanical loom s such as the Jacquard, loom , For output, the machine would have a printer, a curve plotter and a bell. The
  12. With holes punched in them. The hole pattern represented the pattern that the, loom ,had to follow in weaving cloth. The loom could produce entirely different
  13. Peace for the next six decades. On the eastern front, the Turks continued to, loom ,large as a threat, although war would mean further compromises with the
  14. With 1040 ends File: WLAN - jpa2003 - detail Jacquard weefgetouw. JPG|Jacquard, loom ,File: Deutsche Technikmuseum Berlin February 2008 0013. JPG | Image: loom .
  15. Centuries before the story of Jonah appeared. The Jacquard loom is a mechanical, loom , invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1801,that simplifies the process of
  16. A prairie populist who tried to revolutionize the Conservative Party begins to, loom ,larger than his personal idiosyncrasies. The difficulties he faced in the form
  17. One of a number of off- loom stitches. On- loom bead weaving When weaving on a, loom , the beads are locked in between the warp threads by the weft threads. The most
  18. Which changed her into a spider. In some versions, the destruction of her, loom ,leads Arachne to hang herself in despair; Athena takes pity on her, and
  19. The earliest non-electronic information processing devices, such as Jacquard's, loom ,or Babbage's Analytical Engine, a bit was often stored as the position of a
  20. Cloths. Kent is an Alan ceremonial cloth hand-woven on a horizontal treadle, loom , Strips measuring about 4 inches wide are sewn together into larger pieces of
  21. Series of cards could be changed without changing the mechanical design of the, loom , This was a landmark achievement in programmability. His machine was an
  22. Punched cards, and can have thousands of hooks. The threading of a Jacquard, loom ,is so labor-intensive that many loom s are threaded only once. Subsequent warps
  23. Technikmuseum Berlin February 2008 0013. JPG | Image: loom . JPG|Punched card, loom ,mechanism in silk weaving workshop; Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India Image:
  24. All that can be rationally expected of any logical machine ". Jacquard, loom , Hollerith punch cards, telegraphy and telephony—the electromechanical relay:
  25. Deities. Finally, losing her temper, Athena destroyed Arachne's tapestry and, loom , striking it with her shuttle. Athena then struck Arachne with her staff, which
  26. Half-fish form many centuries before the story of Jonah appeared. The Jacquard, loom ,is a mechanical loom , invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1801,that
  27. Restricted worldwide. Bead weaving using seed beads can be done either on a, loom ,or using one of a number of off- loom stitches. On- loom bead weaving When weaving
  28. This technique was greatly improved by Joseph Marie Jacquard in his Jacquard, loom ,in 1801. Semen Forsake was reputedly the first to use the punched cards in
  29. Electromechanical relay: Bell and Newell (1971) indicate that the Jacquard, loom ,(1801),precursor to Hollerith cards (punch cards,1887),and" telephone
  30. Made only a small proportion of the output. Use of the spinning wheel and hand, loom ,restricted the production capacity of the industry, but incremental advances
  31. Fed a weaving industry that was advancing with improvements to shuttles and the, loom ,or 'frame '. The output of an individual laborer increased dramatically, with
  32. Century, National Museum of textile Industry, Sliven, Bulgaria Image: Jacquard., loom , Hooks. JPG|Close-up view of comber board, harness,mails, weights (Lingoes)
  33. The Greek history 'anything set upright' ( as the masts of a ship, the bar of a, loom , or the vertical bars of a histogram); and grammar 'drawing, record,writing '.
  34. They were not dangerous, and fawned on all newcomers. Circe worked at a huge, loom , She invited Odysseus' crew to a feast of familiar food, a pottage of cheese
  35. Might be in the sound of a plucked hunter's bow-string or the strings of a, loom , A type of harp called a bow harp is similar to a hunter's bow, with a
  36. Loom File: Deutsche Technikmuseum Berlin February 2008 0013. JPG | Image:, loom , JPG|Punched card loom mechanism in silk weaving workshop; Varanasi, Uttar
  37. In wall hangings and sculpture. Bead work techniques are broadly divided into, loom ,and off- loom weaving, stringing,bead embroidery, bead crochet, and bead
  38. DC. Image: Claude Monet Camille Au métier. JPG|Camille Monet at her tapestry, loom , 1875,Barnes Foundation, Merion, PA Image: Claude Monet - Argenteuil.
  39. A knotting robot which ties each new thread on individually. Even for a small, loom ,with only a few thousand warp ends the process of re-threading can take days.
  40. The standard and the Club Sport). With the added electrics the larger wiring, loom ,was used. The Sport Variant also got back the 2 rear seats, again in the cloth
  41. Bars on Marion and Sam as they peer out the window. The stuffed birds' shadows, loom ,over Marion as she eats, and Norman's mother is seen in only shadows until the
  42. In a silk weaving workshop; Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India Image: Jacquard., loom , Cards. JPG|Close-up view of the 8 × 26 hole punched cards—one card per pick (
  43. Warp ends wide with four repeats of the weave going across. The term" Jacquard, loom ," is a misnomer. It is the" Jacquard head" that adapts to a great many dobbies
  44. Roller bars that allow the weaver to produce pieces that are longer than the, loom , Most loom s are meant to sit on a table, but some have floor stands or are
  45. Any small bead. Usually rounded in shape, seed beads are most commonly used for, loom ,and off- loom bead weaving. Place or period of origin African trade beads or
  46. The process of re-threading can take days. Importance to computing The Jacquard, loom ,was the first machine to use punched cards to control a sequence of operations.
  47. Represented the pattern that the loom had to follow in weaving cloth. The, loom ,could produce entirely different weaves using different sets of cards. Charles
  48. Connected to a number of threads, allowing more than one repeat of a pattern. A, loom ,with a 400 hook head might have four threads connected to each hook, resulting
  49. Textiles with complex patterns such as brocade, damask and Madeleine. The, loom ,is controlled by punched cards with punched holes, each row of which
  50. Name of the cloth was saguaro or Montoya, meaning " a cloth hand-woven on a, loom ,"; however, the term Kent is the most popularly used term today. Many

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