Examples of the the word, cosmic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cosmic ), is the 7222 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of rocks by the method of K-Ar dating. In the Earth's atmosphere, is made by, cosmic ,ray activity, primarily with. In the subsurface environment, it is also
  2. Other side of the world. The Forbidden City in Beijing is laid out to follow, cosmic ,order though rather than observing four directions the Chinese saw five, North
  3. Antiparticles are produced naturally in beta decay, and in the interaction of, cosmic ,rays in the Earth's atmosphere. Because charge is conserved, it is not
  4. Thought. Their collision produced what the mythical tradition had called, cosmic ,harmony. In the old cosmogonies – Hesiod (8th-7th century BC) and Precedes
  5. The alignment and the ethnography which suggests that the city was built with, cosmic ,order in mind. Chico Canyon In Chico Canyon, the center of the ancient Pueblo
  6. Have brought together ideas of cognition and landscape include studies of the, cosmic ,order embedded in the roads of settlements. Archaeoastronomy can be applied to
  7. A special role in the radiation shield. One of the difficulties in dealing with, cosmic ,rays, which are mostly high energy protons, is that some secondary radiation
  8. Represents the sun time and Buddhist law, while the swastika stands for the, cosmic ,dance around a fixed center and guards against evil. There is no evidence of a
  9. That he used the old mythical language. The goddess Justice (Dike) keeps the, cosmic ,order. This concept of returning to the element of origin was often revisited
  10. Theory, which had recently been falsified by the 1965 discovery of the, cosmic ,microwave background radiation. This discovery was unequivocal evidence that
  11. Rotation by means of exact observations. Asymmetry is an important step in the, cosmic ,distance ladder because it establishes parallax distance estimates for stars in
  12. Of a horoscope for an exact moment, such as a person's birth, in which various, cosmic ,bodies are said to have an influence. Astrology in western popular culture is
  13. That Draco Malfoy's grandfather is named Abraham. Abraham is a fictional, cosmic ,entity from Marvel Comics that was introduced in. In Alan Moore's series
  14. Building certain heavier elements from lighter ones. After the discovery of the, cosmic ,microwave background radiation in 1964,and especially when its spectrum (i.
  15. Decayed,except traces of plutonium-244 possibly deposited by, cosmic ,dust. Natural deposits of plutonium and neptunium are produced by neutron
  16. That relationships between dates, the positions of celestial bodies, and other, cosmic ,or metaphysical phenomena have an influence on individuals, human affairs and
  17. Painstakingly developed a series of distance indicators, the forerunner of the, cosmic ,distance ladder, using the Hooker telescope at Mount Wilson Observatory. This
  18. And recurrent historic cultural themes. Theodor Landscheidt coined the term, cosmic ,cybernetics for a method that he claims compares the harmonic frequencies and
  19. Nobel Prize in Physics. Pencils and Wilson were cited for their discovery of, cosmic ,microwave background radiation, a nearly uniform glow that fills the Universe
  20. In the universe where high-energy particle collisions take place. High-energy, cosmic ,rays impacting Earth's atmosphere (or any other matter in the solar system)
  21. High energy protons, is that some secondary radiation from interaction of, cosmic ,rays and spacecraft materials is high energy salvation neutrons. Such neutrons
  22. To favor Big Bang over Steady State. The discovery and confirmation of the, cosmic ,microwave background radiation in 1964 secured the Big Bang as the best theory
  23. Element. Cosmogenic 10Be is produced in the atmosphere of the Earth by the, cosmic ,ray salvation of oxygen and nitrogen. Cosmogenic 10Be accumulates at the soil
  24. Approximately 10−37 seconds into the expansion, a phase transition caused a, cosmic ,inflation, during which the Universe grew exponentially. After inflation
  25. The fire produced by friction, and Such the solar fire. Interpreted on the, cosmic ,and human planes, these three fires are" Spirit, Soul,and Body, the three
  26. Universal principle, he assumed like traditional religion the existence of a, cosmic ,order and in elaborating his ideas on this he used the old mythical language
  27. Were threatening this harmony, ( the Titans). Anaximander claimed that the, cosmic ,order is not monarchic but geometric and this causes the equilibrium of the
  28. Styles into a primarily Afro beat sound *Aria Astronaut Arrested,10 piece, cosmic ,Afro beat collective based in Leeds, UK *Aphrodite, an eight-piece band from
  29. Nor are results of radioactive decay. Carbon-14 is continuously generated by, cosmic ,rays in the atmosphere. Name pennicott2001/> Some atoms on Earth have been
  30. Of heaven and earth (Section 3). During a complex creation myth in which the, cosmic ,cow licked Burn free from the ice, the sons of Buri's son, Bor, who were Odin
  31. Many kinds of antiparticles are also produced by (and contained in), cosmic , rays. Recent (as of January 2011) research by the American Astronomical
  32. Make this prediction. Cosmic inflation Don Page criticized the entire theory of, cosmic ,inflation as follows. He emphasized that initial conditions which made possible
  33. Last long. It is believed that most of the stable beryllium was created when, cosmic ,rays induced fission in heavier elements found in interstellar gas and dust.
  34. Of a horoscope for an exact moment, such as a person's birth, in which various, cosmic ,bodies are said to have an influence. Hindu astrology is founded on the notion
  35. To a standard different from that applied to others, and they are accused of ", cosmic ,evil. " Thus," it is perfectly possible to hate and even to persecute Jews
  36. The first electrically powered organic laser invented; a large-scale map of, cosmic ,dark matter was compiled, and the F-15 (material),an organic material that
  37. Relationship between people and animals was an essential element of the, cosmic ,order; thus humans, animals and plants were believed to be members of a single
  38. Very low temperatures The average temperature of the universe due to, cosmic ,microwave background radiation today is 2.73 K. Absolute zero cannot be
  39. Wanda and Anupananda are shown holding the stem of the lotus. This lotus is the, cosmic ,axis on which the Buddha is seated. Goddess: There is a goddess on the bracket
  40. The afterlife, put on trial to justify his human fears and thus determine his, cosmic ,fate. Critics responded to the offbeat premise and the surprising chemistry
  41. Periods of high solar magnetic activity in turn decreases the flux of galactic, cosmic ,rays that reach the Earth. Nuclear explosions also form 10Be by the reaction of
  42. Using Type Ia supernovae, measurements of temperature fluctuations in the, cosmic ,microwave background, and measurements of the correlation function of galaxies
  43. In future manned interplanetary spacecraft, where absorption-shielding from, cosmic ,ray salvation neutrons is expected to be a particular asset in light
  44. Cf Agni Purana. ) As the eldest son of Brahma, Abhimani represents the, cosmic ,Logos, the first force produced in the universe at its evolution, the fire of
  45. Telescopes as well as by the Mars Express probe. Because of solar radiation and, cosmic ,radiation, methane is predicted to disappear from the Martian atmosphere within
  46. Antimatter may exist in relatively large amounts in far-away galaxies due to, cosmic ,inflation in the primordial time of the universe. Antimatter galaxies, if they
  47. BBN) and whose associates, Ralph Alp her and Robert Herman, predicted the, cosmic ,microwave background radiation (CMB). Ironically, it was Hoyle who coined the
  48. Use the term to describe the uneven temperature distribution of the, cosmic ,microwave background radiation. There is evidence for a so-called" Axis of
  49. Isotopes such as lithium-6 are generated in space through, cosmic ,ray salvation. Name nature405_656/> This occurs when a high-energy proton
  50. Logos, the first force produced in the universe at its evolution, the fire of, cosmic ,creative desire. His three sons, according to the Vāyu Purana, stand for three

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