Examples of the the word, endanger , in a Sentence Context

The word ( endanger ), is the 7217 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Procedures or methods of adjustment" if it determines that the situation might, endanger ,international peace and security. These recommendations are not binding on UN
  2. Or to take him out of a play. It must be executed properly so that it does not, endanger ,the horses or the players. The angle of contact must be safe and can not knock
  3. Advised him that a recurrence of Eagleton's depression was possible and could, endanger ,the country should Eagle ton become president. McGovern had initially claimed
  4. Nobody moves, everything will be OK. If you try to make any moves you'll, endanger ,yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet ..." " Nobody moves please. We are
  5. Their troops, he exploded, would wipe out all the fruits of the China War, endanger ,Manchu, and jeopardize the governing of Korea. To accept troop withdrawal in
  6. Who opposed strong state control of the profession on the grounds that it would, endanger ,the ability of lawyers to zealously and competently advocate their clients '
  7. Conductor carried by a kite can lead to a high voltage toward ground, which can, endanger ,people and equipment, if suitable precautions (grounding through resistors or
  8. The" Consensus" might lead to a fresh schism in the Lutheran Church, and, endanger , its position related to Catholic power. They forbade the Saxon theologians from
  9. Confederate Macedonia. Senior LA commanders insisted that" We do not want to, endanger ,the stability and the territorial integrity of Macedonia, but we will fight a
  10. The warm, shallow water. Rip currents, also known as Riptides, can, endanger , both experienced and inexperienced surfers. Rip currents are water channels
  11. Dishonest practices such as theft and embezzlement of funds which might ‘, endanger ,the achievements of the revolution. ’ The PDG youth arm, the Youth of the
  12. Would undermine the stability of the whole international situation and could, endanger ,our security ". She expressed concern that a united Germany would align itself
  13. By Jeffrey's story, but warns Jeffrey to stop his amateur sleuthing lest he, endanger ,himself and the investigation. After attending a dance party where they kiss
  14. Either lack a venom delivery method or are incapable of delivering enough to, endanger ,a human. This theory postulates that snakes may have evolved from a common
  15. Profits, and the market requirements of the US distributors, are often seen to, endanger ,and distort British film culture. Art cinema Although it had been funding
  16. Target civilians and because the weapons' inaccuracy would disproportionately, endanger ,civilians even if military targets were chosen. Human Rights Watch has also
  17. Used in mines and other underground locations where diesel fumes or smoke would, endanger ,crews, and where external electricity supplies cannot be used due to the danger
  18. Shoal waters, and often floating or sunken logs and trees (called snags) can, endanger ,the hulls and propulsion of riverboats. Riverboats are generally of shallow
  19. And as long as such treatments provided additional support and did not, endanger ,the patient, they were considered acceptable. " The non-pharmacologic
  20. Unrecorded underground galleries that occasionally collapse unexpectedly and, endanger ,buildings. Fresh water is supplied to London from Ware, using the New River
  21. From the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Austria feared that nationalists would, endanger ,the empire. Pan-Slavism in the south was vastly different, instead it often
  22. On Anthroposophical medicine in place of scientifically proven treatment could, endanger ,the lives of patients; The National Cancer Institute (US) position on is that
  23. As a water source, and both generate sewage and industrial effluents that, endanger ,the aquifer. Friends of the Earth Middle East claimed that sewage treatment was
  24. Lutheran party. Erasmus declined to commit himself, arguing that to do so would, endanger ,his position as a leader in the movement for pure scholarship which he regarded
  25. Certain scholars and political leaders feel that these modern developments, endanger ,nation states by taking power away from state governments and ceding it to
  26. Or the loss of the asset). A vulnerability is a weakness that could be used to, endanger ,or cause harm to an informational asset. A threat is anything (man made or act
  27. Shed his lethargy and moved to meet him. Worried that further delays might, endanger ,the loyalty of his supporters, he attacked Charles' army, then in disarray
  28. Plans to build skyscrapers in Uppsala, which UNESCO warned" could seriously, endanger ,the status of the Historic Center of Riga as a World Heritage Site. " The
  29. States for military resupply, and particularly sensitive to anything that might, endanger ,that relationship. After Meir made her decision, at 10:15 a. m. she met with US
  30. The boiler. If they were any larger, the volume of escaping steam would itself, endanger ,the crew. Efficiency The efficiency of an engine can be calculated by dividing
  31. Organized crime, or even a simple assault. Property destruction that does not, endanger ,life is not usually considered a violent crime, but some have described
  32. Right to use nuclear weapons in response to a conventional aggression that can, endanger ,the existence of the state. In keeping with this, the country's nuclear forces
  33. Polish Plot. They believed the Duke, if allowed to inherit the throne, would, endanger , the Protestant religion, liberty and property. The first Exclusion Bill was
  34. Not inconvenient and would not obstruct the arrest or restraint proceedings or, endanger ,any person, the officer shall permit the arrest to fulfill his wish as much as
  35. Law under certain circumstances; this generally excludes assistance that would, endanger ,the person who is offering it. Symbolism Its accompanying animal is the lion.
  36. Which do so infest other voyages; from ice and great frost, which do so much, endanger ,the passages towards the Poles. # It may be of great advantages against a Navy
  37. If necessary, against states they considered friendly, and in a way that might, endanger ,their national interests, to support states for which they had no normal
  38. Japan, the {{ Congo|Eugenic Protection Law |, and where pregnancy would, endanger ,the life of the woman. The operation required consent of the woman, her spouse
  39. Argued changing the name would cause confusion among oncologists and possibly, endanger ,the health of patients. BMS has continued to defend its rights to the name in
  40. The roadway below in large enough chunks to possibly break windshields, or even, endanger ,motorists, stopping traffic. *The Travel Channel ranked the Hakim Bridge 9th in
  41. Until he was elected as a councillor. His employer was concerned that he might, endanger ,its contract with a local authority to transport vulnerable people of various
  42. And duty Time Limitations, necessary to ensure that pilot fatigue does not, endanger ,flight safety: See Fatigue (safety) * Fruit of the Loom, NYSE code, an
  43. Often publish guidelines for geocaching. Generally accepted rules are to not, endanger ,others, to minimize the impact on nature, to respect private property, and to
  44. Belief that those who die a violent death become malignant spirits and, endanger ,the lives of those who come near the haunted spot. In Malay folklore, the woman
  45. Are murder, manslaughter,rape, piracy,treason and arson with the intent to, endanger ,life. The CJ also hears appeals from the Magistrates' Court. From the Supreme
  46. Methods has ruled out direct state funding because that would allegedly, endanger ,the independence of the KYLE. Scrambling the channels – not just KYLE but also
  47. To" make noise" as he had (correctly) reasoned that the gyrations did not, endanger ,the mission (and were apparently caused by the spherical shape of the reentry
  48. Embargo would only create a 'level killing field' and that air strikes would, endanger ,UN peacekeepers and the humanitarian aid effort. This policy was criticized by
  49. Devices must be ridden on footpaths where possible, at a speed that does not, endanger ,others, and give way to pedestrians. This ruling might not be consistently
  50. Contradicting (the FBI's) claim that the release of these documents would, endanger ,national security or would impair this country's relationship with a foreign

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