Examples of the the word, intrusion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intrusion ), is the 7872 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Uses of the word, people from the programmer subculture consider the computer, intrusion ,related usage incorrect, and emphasize the difference between the two by
  2. Affected by oil, lead,and mercury pollution, and by human and predator, intrusion , The species was first protected in the U. S. and Canada by the 1918 Migratory
  3. The Isles of Silly to the west, the latter now being partially submerged. The, intrusion ,of the granite into the surrounding sedimentary rocks gave rise to extensive
  4. As is seen at Cerro Alan, Lake Toby, Yellowstone,and so on, by subsequent, intrusion ,of magma. A silicic or rhyolitic caldera may erupt hundreds or even thousands
  5. That help protect computers and computer networks from attack and subsequent, intrusion ,by restricting the network traffic that can pass through them, based on a set
  6. Be intercepted or modified. * Firewalls can provide some protection from online, intrusion , * A microkernel is a carefully crafted, deliberately small corpus of software
  7. However, the release of the movie Gargamel that year, featuring a computer, intrusion ,into NORAD, raised the public belief that computer security hackers (
  8. Separate footpaths in arcades formed under these structures. This minimized the, intrusion ,of the roads, and Saudi designed them using local stone in a way that
  9. Any attempt by government to redistribute income or capital as an unacceptable, intrusion ,upon individual freedom: 'the principle of distributive justice, once
  10. Civil Rights Act of 1964. His stance was based on his view that the act was an, intrusion ,of the federal government into the affairs of states and, second,that the Act
  11. The lens by season because each lens is susceptible to corruption by salt-water, intrusion ,caused by overuse or drought. In addition, overwash by tsunamis and tropical
  12. Media coverage (especially with a crime victim); or to avoid unwanted, intrusion ,(especially if the deceased was convicted of murder or sexual assault). * The
  13. Be termed" horror. " Plots written within the horror genre often involve the, intrusion ,of an evil force, event,or personage, commonly of supernatural origin, into
  14. Groundmass minerals. Distribution Gab bro can be formed as a massive, uniform, intrusion , via in-situ crystallization of pyroxene and plagioclase, or as part of a
  15. Lens, and over-extraction will reduce fresh water pressure resulting in lateral, intrusion ,by seawater. Because the porosity of the surface soil results in virtually zero
  16. The regulation of the internal employment of churches was" ... an improper, intrusion ,of the federal government. " Opposition from business interests Many members of
  17. Kenya's manufacturing sector uncompetitive. The government began a massive, intrusion ,in the private sector. Lack of export incentives, tight import controls, and
  18. With Russian, reflecting the early north-east/south-west division formed by the, intrusion ,of Lithuania and Poland into the East Slavic area in the fourteenth-seventeenth
  19. In-situ crystallization of pyroxene and plagioclase, or as part of a layered, intrusion ,as a cumulated formed by settling of pyroxene and plagioclase. Cumulate gab bros
  20. Is the equivalent of" the film fisted in November" ).;: a type of author, intrusion ,in which a writer inserts a character to argue the author's viewpoint; alter
  21. Fond of isolated areas, as such areas allow them to lead life free of foreign, intrusion , enabling them to establish their own individual and unique cultures. Christian
  22. Systems. For example: passwords, network and host based firewalls, network, intrusion , detection systems, access control lists, and data encryption are logical
  23. Additions. Critics argued that cairns and posts are an unnecessary man-made, intrusion ,into the natural landscape, which create a false sense of security and could
  24. Open stream. Common operational problems Some common operational problems are, intrusion ,of air into the drive pipe, blockage of the intake or valves with debris
  25. And return-to-libc attacks. The same methods can be used to avoid detection by, intrusion ,detection systems. In some cases, including where code is converted into
  26. Telephone in 1876. In retrospect, Bell considered his most famous invention an, intrusion ,on his real work as a scientist and refused to have a telephone in his study.
  27. Most notably the Dundee Law (a late Silurian/early Devonian Magic rock, intrusion ,) and Ballad hill (a Celtic rock intrusion of similar age). Location Urban
  28. May take calves or weak individuals. They are, however,threatened by human, intrusion ,and poaching. Etymology Oxidant and its variations (ex. elephant, olyphant)
  29. Cleverness and uniqueness of the feelies, users rarely felt like they were an, intrusion ,or inconvenience, as was the case with most of the other copy-protection
  30. Representation of the surveillance society. *The BNP will oppose the, intrusion ,of non-British and alien cultural influences which undermine our traditional
  31. Must make room for itself or be intruded into other rocks in order to form an, intrusion , and several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how large batholiths have
  32. Size (weight) of web pages served over HTTP. Security is an open source, intrusion ,detection and prevention engine for web applications. Apache logs can be
  33. Silurian/early Devonian Magic rock intrusion ) and Ballad hill (a Celtic rock, intrusion ,of similar age). Location Urban environment Very little of pre-Reformation
  34. A blank metal cover plate covers this case opening (to prevent dust and debris, intrusion ,and control airflow) when no expansion card is installed. Memory expansion
  35. Small shell code. Because of the popularity of this technique, many vendors of, intrusion ,prevention systems will search for this pattern of no-op machine instructions
  36. By the Japanese at the late date of 1868,partly as a means of preventing the, intrusion ,of the Russians, and partly for imperialist reasons. According to the Russian
  37. Media in 1983,even those in the computer community referred to computer, intrusion ,as" hacking ", although not as the exclusive use of that word. In reaction to
  38. S (Борис Годунов) reign ended in chaos, civil war combined with foreign, intrusion , devastation of many cities and depopulation of the rural regions. The country
  39. A dust cover for the charging handle raceway when placed on safe. This prevents, intrusion ,of dust and other debris into the internal parts. The dust cover on the M16
  40. Conventional or nuclear warheads. Their intended role in defense was in an, intrusion ,prevention perimeter. Boards aligned on the eastern and western coasts of
  41. No natural reservoir catchments, seasonal disparity in rainfall,seawater, intrusion ,to island's largest aquifer, increased salivation in the north); water
  42. north-western Devon also extending into north Cornwall); and the granite, intrusion ,of Dartmoor in central Devon, part of the Connubial batholith. There are small
  43. Insane Prison, where she could have faced up to five years confinement for the, intrusion , The trial of Sub FYI and her two maids began on 18 May and a few
  44. Are blocked) and the fact that it will be compulsory, which can be seen as an, intrusion ,on free speech rights. " 'It is important that every library in the country has
  45. London, for instance, perhaps half the prettier country is shut in against, intrusion , Nevertheless, Wells has this very same Time Traveler speak in terms
  46. Or self-modifying to evade detection by heuristic packet scanners and, intrusion ,detection systems. History Buffer overflows were understood and partially
  47. Language of law and science, giving them a kind of ironic precision, with no, intrusion ,of the author's private sentiments; this was exactly Flaubert's method
  48. Contemplate perfection of form without any kind of worldly agenda, and thus any, intrusion ,of utility or politics would ruin the point of the beauty. It is thus for
  49. Rock units are first em placed either by deposition onto the surface or, intrusion ,into the overlying rock. Deposition can occur when sediments settle onto the
  50. Big Bill" Hale Thompson, and Capone's gang operated largely free from legal, intrusion , He operated casinos and speakeasies throughout the city. With his wealth, he

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