Examples of the the word, gland , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gland ), is the 7874 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Affecting prosta gland in synthesis, has profound effects on the pituitary, gland , which indirectly affects a number of other hormones and physiological
  2. Comes from the soul. The point of interaction between the two are at the pineal, gland ,in the brain. During the 19th and 20th centuries, materialistic monism has
  3. Gland attached to the brain directly underneath the hypothalamus. The pituitary, gland ,secretes hormones into the bloodstream, where they circulate throughout the
  4. Body sense (such as touch, taste,and smell),and relation to an endocrine, gland , Description Seven chakras in particular are described in the Shaka Tantra
  5. Actions to rectify deficiencies. Some outputs also go to the pituitary, gland , a tiny gland attached to the brain directly underneath the hypothalamus. The
  6. And mental development. It also causes gradual enlargement of the thyroid, gland , referred to as a goiter. It is being combated in many countries by public
  7. Philosophers have been happy with his solution, and his ideas about the pineal, gland ,have especially been ridiculed. Alternative solutions, however,have been very
  8. That would be caused by the presence of any solute. In humans, both the thyroid, gland ,and the intermediate lobe (pars intermedia) of the pituitary gland contain
  9. Deficiencies. Some outputs also go to the pituitary gland , a tiny, gland ,attached to the brain directly underneath the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland
  10. This produces another protein, angiotensin,which signals the adrenal, gland ,to produce a hormone called aldosterone. This system is activated in response
  11. Suffering from acromial, unlike André, Wight did get surgery on his pituitary, gland ,in the early 1990s,which successfully halted the progress of his condition.
  12. As well as gland s. C. W. Lead beater associated the Anja chakra with the pineal, gland , which is a part of the endocrine system. Edgar Cayce said that the seven
  13. Sometimes be relieved by steroid treatments. " Cherry eye ", a prolapse of the, gland ,of the third eyelid, and distichiasis, a condition in which eyelashes grow into
  14. And reduces the transport of calcium carbonate from blood into the eggshell, gland , This results in a dose-dependent thickness reduction. There is also evidence
  15. Cretinism results from abnormal development or function of the fetal thyroid, gland , This type of cretinism has been almost completely eliminated in developed
  16. The right supra renal gland is triangular shaped, while the left supra renal, gland ,is semilunar shaped. They are chiefly responsible for releasing hormones in
  17. Last supports the lactation functions of the breasts. Anatomically, the mammary, gland ,is a cone with the base at the chest wall, and the apex at the nipple. The
  18. For 35 years. The skin of the cane toad is dry and warty. A large parotid, gland ,lies behind each eye. Tadpoles range from in length. Ecology, behaviour and
  19. And it was taboo to eat the fat from under the arm (the axillary lymphatic, gland ,that often harbored the plague) so outbreaks tended to be confined to single
  20. Stripe and a dark cross on the shoulder area. The black-tipped tail has a scent, gland ,located on its dorsal base. Coyotes shed once a year, beginning in May with
  21. Of a primate, in left and right sides, which in a female contains the mammary, gland ,that secretes milk used to feed infants. Both men and women develop breasts
  22. Their keen sense of smell. Related beavers share more features in their anal, gland ,secretion profile than unrelated beavers. Beavers mark their territories by
  23. 1966),a female-empowering tale of Daisy's brazenly audacious“ homewrecker, gland ," " The Lips of Marcia Perkins" ( 1967),a satirical, thinly-veiled
  24. To brush away foreign particles and to apply waxy secretions from the urological, gland ,; these secretions protect the feathers' flexibility and act as an
  25. The cortex is regulated by neuroendocrine hormones secreted by the pituitary, gland ,and hypothalamus, as well as by the renin-angiotensin system. The adrenal
  26. For the synthesis of vitamin D and the steroid hormones, including the adrenal, gland ,hormones cortisol and aldosterone, as well as the sex hormones progesterone
  27. Of the new album due to the discovery of a cancerous tumor in his parotid, gland ,and a lymph node. The group also had to cancel their co-headlining gig at the
  28. Osteoprotegerin. Calcitonin is produced by parafollicular cells in the thyroid, gland , and can bind to receptors on osteoclasts to directly inhibit osteoclast
  29. The breasts generally become firmer, mainly due to hypertrophy of the mammary, gland ,in response to the hormone prolactin. The size of the nipples may increase
  30. The bones of the upper arms and legs. In addition, during childhood, the thymus, gland , found in the mediastinum, is an important source of lymphocytes. The
  31. Glands are found at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra. Each adrenal, gland ,has two distinct structures, the adrenal cortex and the medulla, both of which
  32. And neck area) # Anna (, Thai: อาชฺญา) Brow or Third Eye Chakra (pineal, gland ,or third eye) # Sahara (, Thai: สหัสฺราระ) Crown Chakra (top of the head;
  33. Of a strand of hair Organs * the Adrenal cortex, the portion of the Adrenal, gland ,responsible for the production of cortisol and aldosterone The brain * the
  34. In the PET scan is clearer as the body tends to transport iodine to the thyroid, gland ,producing a lot of noise. In subtopic doses, soluble arsenic compounds act as
  35. Back to the humerus bone, the longest bone of the upper arm). As a mammary, gland , the breast is an inhomogeneous structure composed of layers of different types
  36. Are endocrine gland s that sit atop the kidneys; in humans, the right supra renal, gland ,is triangular shaped, while the left supra renal gland is semilunar shaped. They
  37. Iodide (I) tablets as a safety measure to protect the human thyroid, gland ,from the uptake of dangerous radioactive iodine. Another measure is to cover
  38. Occurs inside the brain, perhaps in a small midline structure called the pineal, gland , Although it is widely accepted that Descartes explained the problem cogently
  39. Its Murillo on an object or by walking over a scrub and marking with its anal, gland , A capybara can spread its scent further by urinating. Capybara gestation is
  40. Thyroid gland and the intermediate lobe (pars intermedia) of the pituitary, gland ,contain colloid follicles. Colloids in the environment Colloidal particles can
  41. Need only one. Beavers can recognize their kin by detecting differences in anal, gland ,secretion composition using their keen sense of smell. Related beavers share
  42. Evidence that p, p'-DDE inhibits calcium Atheist in the membrane of the shell, gland ,and reduces the transport of calcium carbonate from blood into the eggshell
  43. Varies from pink to dark brown, and has sebaceous gland s. Within the mammary, gland , the lactiferous ducts produce breast milk, and are distributed throughout the
  44. Depressed patients had increased volume of the lateral ventricles and adrenal, gland ,and smaller volumes of the basal ganglia, thalamus,hippocampus, and frontal
  45. Article is about the human breast. For other animals, see Udder and Mammary, gland , " Boobs" redirects here. For other uses, see Boob (disambiguation). For
  46. It also stores iodine, and may be a precursor of the vertebrate thyroid, gland , Most are vertebrates, in which the notochord is replaced by the spinal column.
  47. Intersegment membranes between the seventh and eighth abdominal segments. The, gland ,is made of two containing chambers. The first holds hydroquinones and hydrogen
  48. Make contact with other cells—usually other neurons but sometimes muscle or, gland ,cells—at junctions called synapses. At a synapse, the membrane of the axon
  49. Daytime, and brought inside the ants' nest at night. The caterpillars have a, gland ,which secretes honeydew when the ants massage them. Some caterpillars produce
  50. g., in viscera and muscles of the Rock Ptarmigan (Lag opus MTA) as well as in, gland ,secretions of male muskoxen (Vibes mochas) or Asian bull elephants (

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