Examples of the the word, respected , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Are used for study outside the synagogue. A safer (scribe) is a highly, respected ,member of any observant Jewish community. Paper books Also Arabs produced and
  2. Was the job of a lowly and unskilled artisan, but a kiln master was, respected ,as a step above the former. Early traces of bricks were found in a ruin site in
  3. Good honest cop who, like Jim Gordon, is both a friend to the hero and greatly, respected ,by his comrades. Took seven years to produce and suffered low sales and high
  4. Is played by Hugh Laurie as a complete fop and idiot). Despite Edmund's, respected ,intelligence and abilities, he has no personal fortune to speak of, apart from
  5. In 1997,Burroughs explained that Gain was" the only man that I've ever, respected ,in my life. I've admired people,I've liked them, but he's the only man I
  6. Algorithm is implementation dependent, only the flatness criteria must be, respected ,to reach the necessary precision and to avoid non-monotonic local changes of
  7. Managing these working farms required the routine collaboration with the widely, respected ,William Heels. By the summer of 1912 Heels had proposed marriage and Beatrix
  8. Orestes. A critic of his book however, while not denying that Wagner read and, respected ,Aeschylus, has described his arguments as unreasonable and forced. Sir J. T.
  9. Incorporated requested that no fan subs of their material be made, which was, respected ,by the fan sub community. In another instance, Bandai specifically thanked
  10. Gormless member of the gang, persistently condescended to by Alex, but, respected , to some extent by his druids for his formidable fighting abilities, his weapon
  11. Beyond the preservation of Hellenic studies,Aldus's contributions are also, respected ,in the development of a smaller type than others in use. His contemporaries
  12. Countries are cotton, and a recent exhaustive review of findings on BT cotton by, respected ,and unbiased agricultural economists concluded," the overall balance sheet
  13. Illuminations were applied to other works besides the Quran, and it became a, respected ,art form in and of itself. Indian aesthetics Indian art evolved with an
  14. The spirit of one's forefathers. This is why the bear (Karl) was a greatly, respected ,animal, with several euphemistic names (such as Otto, mesikämmen and onto).
  15. All peoples to choose the form of government under which they live" should be, respected , This wording was ambiguous whether it referred to European countries
  16. Shotgun or .300 mag rifle). " Culture Many Native American tribes both, respected ,and feared the brown bear, even thinking of it as a god. One tale tells of how
  17. Exports/imports, plus interest payments, services and overseas payment. Thus, respected ,economists say that the country won't be deeply affected by the current world
  18. Of them in The Personalist. One of these was" On the Radian Argument" by, respected ,libertarian philosopher Robert Notice, who argued that her meta-ethical
  19. Writing. Burroughs later stated that" Brian Gain was the only man I ever, respected , " Biography Early years John Clifford Brian Gain was born at Tallow House
  20. In August 2005 the EU's executive commission called for human rights to be, respected ,in Belarus. The commission said it was considering offering support to
  21. Be praised for placing a sea between us ”! Al-Mansur hated, and yet apparently, respected ,ABD Brahman to such a degree that he dubbed him the" Hawk of Quraish" ( The
  22. Astronomer),Abu NASA Iraqi (a renowned mathematician),Abu Sail Mash (a, respected ,philosopher) and Abu Alkmaar Grammar (a great physician). Biography Early
  23. Fly into the finals of The World Supremacy Battle of DJs. He gained the highly, respected ,second place of this prestigious DJ contest). The impression that he made that
  24. Killed) and re-establishing one's reputation as a man to be feared and, respected , Some observers have related this explanation to Islam's ban on suicide, which
  25. Country landscape. In 1913,at the age of 47,she married William Heels,a, respected ,local solicitor from Hawks head. Potter was also a prize-winning breeder of
  26. Of, or in addition to, a compiler. Several years after its release, highly, respected , computer professionals expressed their opinions that the use of GOT statements
  27. An intense debate regarding the position of women in society. For example,the, respected ,poet and essayist Anna Laetitia Barnaul and Wollstonecraft sparred back and
  28. Of the universe (geocentrism). Since he was perhaps the philosopher most, respected ,by European thinkers during and after the Renaissance, these thinkers often
  29. Responsibility for condition of the spacecraft at launch. He had come to be, respected ,and admired by all the astronauts, including Shirr. But since the Apollo
  30. Somewhat later, Yasujiro Oz (Tokyo Story, An Autumn Afternoon)—artists highly, respected ,in Japan but, prior to this period, almost totally unknown in the West. Later
  31. The sword is not as powerful as love. Ashoka was also kind to prisoners, and, respected , animal life and tree life. Ashoka allowed females to be educated. He also
  32. Commerce and afterward with agriculture (Hulling 105a). That he was highly, respected ,by the Gentiles as well as by the Jews of Babylonia is proved by the friendship
  33. As editor. During this time, the annals became an increasingly well-known and, respected ,journal. Its rise, in turn, stimulated American mathematics. Norman Steered
  34. Life. I've admired people,I've liked them, but he's the only man I've ever, respected , " In 1969,Gain completed his finest novel, The Process, a work judged by
  35. Of 1234,the Bishop John of Bosnia excommunicated Andrew because he had not, respected ,some provisions of the Agreement of Being. Andrew appealed to the Pope against
  36. Park. It would be the start of a long, prolific,record-breaking and globally, respected ,career for his country. Charlton was handed his debut as England romped home
  37. Criticisms of Montgomery by some of his American peers, including the much, respected ,Bradley and equally controversial Patton. Montgomery's initial plan was, most
  38. Of Abbey Mari, who,like his son Moses, the father of Abbey Mari, was highly, respected ,for both his rabbinical learning and his general erudition. Abbey Mari moved to
  39. And Representation and admitted that he was one of the few philosophers that he, respected , dedicating to him his essay Schopenhauer ALS Either Schopenhauer's
  40. Went to Ananias of Fallen, not Aeschylus's brother. Aeschylus's work was so, respected ,by the Athenians, that after his death his were the only tragedies allowed to
  41. In agreeing, on paper, to form a common government, but in the end none of them, respected ,the commitments made, and the issue was resolved by military force.
  42. For and considerable skill at negotiation, and was generally liked and, respected ,by employers as well as the unions he advocated for. As early as 1972
  43. Military Nader Shah favored Abdul not only because he came from a well, respected ,family or tribe but also due to his handsome features as well as both being
  44. Of an appeal by any participant alleging that these principles were not, respected ,during the standards-development process. International activities In addition
  45. His mother from Bukhara, in present-day Uzbekistan. His father, Abdullah,was a, respected ,Ismail scholar from Balk, an important town of the Satanic Empire, in what is
  46. Mughal led by Mir Lumley II and Shasta Khan were forced to retreat after the, respected ,Mughal Admiral Unaware Khan was killed in action. Deccan Wars In the time of
  47. Celebration is held in the solemn memory of Khan Muin-nddin Christi, a highly, respected ,Sufi saint fondly revered as the benefactor of the poor, popularly known as
  48. Was replaced with special inclination towards Buddhism. Ashoka helped and, respected ,both Shamans (Buddhists monks) and Brahmins (Vedic monks). Ashoka also
  49. To democracy has brought forth numerous nationally and internationally, respected ,directors: Antonio CUADI (Heart of the Earth),Thus Gutiérrez (Point)
  50. Reared her. In Kentucky, Nancy Hanks married Thomas Lincoln, who became a, respected ,citizen of his rural area. He bought and sold several farms, including the

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