Examples of the the word, lakes , in a Sentence Context

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  1. 6.0 and 6.8),and alkaline soils can cause problems. Alkali lakes In alkali, lakes ,(a type of salt lake),evaporation concentrates the naturally occurring
  2. Known as the East African trough or rift-valley, contains much smaller, lakes , many of them brackish and without outlet, the only one comparable to those of
  3. Eliminated insect life and some fish species, including the brook trout in some, lakes , streams, and creeks in geographically sensitive areas, such as the Adirondack
  4. With hikers, mountain bikers, paragliders, and mountaineers, while many alpine, lakes ,attract swimmers, sailors and surfers. The Alps are usually prominently
  5. Forests in the world, both on the coast of the Bay of Bengal. Brackish seas and, lakes ,Some seas and lakes are brackish. The Baltic Sea is a brackish sea adjoining
  6. Then 5 most fish eggs will not hatch, and lower pHs can kill adult fish. As, lakes ,and rivers become more acidic biodiversity is reduced. Acid rain has eliminated
  7. Edward and Lake Albert. To the latter of these, the effluents of the other two, lakes ,add their waters. Issuing from there, the Nile flows northward, and between the
  8. By rail) lies a picturesque region that contains the Guinea. Several larger, lakes ,extend West from the Skanderborg railway junction and rise to heights exceeding
  9. Soil (pH between 6.0 and 6.8),and alkaline soils can cause problems. Alkali, lakes ,In alkali lakes (a type of salt lake),evaporation concentrates the naturally
  10. Roads. Also, some tracts of the roads lead to natural features such as springs, lakes , mountain tops and pinnacles. The Great North Road The longest and most famous
  11. Are the most common Eliza in fresh water, and are especially frequent in, lakes ,and rivers, but a few are found in marine and soil habitats as well. Each
  12. Divergent opinions have been held as to the mode of origin of the East African, lakes , especially Tanganyika, which some geologists have considered representing an
  13. Continental bedrock in some areas more than 2.5 km below sea level; subglacial, lakes ,of liquid water also occur (e.g., Lake Boston). Ice shelves and rises
  14. Drive *The Lakes District – subdivision under development that contains small, lakes ,and long walking trails and is bounded by a nature preserve *Charles Park –
  15. Areas where use of septic tanks is limited, usually to reduce nutrient loads in, lakes , NASA's bioreactor is an extremely advanced biological sewage system. It can
  16. Moon, Titan. On its surface, scientists have discovered the first liquid, lakes ,outside of Earth, but they seem to be composed of ethane and/or methane, not
  17. The province has adequate water resources. There are numerous rivers and, lakes ,used for swimming, fishing and a range of water sports. There are three large
  18. Of Markov it moves into the Andy lowlands (very flat treeless tundra with, lakes ,and bogs). The drop from Markov to the sea is less than. It rises at about
  19. Either through the straits of Denmark or at what are now the large, lakes ,of Sweden, and the White Sea-Arctic Sea. History At the time of the Roman
  20. Summer they require plenty of water and are very effective on the margins of, lakes ,or by running streams, where they thrive. They may be propagated from offsets
  21. Austin is situated on the Colorado River, with three man-made (artificial), lakes , within the city limits: Lady Bird Lake (formerly known as Town Lake),Lake
  22. In Lake Victoria being under 50 fathoms (90 m). Besides the East African, lakes , the principal are: - Lake Chad, in the northern inland watershed; Bangweulu
  23. Segments of the Earth's crust, the lowest parts of which are occupied by vast, lakes , Towards the south the two lines converge and give place to one great valley (
  24. Several areas in Canada have larger tides. ) Alaska has more than three million, lakes , Marshlands and wetland permafrost cover (mostly in northern, western and
  25. And its western border with Texas and Oklahoma. Arkansas is a land of, lakes ,and rivers, thick forests and fertile soil. The Arkansas Delta is a flat
  26. Connected with them may be spoken of more particularly here. As a rule,the, lakes ,found within the great rift-valleys have steep sides and are very deep. This is
  27. Source of the methane in the atmosphere. There also appear to be Methane/Ethane, lakes ,near the north polar regions of Titan, as discovered by Cassini's radar
  28. Distance upstream. But when these obstacles have been overcome, the rivers and, lakes ,afford a vast network of navigable waters. The calculation of the areas of
  29. Used for swimming, fishing and a range of water sports. There are three large, lakes , Lake Claire () in Wood Buffalo National Park, Lesser Slave Lake (), and Lake
  30. Buildings or roads) and the remainder (4.5 %) is non-productive (rivers or, lakes ,). The buildings in the old city originate, on the whole, from building
  31. And streams surveyed, acid rain caused acidity in 75 percent of the acidic, lakes ,and about 50 percent of the acidic streams ". The enzymes of these microbes are
  32. A large valley creating numerous creeks, streams,rivers, mountains,and, lakes , The states bordering Alabama are Tennessee to the north; Georgia to the east;
  33. Noted that 2 % of the lakes could no longer support Brook Trout, and 6 % of the, lakes ,were unsuitable for the survival of many species of minnow. Subsequent Reports
  34. One of the actions they say is required is to ensure all water systems, such as, lakes ,and rivers, have water allocated to environmental flow. A key player who is
  35. The following table gives the approximate altitudes of the chief mountains and, lakes ,of the continent: Hydrology From the outer margin of the African plateaus, a
  36. West to state capital Jaipur,200 km from Jodhpur,274 km from the city of, lakes ,Udaipur,439 km from the Jailer,391 km from the Delhi. Being surrounded by
  37. Waters subsided after river floods, some fishes, mainly carp, were trapped in, lakes , Early agriculturists fed their brood using nymphs and silkworm feces, and ate
  38. Corresponding area is 4,000,000 square miles (10 Mm²). The principal African, lakes ,have been mentioned in the description of the East African plateau, but some of
  39. Forming a crust of mildly basic salt across a large area. Examples of alkali, lakes ,: *Lake Turkey, Kenya (the largest alkali lake in the world) Ain't I a Woman
  40. Tirana, Shkodër and Skoda are used. The three largest and deepest tectonic, lakes ,of the Balkan Peninsula are partly located in Albania. Lake Shooter in the
  41. Can be visited and consists of tunnels, caverns with stalactites, stalagmites, lakes , and a music and light finale. Major events * International display of Sweets
  42. And Pair Mountains, and the melting snow in the spring time enters the rivers, lakes , and streams. However, most of the country's water (approx. 70 %) flows into
  43. States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) website states:" Of the, lakes ,and streams surveyed, acid rain caused acidity in 75 percent of the acidic
  44. These new sources of carbohydrates, highly organized net fishing of rivers, lakes ,and ocean shores in these areas brought in great volumes of essential protein.
  45. Under a famine relief project. It is a masterpiece when it comes to artificial, lakes , He created it to tackle with the harshest conditions of famine under a famine
  46. To have existed in water; without the insulating properties of a top ice layer, lakes ,and ponds would tend to freeze solid and thaw very little during warmer periods
  47. A. Kadabba and A. radius lived in" a mosaic of woodland and grasslands with, lakes , swamps and springs nearby," but further research is needed to determine which
  48. Along the center of the East African plateau, directed chiefly into the, lakes ,in the great rift valley. The largest river is the OMO, which,fed by the rains
  49. Authority operates a series of dams that form the Texas Highland Lakes. The, lakes ,also provide venues for boating, swimming,and other forms of recreation within
  50. Acidic, with sulfates being the most common problem. They noted that 2 % of the, lakes ,could no longer support Brook Trout, and 6 % of the lakes were unsuitable for

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