Examples of the the word, procedural , in a Sentence Context

The word ( procedural ), is the 7471 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Markets. The federal judge dismissed the lawsuit in the spring of 2009 on, procedural ,grounds, but farmers are appealing this decision in August 2009,seeking to
  2. All but the smallest contracts of the public sector and strictly enforces, procedural ,requirements. Costa Rica has no military but maintains domestic Police and
  3. Marks the first attempt at merging the para time thriller with the police, procedural , Kurland's Perchance (1988),the first volume of the never-completed "
  4. Litigation (as understood in the American sense) against Union Carbide due to, procedural ,rules that would make such litigation impossible to conclude and unwieldy to
  5. http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/vwvfg/__49.html),are listed. Administration, procedural ,law (Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung Virgo),which was enacted in 1960,rules the
  6. An entire composite as a tree graph, linking media objects and effects in a, procedural ,map, intuitively laying out the progression from source input to final output
  7. Multi-paradigm programming language. It supports a combination of, procedural , functional, and object-oriented programming paradigms. As a dynamic
  8. Protocols The Convention's provisions affecting institutional and, procedural ,matters has been altered several times by mean of protocols. These amendments
  9. Persons. Not every plaintiff looks for, or could obtain, such approval. As a, procedural ,alternative,plaintiff's counsel may attempt to sign up every
  10. Killer mystery, which might be thought of as an outcropping of the police, procedural , There are early mystery novels in which a police force attempts to contend
  11. As, and to a great extent is a declarative language, SQL also includes, procedural ,elements. SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (
  12. In general. A basic idea of the Buddha is that the world must be thought of in, procedural ,terms, not in terms of things or substances. The Buddha advised viewing reality
  13. For routines. Design goals Eiffel emphasizes declarative statements over, procedural ,code and attempts to eliminate the need for bookkeeping instructions. Eiffel
  14. Had some cryptographic weaknesses, in practice it was only in combination with, procedural ,flaws, operator mistakes, captured key tables and hardware, that Allied
  15. And legal briefs of the appellant. In general, the appealed takes the, procedural ,posture that the lower court's decision should be affirmed. Ability to appeal
  16. Company, may not reach trial because of the mass of evidence and various, procedural ,problems. Recreation Given its varied mountainous terrain and its coasts, lakes
  17. Most notably C++, which began as an extension to C. Design C is an imperative (, procedural ,) systems implementation language. It was designed to be compiled using a
  18. And 40 other scientists responded to the Wall Street Journal that all IPCC, procedural ,rules were followed, and that IPCC procedures required changes to the draft in
  19. Been the subject of spoof films, including Fear of Girls. Double jeopardy is a, procedural ,defense that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same, or similar
  20. Is a fact of modern legal life. 1870 through 20th century, and the, procedural ,merger of law and equity As early as the 15th century, it became the practice
  21. Of the Equity Rules, and when federal courts merged their legal and equitable, procedural ,systems in 1938,Equity Rule 38 became Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil
  22. A lawyer) party was all but impossible, and there was often considerable, procedural ,jousting at the outset of a case over minor wording issues. One of the major
  23. Common sense, or a set of excuses for being unpleasant. " Many manuals are, procedural ,form filling exercises unconcerned about the real ethical dilemmas. For
  24. Law is, even in absence of an underlying statute, e. g., most criminal law and, procedural ,law before the 20th century, and even today,most contract law and the law
  25. Or sections to deal with administrative cases which, as a rule, will apply, procedural ,rules specifically designed for such cases and different from that applied in
  26. Requirements),stricter corporate governance standards, and additional, procedural ,obligations in connection with major corporate transactions (for example
  27. If one is convicted at the district court, the defense can make an appeal on, procedural ,grounds to the supreme court. The supreme court might admit this complaint, and
  28. Hand, and scoring the results. Dealing the cards and scoring the results are, procedural ,activities while the auction and playing the hand are the two actively
  29. Competition Law, or on rulings on State Aid, but are also frequently used for, procedural ,or administrative matters within the institutions. Regulations, directives,and
  30. Once it has been granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) in one of its, procedural ,languages (English, German or French) and published in that language, with a
  31. As an important forum for interparty negotiations on specific legislation and, procedural ,issues. The Presidium is responsible for the routine administration of the
  32. Usually) is complete, rendering is used, which adds in bitmap textures or, procedural ,textures, lights,bump mapping and relative position to other objects. The
  33. 416 BC; end of assembly trials 355 BC). For the first time a conceptual and, procedural ,distinction was made between laws and decrees. Increasingly, responsibility was
  34. Robert Fourier and David Gay) CPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) is a, procedural , imperative, and structured computer programming language designed by Martin
  35. Davis had limited his powers to negotiations on prisoner exchanges and other, procedural ,matters, historian James M. McPherson speculates that he had informal goals of
  36. To being the commander in chief of the armed forces, the president has the, procedural ,duty of appointing the Prime minister with the consent of the Parliament, and
  37. Processor may keep state between successive computations to build up complex, procedural ,results. Most modern computers are von Neumann machines. In practice, almost
  38. In pleading, a legal defense to civil and criminal actions based purely on, procedural ,and technical issues involving the death of parties *Abatement (heraldry),a
  39. Published in that language, with a translation of the claims into the two other, procedural ,languages, will be valid without any further translation. This proposal is
  40. By some minor judicial tribunals in proceedings that do not provide all the, procedural ,attributes of a formal judicial trial. If unchallenged, these decisions have
  41. Is discovering the clues and evidence that the perpetrator left behind. Police, procedural ,Many detective stories have police officers as the main characters. Of course
  42. Courts became a kind of upper house. In the 5th century there was in effect no, procedural ,difference between an executive decree and a law: they were both simply passed
  43. Overview The Euphoria language is a general purpose, procedural ,language that focuses on simplicity, legibility,rapid development and
  44. Example ADD YEARS TO AGE The equivalent construct in many, procedural ,languages would be age = age + years This syntax is
  45. Ministry annulled the decision made by DCSD. In doing so, MSTI cited several, procedural ,errors, including: * The DCSD did not provide specific statements on actual
  46. Subtree rooted at" trend" void Internode (Node The above" destructive ", procedural ,variant modifies the tree in place. It uses only constant space, but the
  47. Were permitted to apply both law and equity, though under potentially different, procedural ,law. Nonetheless, the historical distinction between" law" and" equity "
  48. Seconds or minutes). Memory is also often grouped into declarative and, procedural ,forms. Declarative memory--grouped into subsets of semantic and episodic forms
  49. Implementation techniques include imperative languages (object-oriented or, procedural ,), functional languages, and logic languages. Measuring language usage It is
  50. Police. *2010 – The last episode of The Bill, the longest-running police, procedural ,television series in the United Kingdom, is aired on ITV1. Births * 12 – Gains

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