Examples of the the word, renowned , in a Sentence Context

The word ( renowned ), is the 7367 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Faction that, in addition to the brothers of Antaeus, included Pittances (later, renowned ,as one of the Seven Sages of Greece); Antaeus at that time was too young to be
  2. His own, which soon became the intellectual center of the Babylonian Jews. As a, renowned ,teacher of the Law and with hosts of disciples, who came from all sections of
  3. Aston is identified as" One of the last great advocates of reason. " He was a, renowned ,philosopher and the head of the Department of Philosophy at Patrick Henry
  4. Freddy Heineken in a future movie about his kidnap. Acting style Hopkins is, renowned ,for his preparation for roles. He has indicated in interviews that once he has
  5. Their work. His last assistant was Burial Kaufman, who later became a, renowned ,physicist. During this period Einstein tried to develop a unified field theory
  6. His brother-in-law van der AST entered the Utrecht Guild of St. Luke, where the, renowned ,painter Abraham Bloomers had just become dean. The painter Roland Slavery (
  7. Moments active in the last two decades. Hyderabad has also produced many, renowned ,religious scholars of representing different Islamic sects and trends
  8. Education, and the most talented stayed and became members of the Ospedale's, renowned ,orchestra and choir. Shortly after Vivaldi's appointment, the orphans began to
  9. A half-sister to Roman Empress Tibia Sabina). Faustino was a beautiful woman, renowned ,for her wisdom. She spent her whole life caring for the poor and assisting the
  10. Sent forth in such quick succession by the first Cistercian houses,the, renowned ,abbey of Chateaux (de Clara Value),AD 1116. The rigid self-abnegation
  11. To about 11.0v or 11.09V magnitude. Observational history According to the, renowned ,double star observer Robert Aiken (1961),Father Richard discovered Alpha
  12. It was a tribute to Albert Uderzo on the occasion of his 80th birthday by 34, renowned , European comics artists. The volume was translated into nine languages, but has
  13. Approach to testing astrology quantitatively uses blind experiment. The most, renowned ,of these is Shawn Carlson's double-blind chart matching tests in which he
  14. The opportunity to demonstrate the invention personally to William Thomson,a, renowned ,Scottish scientist. Later Bell demonstrated the invention to Queen Victoria who
  15. With the support of successive premiers of both major political parties. The, renowned ,Adelaide Festival of Arts and Fringe Festival were established in 1960 under
  16. Regimes through autobiographical accounts of their oppression. Among the more, renowned ,of such works are the writings of Prime Levi, one of many personal accounts of
  17. Versions. West and East German models were equipped with the traditional and, renowned ,DKW two-stroke engines. New Auto Union unit A new West German headquartered
  18. Met Abu RayBan Brunei (a famous scientist and astronomer),Abu NASA Iraqi (a, renowned ,mathematician),Abu Sail Mash (a respected philosopher) and Abu Alkmaar
  19. Are modern well-equipped hotels and spas; the mineral waters of Anyone are, renowned ,for their healing qualities. There is also a long string of roadside kiosks
  20. The Canada district of the city. Ankara is also famous for its pears. Another, renowned ,natural product of Ankara is its indigenous type of honey (Ankara Ball) which
  21. In Trondheim. The Aarhus City Hall is a uniquely designed building drawn by, renowned ,architect Are Jacobsen, located in the city center. The city hall is included
  22. Offices, P. C. was an early pioneer in Agent Orange litigation, working with, renowned ,environmental attorney Victor Annabon in 1980 on the first class-action suits
  23. Statesman and philosopher Viscount Haldane in London, where he met several, renowned ,scientific, intellectual and political figures, and delivered a lecture at
  24. One-third of the population died in infancy. Ancient Egyptian physicians were, renowned ,in the ancient Near East for their healing skills, and some, like Imhotep
  25. Declined in number. However, several bands continued and arrangers provided, renowned ,arrangements. Gil Evans wrote a number of large-ensemble arrangements in the
  26. Matches). History Youth program The club is also particularly famous for its, renowned ,youth program that has produced many Dutch talents over the years – Johan
  27. Conducted most of the scientific thinking and research for which he is, renowned ,today. In fact, most of Aristotle's life was devoted to the study of the
  28. Troubled by the fact that it was written by non-Christians. The York school was, renowned ,as a center of learning, in the liberal arts, literature and science as well as
  29. From September 1913 until May 2006. The original stadium was designed by the, renowned ,football architect Archibald Latch, and had a design common to many footballs
  30. Married to Michael VII Donkeys and his successor Lifeforms III Botanists, renowned ,for her beauty. Alexios arranged for Maria to stay on the palace grounds, and
  31. Reportedly attended the University of Edinburgh before being apprenticed to the, renowned ,physician William Hunter. Seven Years War In 1757,St. Clair
  32. Australian chef and food writer. * Justin Alexander, real name of Aryan & world, renowned ,deejay - DJ Skin. Hits include" Skin" and" Christmas Surprise ". Variants
  33. The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival on April 28 and a performance at the, renowned ,Calgary Folk Music Festival on July 30, 2006. In 2005, she collaborated with
  34. Theater, the Hideout Theater, and Esther's Follies. The Victory Grill was a, renowned ,venue on the Caitlin' circuit. Public art and performances in the parks and on
  35. 8.15.1). It is also reflected in the Manumit (5.27–44),a particularly, renowned ,traditional Hindu lawbook (Dharmaśāstra). These texts strongly condemn the
  36. Values and ideas, The Perennial Philosophy, which discussed the teachings of, renowned ,mystics of the world. Huxley's book affirmed a sensibility that insists there
  37. Of 1810 (Corot),Resistance and Peace (both by Antoine TeX) and the most, renowned ,of them all, Departure of the Volunteers of 1792 commonly called La
  38. End of the city containing many flowers and plants which have been, renowned ,for their beauty. The garden was in 2002,named the best garden in the British
  39. Aryan college Ajmer # Kendra Himalaya No.1 GC 1 CRPF Ajmer Many of India's, renowned ,institutions are situated in Ajmer, including The Mayo Colleges, St. Anslem's
  40. And Bandolier (outside Los Alamos, NM ) for which the Ancestral Puebloans are, renowned , consisted of apartment-like complexes and structures made from stone, adobe
  41. The mule he was riding ran beneath it - an irony given that he was previously, renowned ,for his abundant hair and handsome head. He was discovered hanging there still
  42. After a very competitive wrestling match to which he was challenged by the, renowned ,leader of a group of ruffians," the Clary's Grove boys ". Some in his family
  43. And the date, April 1819. Shortly after this discovery, the Santa Caves became, renowned ,for their exotic setting, impressive architecture, historic artwork, and
  44. X by Asgard is now to be found in the Capitoline Museums. Asgard was not, renowned ,for his architectural abilities. Although he was in charge of the project for
  45. The veterans Committee in 1939. His nephew, also named Albert Spalding, was a, renowned ,violinist. The Africa Alphabet (also International African Alphabet or IAI
  46. 6 August 1998) () was an influential mathematician of the 20th century, renowned ,for the breadth and quality of his research output, its influence on future
  47. Served as David's spies. Absalom reached the capital and took counsel with the, renowned ,Ahithophel (sometimes spelled Achitophel). David took refuge from Absalom's
  48. Myrmidons, and from Plus on the As opus. Abacus while he reigned in Regina was, renowned ,in all Greece for his justice and piety, and was frequently called upon to
  49. Of mythological links to Atlantis. In the middle and late 19th century, several, renowned , Mesoamerican scholars, starting with Charles Étienne Brasses de Bourbourg, and
  50. To be read before the congregation, when Jacob Machine Don Profit Ribbon,the, renowned ,astronomical and mathematical writer, entered his protest against such unlawful

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