Examples of the the word, proficiency , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proficiency ), is the 7368 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That was available in the monasteries of Northumbria. The return of this Latin, proficiency ,to the kingdom of the Franks is regarded as an important step in the
  2. A fellow of our College, and very young ... but of an extraordinary genius and, proficiency ,in these things ". Newton later became involved in a dispute with Leibniz over
  3. Navy'i, who encouraged the use of Chapatti as a literary language. Navy'i's, proficiency ,with the language, which he is credited with founding, may have influenced
  4. Available to the United States and Great Britain, it had to rely on the, proficiency ,of a skilled labor force and an ability to export innovative and high quality
  5. Students, who must then attend additional private lessons if they want to gain, proficiency , Consumers who have been sold on the benefits of instant results may hesitate
  6. Access to his father's library, largely written in Latin, also led to his, proficiency ,in the Latin language. Leibniz was proficient in Latin by the age of 12,and he
  7. Use of specialized virtual reality training tools to improve physicians ', proficiency ,in surgery Robotic surgery has been touted as a solution to underdeveloped
  8. Field and a habit of continued learning are therefore essential to maintaining, proficiency , In Australia, Canada and the United States electrical engineers make up around
  9. Kōans extensively, the teacher certification process includes an appraisal of, proficiency ,in using that school's extensive koan curriculum. In Japanese Zen, Chinese
  10. An organization whose primary purpose was to eliminate Morse code, proficiency ,as a requirement to obtain an amateur radio license. This goal has been reached
  11. Will usually require professors in this situation to have a high level of, proficiency ,on all the instruments they teach, and some of the best college euphonium
  12. In the 1650s while researching his History of Britain, and probably acquired, proficiency ,in Dutch soon after. Milton continued to write poetry during this period of
  13. By modern architecture, and also felt intimidated by the high level of drafting, proficiency ,shown by other students. He decided to abandon architecture and transferred to
  14. An effective solo class at many levels, especially with their strong" kiting ", proficiency , " Kiting" is a form of attack based on drawing an enemy within the caster's
  15. Friemsprooch – Luxembourgian as a Foreign Language) is a set of four language, proficiency ,certifications for Luxembourgian and follows the ALTER framework of language
  16. The first division he desired to go over the ground again, to acquire greater, proficiency , and, for some reason unknown, he never resumed his task, which was completed
  17. Was held from the time of their flight. About at an early age acquired great, proficiency ,in languages, physics,and theology. In 1698,he went to the Netherlands, and
  18. And jurisprudence, and the choicest Arabic poetry. After attaining to great, proficiency ,in that kind of learning, Abdallatif applied himself to natural philosophy and
  19. Private lessons. This is the duration most Alexander teachers recommend to gain, proficiency , Lessons may result in changes of height and posture, which call for a new
  20. Policies towards Chechen's continued after 1956,with Russian language, proficiency ,required in many aspects of life and for advancement in the Soviet system.
  21. Through the 20th century, and in 1979 the rates were about the same. Full prose, proficiency , as measured by the ability to process complex and challenging material such as
  22. By the World Dance Council (WDC),to less advanced dancers at various, proficiency ,levels. Most competitions are divided into professional and amateur, though in
  23. G1-G5,and in order to achieve Graduate level the student has to demonstrate a, proficiency ,in all the P level techniques before advancing. The majority of instructors
  24. The album Frankenchrist in 1985 showed the band had grown in terms of musical, proficiency ,and lyrical maturity. While there were still a number of loud/fast songs, much
  25. Into in-role and extra-role categories. Campbell labeled job-specific task, proficiency ,and non-job-specific task proficiency as in-role dimensions and written and
  26. Offered by Midst Grammar School again to become a pupil-teacher; his, proficiency ,in Latin and science during his previous, short stay had been remembered. Yet
  27. S well crafted lyrics written with stage performance in mind and a greater, proficiency ,and scope in the music. But on the eve of recording the follow-up Back on the
  28. Written Chinese and English. In secondary schools,'biliterate and trilingual ', proficiency ,is emphasized, and Mandarin-language education has been increasing. The
  29. Steinmetz attended Johannes Gymnasium and astonished his teachers with his, proficiency ,in mathematics and physics. Socialist activities Following the Gymnasium
  30. Despite the lack of formal secondary and tertiary level education, Nobel gained, proficiency ,in six languages: Swedish, French,Russian, English,German and Italian. He
  31. Population. However, 86 % of the general population had basic or higher prose, proficiency ,as of 2003,with a decrease in the full proficiency group vs. 1992 of more than
  32. Instruction. In order to progress to Expert level, one has to demonstrate, proficiency ,in all the Practitioner and Graduate syllabus' and have excellent fighting
  33. Of ten" distributive requirements" in a variety of academic fields, proficiency ,in a foreign language, and completion of a writing class and first-year seminar
  34. Old. At this age, they could have been taught English in school, and achieved a, proficiency ,indistinguishable from a native speaker. In other countries, such as the Soviet
  35. Vision by late childhood but became an adept reader of Braille. He showed, proficiency ,in music from an early age, first playing harmonica and accordion and turning
  36. Virginia. ELS Language Center on Oakland said Hangout reached a level of, proficiency ,sufficient to“ survive very well in the English language ”. However, in
  37. Campbell labeled job-specific task proficiency and non-job-specific task, proficiency ,as in-role dimensions and written and oral communication, demonstrating effort
  38. Left by the 1960s. By 1990,an estimated 50 % of islanders had some degree of, proficiency ,in Corsican, and a small minority, perhaps 10 %, used Corfu as a first language
  39. The First Set of English Madrigals, alluding in the dedication to Oxford's own, proficiency ,as a musician ('without flattery be it spoken, those that know your Lordship
  40. Head ", with some curricula restricting calculator use until a certain level of, proficiency ,has been obtained, while others concentrate more on teaching estimation
  41. Conventions that boy bands adopted from The Beatles were less their technical, proficiency ,as musicians and more the catchy pop hooks, melodies and harmonies combined
  42. And the United Kingdom Championships. In the United States, amateur dance, proficiency ,levels are defined by USA Dance (formerly United States Amateur Ballroom Dance
  43. First language; the rest speak it as a secondary language in varying degrees of, proficiency ,from basic level to fluent. The second official language is the recently
  44. In grade, rank or level. The and grading system is used to indicate one's, proficiency ,in modern Kendo. The Dan levels are from to. There are usually six grades below
  45. Without hesitation. As a martial art concerned not only with fighting, proficiency ,but with the betterment of daily life, this mental aspect is of key importance
  46. S political influence, credible yet not overpowering members; language, proficiency ,in French considered necessary by France; and degree of integration, their
  47. Had basic or higher prose proficiency as of 2003,with a decrease in the full, proficiency ,group vs. 1992 of more than 10 %, consistent with a general decline. Literacy
  48. An unusual accomplishment, in February 1959 he was invited to take a Marine, proficiency ,exam in written and spoken Russian. His effort at the time was rated" poor ".
  49. In secondary school, the language of instruction changes to French. However, as, proficiency , in all three languages is required for graduation from secondary school, half
  50. Are required to bring an English-speaking student to a limited working level of, proficiency ,in which he or she has" sufficient capability to meet routine social demands

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