Examples of the the word, accidental , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accidental ), is the 7369 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Different sorts, stored in unprecedented combinations. In various ways, some, accidental , the seeds are sown, and the variation in yields are observed more readily than
  2. Of the game, such as playing a card when it is not one's turn to play or the, accidental ,exposure of a card. In many official sets of rules for card games, the rules
  3. Slightly differently on a terminal link than on a data stream) and sometimes, accidental ,(such as what" delete" means). Probably the most influential single device
  4. The Alaska site provides more protection against North Korean missiles or, accidental ,launches from Russia or China, but is likely less effective against missiles
  5. Orbit is that Proxima's association with Alpha Centauri AB is unlikely to be, accidental , since they share approximately the same motion through space. It is not yet
  6. Rubbed into the faces and arms of women to" improve their complexion ". The, accidental ,use of arsenic in the adulteration of foodstuffs led to the Bradford sweet
  7. Of the contingent and the accidental , essence endures within a being beyond the, accidental , The philosophy of In Sing, particularly that part relating to metaphysics
  8. Chipset, and also other flash ROM IC types. There is also extra protection from, accidental ,BIOS rewrites in the form of boot blocks which are protected from accidental
  9. In hospital. * On September 13, 2009,Dr. Malcolm Canadian died following an, accidental ,laboratory exposure to an attenuated strain of the plague bacterium. This has
  10. Programs to build a system to protect against attacks from North Korea or, accidental ,launches from Russia or China. In terms of organization, during 1993 SDI was
  11. Men Like Gods (1923) in which several Englishmen are transferred via an, accidental ,encounter with a cross-time machine into an alternate universe featuring a
  12. Determined it was suicide; his mother and some others believed his death was, accidental , On 10 September 2009,following an Internet campaign, British Prime Minister
  13. Bronze artifacts, and it is possible that some copper-zinc alloys were, accidental ,and perhaps not even distinguished from copper. By the 8th–7th century BC
  14. Birds and species introduced by human activity) were typically the result of, accidental ,colonization and subsequent evolution. He divided continental islands into two
  15. From other types of course. Chance as an incidental cause lies in the realm of, accidental ,things. It is" from what is spontaneous" ( but note that what is spontaneous
  16. Which opened outward, and could be opened in less than ten seconds. Concerns of, accidental ,opening were addressed by using a cartridge of pressurized nitrogen to drive
  17. Example, has been introduced around the world as a game bird. Others have been, accidental , such as the establishment of wild Monk Parakeets in several North Americans
  18. And existence. Whereas existence is the domain of the contingent and the, accidental , essence endures within a being beyond the accidental . The philosophy of In
  19. The Alaska site provides more protection against North Korean missiles or, accidental ,launches from Russia or China, but is likely less effective against missiles
  20. Was contaminated with a toxic contaminant. In the manufacture of 2,4,5-T, accidental , overheating of the reaction mixture easily causes the product to condense into
  21. To play cards with a known cheat. The rest of this section is therefore about, accidental ,infractions, caused by ignorance, clumsiness,inattention, etc. As the same
  22. The Rush-Bagot Treaty, establishing the border with Canada. *1847 – The, accidental ,shooting of a Māori by an English sailor results in the opening of the Kangaroo
  23. Profit within weeks or months. A final type of collector is the inheritor,an, accidental ,collector who acquires coins (a collection, hoard or investment) from another
  24. Flora, no Heatley; without Heatley, no penicillin. " Antibiotics Fleming's, accidental ,discovery and isolation of penicillin in September 1928 marks the start of
  25. Enjoyment through causing or receiving pain in other situations (for example, accidental ,injury, medical procedures). Discipline often incorporates sadomasochistic
  26. O (2n). Relevance Algorithm analysis is important in practice because the, accidental ,or unintentional use of an inefficient algorithm can significantly impact
  27. Cited human threat to birds is habitat loss. Other threats include overhunting, accidental ,mortality due to structural collisions or long-line fishing by catch, pollution
  28. Pinch,”“ push,” or direct another such minor action toward another, but an, accidental ,application of force is not an assault. The potential punishment for an assault
  29. Causes the boxer who committed it to be disqualified. A fighter who suffers an, accidental ,low-blow may be given up to five minutes to recover, after which they may be
  30. To reproduce. Schopenhauer refused to conceive of love as either trifling or, accidental , but rather understood it to be an immensely powerful force lying unseen within
  31. Was made a" consul "; a misinterpretation of this investiture, deliberate or, accidental , could explain later confusion. It may also be based on Alfred's later having
  32. Combination analgesics can often result in significant adverse events including, accidental ,overdoses, most often due to confusion which arises from the multiple (and
  33. Accidental BIOS rewrites in the form of boot blocks which are protected from, accidental ,overwrite or dual and quad BIOS equipped systems which may, in the event of a
  34. s) of the person who broke a rule should also not benefit. The penalty for an, accidental ,infraction should be as mild as reasonable, consistent with there being no
  35. Mentioned by 'Homers. ' The passage is miserably corrupt: but it may not be, accidental ,that the first three syllables make Abraham. The proper form of the name is
  36. There remains less chance of, accidental ,damage and infection, since the previously useless and exposed organ is sealed
  37. And that the similarity to the word reteach ('Briton' ) is" merely, accidental ,". The chronicler also wrote down the names of seven kings that Bede listed in
  38. The matter. Inhering in the parts giving them really distinct unities are the, accidental ,forms. The unity of the whole being is actuated by another really distinct
  39. As to the loss of any aircraft or vessel is human error. Whether deliberate or, accidental , humans have been known to make mistakes resulting in catastrophe, and losses
  40. On a preparative scale, and these results appeared to extend the run of, accidental ,discoveries relating to fullerenes. The original observation of fullerenes in
  41. Systems, where any anomaly might lead to very serious consequences, e. g., accidental ,death, injury or severe financial loss. Examples of systems where Ada is used
  42. Where more limited definitions of biosafety had focused on unintentional or, accidental ,impacts of agricultural and medical technologies.; Types of agents Under
  43. Growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of, accidental ,collocations of atoms, that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and
  44. Design phase for the IBM Stretch computer. It is a respelling of bite to avoid, accidental ,mutation to bite. The size of a byte was at first selected to be a multiple of
  45. Effects from several mainstream mouthwashes that included dental erosion and, accidental ,poisoning of children. The review garnered media attention and conflicting
  46. Commercial tree plantations, and poisoning: deliberate (to protect crops) or, accidental ,(baits intended for other species, and as a side effect of crop dusting). The
  47. Aristotle marked two modes of causation: proper (prior) causation and, accidental ,(chance) causation. All causes, proper and incidental, can be spoken as
  48. On 12 June 1954. Turing's mother argued strenuously that the ingestion was, accidental , caused by her son's careless storage of laboratory chemicals. Biographer
  49. And installs Rashid Ali as Prime Minister. *1944 – Navigation errors lead to an, accidental ,American bombing of the Swiss city of Schaffhausen. *1945 – World War II:
  50. Internal injuries without necessarily succeeding in inducing miscarriage. Both, accidental ,and deliberate abortions of this kind can be subject to criminal liability in

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