Examples of the the word, duel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( duel ), is the 12549 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Theatrical actors, a squirrel-hating transvestite highwayman, and a, duel ,with the Duke of Wellington (played by Stephen Fry). Series 4: Black adder
  2. Swordfight between Henry Tudor and Richard III. Shakespeare uses their, duel ,to bring a climactic end to the play and the Wars of the Roses; he also uses it
  3. Final game of the inaugural World Series started out as an intense pitcher's, duel , with no runs being scored until the fourth inning—when a Home Ferris single
  4. some X-Men are unwilling to forgive their former enemy. Cyclops loses a, duel ,for the leadership of the X-Men against Storm, then leaves them and joins the
  5. For her at Wu dang Mountain. After an angry dispute, the two women engage in a, duel , Wielding the Green Destiny, Jen gains the upper hand by destroying every
  6. From an oar while traveling on a boat to the predetermined island for the, duel , Types of broken The following list is the basic styles of broken made: # diet
  7. Under scrutiny, pulled Carlos Zambrano after the sixth inning of a pitcher's, duel ,with D-Backs ace Brandon Webb, to " .... save Zambrano for (a potential) Game
  8. He had a son by her who was missing somewhere in America),Syn fought a final, duel ,with Tapping in his jail cell, defeating him. Syn then struck a bargain with
  9. But he has no other choice but to challenge the Shi'AR Imperial Guard to a, duel ,over the fate of the Phoenix. Xavier would have lost against the greater power
  10. At the end of the film, Barry Lyndon survives with an amputated leg from a, duel ,(an incident absent in the novel) and returns to his gambling lifestyle with
  11. At Exposition Park (III) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Game 5 was a pitcher's, duel ,for the first five innings, with Boston's CY Young and Pittsburgh's Brickyard
  12. http://www.playbillarts.com/news/article/2341.html Two Vivaldi biopics may, duel ,at the box office * http://www.anima-veneziana.narod.ru/index.html Vivaldi
  13. Walk on-stage, deliver their lines, and exit. To build anticipation for the, duel , Shakespeare requests more alarms after Richard's councillor, William Gatsby
  14. in the 1750s Ireland, the father of Redmond Barry (Ryan O'Neal) is killed in a, duel ,over a disputed horse sale. The widow (Marie Mean),disdaining offers of
  15. And the intervention of the human hero Rama on behalf of the latter ** the, duel ,of AHIMA and Duryodhana at the Battle of Kurukshetra ** the Kinshasa king
  16. Marriage. Barry refuses to accept the situation and kills Quin in a, duel , apparently. Barry flees to Dublin, but en route is robbed of purse and
  17. Informs him that he did not kill Quin. His pistol was loaded with tow. The, duel ,was stage-managed to get rid of Barry, so Quin could marry Nora and repair her
  18. In to pitch if the Actors somehow extended the game. Game 4 was a pitcher's, duel ,between Freddy García and Brandon Back. The game was scoreless until Jermaine
  19. Trial by combat). One of the more modern refinements of the blood feud is the, duel , In certain parts of the world, nations in the form of ancient republics
  20. Bas-reliefs in the tympani at Battery Era (10th century) ** the, duel ,of the monkey princes Valid and Supriya, and the intervention of the human hero
  21. In two fights with Hector. In Book 7,Ajax is chosen by lot to meet Hector in a, duel ,which lasts most of a whole day. Ajax at first gets the better of the encounter
  22. Some wounded captured Union soldiers instead. It is possible that Johnston's, duel ,in 1837 had caused nerve damage or numbness to his right leg and that he did
  23. Wood, who held the position till someone else challenged and killed him in a, duel , after breaking a branch from a certain tree of the wood. This ever open
  24. A game, though not in a strictly proportional manner. Players are allowed to, duel ,each other with all damage being reduced in player vs player (PVP). The
  25. Off the Trojan armies virtually single-handedly. In Book 16,Hector and Ajax, duel ,once again. Hector is set on burning the ships, the only way he feels the
  26. Is the point – made earlier in the analysis – that" war is nothing but a, duel ,or wrestling match, a better translation of the German Zweikampf on a larger
  27. And it resulted in a written challenge from Jackson to a duel . In the, duel ,Dickinson shot Jackson in the ribs before Jackson returned the fatal shot;
  28. And Athenians quarreled, and made war upon each other with their allies,a, duel ,into which all the Hellenes sooner or later were drawn. " He adds:" the real
  29. They split up, Nobita encounters Gain and gets into a fight again. After a long, duel ,with Nikita trying to win at all costs so that Daemon can leave without
  30. Profiting from their gambling with Barry enforcing reluctant debtors with a, duel , Seeing that his life is going nowhere, Barry decides to marry into wealth. He
  31. He does so. Kubrick also changed the plot. The novel does not include a final, duel , By adding this episode, Kubrick establishes duel ing as the film's central
  32. Will attend the party uninvited. Carl-Magnus plans to challenge Fredrik to a, duel , while Charlotte hopes to seduce the lawyer to make her husband jealous and end
  33. Famous user of the suburbanized broken is Miyamoto Hisashi who used one in his, duel ,against Safari Mojito. Broken can be made in any style of weapon required such
  34. Fire, and cost Baudouin his life. As the British guns were distracted by a, duel ,with French artillery, a second attack by Soye's brigade and what had been
  35. Barry magnanimously fires into the ground, but Bullingdon refuses to let the, duel ,end there. He fires again, this time hitting Barry in the leg, which has to be
  36. Mozio Clementi, a gifted virtuoso pianist who tied with Mozart in a musical ", duel ," before the emperor in which they each improvised and performed their
  37. Story of Wellington's Premiership, in particular Catholic emancipation and his, duel , Wellington is played by Bernard Orchard. *Christopher Plummer portrayed
  38. City, no Julius Caesar assassination, a different outcome of Aaron Burr's, duel ,amongst other stories. All episodes have been preserved. The idea of an
  39. Hearing of this, Lord Bullingdon returns to England and challenges Barry to a, duel , Inside a barn, where the duel is held, a coin flip gives Bullingdon the
  40. Rattled like a bag of marbles. " Jackson’s reputation suffered greatly from the, duel , Rachel died of a heart attack on December 22, 1828,two weeks after her
  41. The NLCS. In game one, Tom Server faced Jack Bellingham in a classic pitching, duel , with all three runs of the 2–1 margin being scored on home runs. John Milner
  42. Of the State ". Wellington responded by immediately challenging Winchelsea to a, duel , On 21 March 1829,Wellington and Winchelsea met on Battersea fields. When it
  43. Did not fire, a plan he and his second almost certainly decided upon before the, duel , Honor was saved and Winchelsea wrote Wellington an apology. He had grown up
  44. Returns to England and challenges Barry to a duel . Inside a barn, where the, duel ,is held, a coin flip gives Bullingdon the privilege of shooting first, but his
  45. Her broken weapon. Mu Bad arrives and pursues Jen into a bamboo forest. A, duel ,ensues where Mu Bad overcomes a challenge Jen sets before him (to determine
  46. Of Richard III, the Battle of Bosworth Field is represented not by a single, duel ,but a general melee that became the film's most recognized scene and a regular
  47. Of his honorary citizenship of Montgomery, Alabama,and was challenged to a, duel ,by an Italian officer. He was threatened with legal action by Field-Marshal
  48. Establishes duel ing as the film's central motif: the film begins with a, duel ,where Barry's father is shot dead, and duel s recur throughout the film. Also
  49. General in command of the Texas Army. On February 7,1837,he fought in a, duel ,with Texas Brig. Gen. Felix Huston, challenging each other for the command of
  50. The local newspaper, and it resulted in a written challenge from Jackson to a, duel , In the duel Dickinson shot Jackson in the ribs before Jackson returned the

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