Examples of the the word, renaissance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( renaissance ), is the 6358 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be used for enemy propaganda. However, the language experienced something of a, renaissance ,in the 1970s and spread to new parts of the world, such as its veritable
  2. A topic of considerable interest in the early 2000s as it appeared a nuclear, renaissance ,was underway and large numbers of new reactors would be built over the next
  3. Then in large numbers. Short overview of instrument characteristics *Orihuela, renaissance ,guitars and baroque guitars have a bright sound - rich in overtones - and their
  4. That were possible with the more automated design systems. These chips caused a, renaissance ,of custom circuit design within the microprocessor design community. Originally
  5. Reuniting the Two Lands and inaugurating a period of economic and cultural, renaissance ,known as the Middle Kingdom. Middle Kingdom The pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom
  6. Most common cornet is a transposing instrument in B. It is not related to the, renaissance ,and early baroque cornet or cornet to. History The cornet was originally
  7. Most of Western Europe for the first time since the Romans, and the Carolingian, renaissance ,encouraged the formation of a common European identity. Background By the 6th
  8. Ages. Cypriot architecture was heavily influenced by French Gothic and Italian, renaissance ,introduced on the island during the era of Latin domination (1191–1571). In
  9. Time, and a unified literary language; in that sense he is a forerunner of the, renaissance ,with its effort to create vernacular literature in competition with earlier
  10. Church of St. Nikolai that now houses a modern art venue. A bit lower are the, renaissance ,spires of Rosenberg Castle and the" dragon spire" of Christian IV's former
  11. Levels decreased steadily from the late 1950s to late 1970s,but experienced a, renaissance ,with the introduction of the high-speed Intercity 125 trains in the late 1970s
  12. In Europe. Tourist attractions Until World War II there were many Gothic, renaissance ,and baroque houses in Elbląg's Old Town; some of them are reconstructed. Other
  13. Henri de Tschudi denotes that the usage of the metals was a symbol: During the, renaissance , alchemy broke into more distinct schools placing spiritual alchemists in high
  14. Rail business. This section started to gain importance in the mid-1990s in the, renaissance ,of tramways or" light-rail transit ". Bombardier acquired the assets and
  15. Of Persian national life and Persians laid the foundations for a, renaissance ,in the realm of letters. New Persian was born in Eastern Iran through the
  16. S hover-time in descending from the highest point in its flight. Art boomerang, renaissance ,Beginning in the latter part of the twentieth century there has been a bloom in
  17. As large as it had been since the New Kingdom. The 25th dynasty ushered in a, renaissance ,period for Ancient Egypt. Religion, the arts, and architecture were restored to
  18. Works. The non-historical works contributed greatly to the Carolingian, renaissance , Historian ecclesiastical gents Anglo rum Bede's best-known work is the Historian
  19. Of the characteristics of an English manor house with features from the Italian, renaissance , The house was ready for occupation by April 1902; Nansen called it Polhøgda (
  20. Be closed. This was never implemented by BR. Passenger services experienced a, renaissance ,with the introduction of high-speed intercity trains in the 1970s. Passenger
  21. Dunayevskaya, Alexandre Mojave and Gotthard Gunther among others. The Hegel, renaissance ,also highlighted the significance of Hegel's early works,i.e. those
  22. Of Virtue. Some Protestant movements grew up along lines of mysticism or, renaissance ,humanism (cf. Erasmus). The Catholic Church fell into general neglect under
  23. Architecture is of baroque architecture gauge and coastal areas are examples of, renaissance ,architecture. Literature Croatians are protective of the Croatian
  24. Published in 1588 his Orchésographie, a study of late 16th-century French, renaissance ,social dance. Among the dances described were the solemn base dance, the
  25. Has used this word to provide the definite ending of adjectives. The cultural, renaissance ,was first expressed through the development of the Albanian language in
  26. Of intelligence would explain why the Flynn effect has not caused a" cultural, renaissance ,too great to be overlooked. " Flynn in his 2007 book What Is Intelligence?
  27. The Phantom of the Opera, Enchanted and Mamma Mia! Were produced, fueling a, renaissance ,of the genre. A. R. Rahman, an Indian film composer, wrote the music for Andrew
  28. In the latter half of the 20th century,Hegel's philosophy underwent a major, renaissance , This was due to: (a) the rediscovery and reevaluation of Hegel as a possible
  29. By and for him. He writes chamber music, baroque music, classical,jazz, renaissance ,music, improvisational music and world music US minimalist composer Philip
  30. In favor of the Platonic idea of the mind. Renaissance Italy In the late, renaissance ,various writers began to question the medieval and classical understanding of
  31. An exemplar for public-private partnerships, downtown revitalization, and urban, renaissance , In studies conducted by The Economist in 2005 Cleveland was ranked as one of
  32. For: relationship;;. Modern French uses an" a," never a" o" ( as in).;, renaissance ,: meaning rebirth, a cultural movement in the 14-17th centuries; reportage:
  33. Court. However, only with the arrival of Austro-Hungarians did the painting, renaissance ,in Bosnia really begin to flourish. The first educated artists from European
  34. Modern instruments to match the pitch of historical instruments such as the, renaissance ,lute. Slides A slide, ( neck of a bottle, knife blade or round metal bar) used
  35. Of the enchanting gardens, still remains today. On the first floor the original, renaissance ,wood carved, coffered ceiling can be admired by visitors. Beginning during the
  36. Matches seriously enough to obtain a 2–2 draw in South Africa. The 1970s saw a, renaissance ,for the side. The last tour of the amateur age took place in 1993. Naming and
  37. Of Sassanian Middle Persian court language. The cradle of the Persian literary, renaissance ,lay also in Eastern Iran. The mastery of the newer speech having now been
  38. Tragical and not stylistically refined in the respects that the high and late, renaissance ,came to demand of literature. He wrote the Comedy in a language he called "
  39. String to F to mimic the standard tuning of the lute, especially when playing, renaissance ,repertoire originally written for the lute. Guitar accessories Though a guitar
  40. Was used as a refrigerant prior to the discovery of R-12 and may enjoy a, renaissance ,due to the fact that r134a contributes to climate change. Its physical
  41. On-field performance. 1969: The fall of '69 The late-1960s brought hope of a, renaissance , with third baseman Ron Santa, pitcher Ferguson Jenkins, and outfielder Billy
  42. And Orchestra is a notable three-movement work. Horn music in Britain had a, renaissance ,in the mid-20th century when Dennis Brain inspired works such as Britten's
  43. Of a general criticism of laissez-faire government. His reputation underwent a, renaissance ,during the Ronald Reagan Administration, but the ultimate assessment of his
  44. An ancient arid climate particularly conducive to fossilization. The" dinosaur, renaissance ," The field of dinosaur research has enjoyed a surge in activity that began in
  45. 1940s: the war and post-war years The desire for wartime propaganda created a, renaissance ,in the film industry in Britain, with realistic war dramas like 49th Parallel (
  46. Classes, for example),especially those formed prior to the Hegel, renaissance , Hegel's dialectic was most often characterized as a three-step process,"
  47. Green space in the northeastern part of the city is Bastille, a well-preserved, renaissance ,citadel that now serves mainly as a park. Another popular park is the
  48. Writers such as Bede, Alcuin and the other luminaries of the Carolingian, renaissance , This was not a cynical use of religion to manipulate his subjects into
  49. In 325. Middle Christendom" Christendom" has referred to the medieval and, renaissance ,notion of the Christian world as a sociopolitical polity. In essence, the
  50. In entablature notation. In the 17th century, influences from the Orihuela and the, renaissance ,five-string guitar were combined in the baroque guitar. The baroque guitar

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