Examples of the the word, knowledgeable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( knowledgeable ), is the 6359 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Gemini 8. Having already trained for two flights, Armstrong was quite, knowledgeable ,about the systems and was more in a teaching role for the rookie backup Pilot
  2. There. All the following positions can, and have been, supported by, knowledgeable ,people at various times: *The language's name became M in 1993 when the M
  3. Base of experienced experts – its Office Directors and support staff – who are, knowledgeable ,about DoD. The staff is rotated to ensure fresh thinking and perspectives, and
  4. By modern historians. The ancient Jewish people were also often viewed as being, knowledgeable ,in magic, which according to legend they had learned from Moses, who himself
  5. Naval Assistant to Controller of the Navy in February 1902 Bellicose became very, knowledgeable ,about his profession, much more so than most of his contemporaries, especially
  6. Injured. Two fatwas are said to have been appointed by the most theologically, knowledgeable ,of al-Qaeda's members, Mamdouh Mahmud Salem, to justify the killings according
  7. Is the key to the history of property as an institution. The more man becomes, knowledgeable ,of an object be it physical or intellectual, the more it is appropriated. The
  8. Style. His treatises became influential for generations of physicians. He was, knowledgeable ,about Greek and Arabic medicine, and followed the principles of humorism in the
  9. All of his MPs and Ministers, and worked hard himself. He was reputed to be as, knowledgeable ,on some ministerial portfolios as the ministers responsible themselves. To that
  10. With referrals to psychotherapeutic, medical,and legal professionals who are, knowledgeable ,about and sensitive to the BDSM, fetish,and leather community. In the US and
  11. Name of Nicholas Baker for security reasons. His role on the project was as the, knowledgeable ,consultant or" father confessor ". He often expressed social concern about
  12. Tried and tested by rich countries. However, technology transfer requires, knowledgeable ,managers and engineers who are able to operate new machines or production
  13. Engineering). Ideally, a secure system should require a deliberate, conscious, knowledgeable , and free decision on the part of legitimate authorities in order to make it
  14. Treatment. There are other treatment plans that should be discussed with a, knowledgeable ,health care practitioner, which can be used in conjunction with behavioral
  15. Current (U. S.) pro-capitalist sense. He was a trained economist, but also, knowledgeable ,in history and political philosophy. When young, he considered himself part of
  16. In February 1918 revealed its weaknesses: insufficient numbers, lack of, knowledgeable ,officers, and near absence of coordination and subordination. Celebrated and
  17. Sale of the Steelers and the Eagles began in 1940 which confuse even the most, knowledgeable ,football historians. Alexis Thompson was in the market to buy a sport
  18. Are several types of midwives: A Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) is a, knowledgeable , skilled and professional independent midwifery practitioner who has met the
  19. For Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy certifies pharmacists that are, knowledgeable ,about principles of geriatric pharmacotherapy and the provision of
  20. Maintaining profitability, airlines have many loopholes that can be used by the, knowledgeable ,traveler. Many of these airfare secrets are becoming more and more known to the
  21. Although far from reliable, has reached the point where many scientists are, knowledgeable , the literature is readily available, and the implementation of the technology
  22. Only group apart from mammals where interactive teaching has been observed. A, knowledgeable ,forager of Hemothorax albipennis leads a naive nest-mate to newly discovered
  23. Of education, knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves, knowledgeable ,upon those whom they consider knowing nothing. Projecting an absolute ignorance
  24. City, an administrator and representative of the Hindu and Muslim people, as a, knowledgeable ,interpreter of the local customs. The new coin, based on the existing local
  25. Gangs in 1966. A reviewer for The New York Times praised it as an" angry, knowledgeable , fascinating and excitedly written book ", that shows the Hells Angels" not so
  26. Different kinds of students are: the student who has been well-educated by, knowledgeable ,teachers; the student who has had no education; and the student who has had a
  27. He described the right of students to a well-educated and culturally, knowledgeable ,teacher. Secondly, he discussed the importance of teaching the ideals of
  28. Stable until 1998 when Fidel Castro, declared that Mexican children were more, knowledgeable ,on Disney characters than on key figures in Mexican history, such declarations
  29. His considerable fortune to the work. Schliemann needed an assistant who was, knowledgeable ,in matters pertaining to Greek culture. As he had divorced Ekaterina in 1869
  30. The Conservatory is to create a musical environment where musicians can become, knowledgeable ,in various musical subjects, be exposed to different music genres, and most
  31. Times. On his first visit, he interviewed the Portuguese and the far more, knowledgeable ,Malay sailors in Malacca. He estimated the early sixteenth century population
  32. Issues can put the legacy system at risk of being compromised by attackers or, knowledgeable ,insiders. * Integration with newer systems may also be difficult because new
  33. Both metaphorically (to refer to someone who was ignorant but later became, knowledgeable ,) and literally, as a reference to those healed in the Bible. In the later
  34. Least obvious that a divine infinite being conceived of as necessary infinitely, knowledgeable ,would also know how, for example, a finite person man dying feels like as He
  35. Costs to the customer is often very important and requires a skilled and, knowledgeable ,locksmith to determine. Employment Locksmiths may be commercial (working out
  36. Situation. Staff burden was reduced at the top and spread among commands more, knowledgeable ,about their own situation. In addition, the encouragement of initiative at all
  37. Library in person for help with more involved research questions. A staffed and, knowledgeable ,reference desk is an essential part of a library. The services that are
  38. That appear in Mises's original formulation. " Rothbard also was, knowledgeable ,in history and political philosophy. Rothbard's books, such as Man, Economy
  39. There is little evidence to support the idea that 18th century colonists were, knowledgeable ,regarding the Iroquois system of governance. What little evidence there is
  40. Adventures in the spirit world. New entrants into the band are expected to be, knowledgeable ,in poetry as well as undergo a number of physical tests or ordeals. There is
  41. Rise of misplaced power exists and will persist ... Only an alert and, knowledgeable ,citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military
  42. Its members to be politically active, to participate in elections, and to be, knowledgeable ,about current political and social issues within their communities, states,and
  43. Are Brythonic. Users and admirers of Python—most especially those considered, knowledgeable ,or experienced—are often referred to as Methodists, Pythonistas, and Pioneers
  44. Died of tuberculosis. Survival then became editor; he was enthusiastic and, knowledgeable , yet temperamentally ill-suited for the work. Many volunteer readers eventually
  45. Is also important. In discussion forums, it is often assumed that the most, knowledgeable ,users have the best chances of becoming moderators, although online popularity
  46. It as" American inanity," though both Kern and Hammerstein were strong and, knowledgeable ,Anglophiles. Kern's last Broadway show (other than revivals) was Very Warm
  47. A line from Shakespeare are William Shakespeare. " Shakespeare himself was a, knowledgeable ,of this idea: lines" I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be buried
  48. Not only an interest in design, but also a habit of being familiar with and, knowledgeable ,about the materials that his later projects would require. Fuller earned a
  49. someone's aegis" means doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable , or benevolent source. The word aegis is identified with protection by a strong
  50. Be a mixture of a giraffe, a horse, and a zebra, and an inside joke to people, knowledgeable ,of occult magic. In one of the sketches of his improvisational 2010 Christmas

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